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Chatback #14


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  • Evening all n'all!

    Had a great day....raked up the dried grass clippings from the field- OH played on our neighbour's new mini tractor yesterday.It has a topper , so the 3blokes we're playing in the field with it.
    Boyz toyz moment...

    Looks like it might be the answer to not having a sit on mower anymore....

    Just packed away a BBQ having shared with extended family who are staying over.
    Got to be up at 5am to see them breakfasted and off for the's all go here ain't it!

    There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, but we have clouds...typical !
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning Crew of the good ship Grapevine, I hope you are all well and looking forward to Sunday and getting things done before Winter weather returns next week. When I see frost warnings, it just lets me know I'm not as behind as I think I am.
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • Morning Cad n all. Looks like a lovely day here. Domestic staff back after a few days away buy still asleep - shall have to prod him soon

        Looks like it's going to be a good day weather wise so enjoy....
        Another happy Nutter...


        • Morning, lovely day here again. It got a bit windy yesterday which had a bit of a chilly feel to it, hopefully today won't be too bad. OH got a new phone and asked me to help set it up. BIG MISTAKE! Tried backing up content to !tunes and lost all his photos and messages. Luckily the photos are also on his !pad. Outwardly he took it very well, inwardly I could tell he was seething! Best stay out of his way today.
          Have a lovely day everyone, enjoy the sun.


          • Forgot to say 'Happy St. George's Day'


            • Good Morning All Sunny here too. Have a good St George's Day
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning Girls'n'Cad from a lovely mild Nestland............not sure what's in store today, will just have to wing it & see where it takes me.............have a good one.
                sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
                Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                • Morning boys and girls. Overcast at the moment, hoping for another sunny day as the washing machine is on.
                  My room service also needs a prod, fast asleep up there.
                  Nothing planned, so like most, let's go with the flow
                  Have a good one
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Morning all,lovely sun again,must wake up and get going,have a lovely day all.
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Morning everyone, still in bed with a cuppa at the moment readying myself to move the garden shed. If I can get that done this morning I'm either going to try to get a couple of hours in at the plot or stay at home in the garden, will see later on. Seed sowing is definitely on the cards, still have beans and cucurbits to do. Have a great day..


                      • Morning its nice and sunny here still cold with it though.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Morning all - sun shining, high cloud so hopefully it will stay dry and bright. Mowed the lawns last night - I can tell we have not had too much rain, not a lot of trimmings for my mulching! Off out rambling shortly - Market Drayton - the home of gingerbread Have a good day.


                          • A lovely sunny morning here today just back in from a walk with the dog a wee bit chilly but really nice to see the sun, was out over the fields plenty of birds flying about past two or three wrens, lovely wee birds and a couple of deer and if it hadn't been for their white rump bobing as they ran I wouldn't have noticed them need to go and get ready for church. Enjoy your day
                            Last edited by rary; 23-04-2017, 08:48 AM.
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Morning all and we have a dull, overcast start to the day.
                              Nothing planned so will go with the flow.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • The sun has managed to come out now. Sitting in front of the TV watching the Marathon. My neice is in it. Big thing for our family, now if I could just find her on tv ........
                                Following on an app, flipping marvellous thing
                                Nannys make memories


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