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  • Mornin n'all n'all
    Brrrr....tis a tad more

    Have a great day peeps
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Hope you feel better soon Flo.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Poor you Flo - I've had that and it's horrible a bit chilly here but nice. Children and I still in pj's so need to get dressed & tidy up before a friend comes for a visit. Have promised youngest we can make chocolate cake today.
        Another happy Nutter...


        • Goo morning,

          Grey clouds here. Look like we are in for a down pour. No work for me until Thursday. So today me and the OH are going Golden Days garden centre in Wigan. Plus has a fish shop there for him.

          Need finish my coffee then I am off out. See you all later.

          Have a good day


          • Hi guys. Hope you start to recover soon, FF. Happyhumph, sounds like you're enjoying domestic bliss there. And Jay22, don't let one hotel put you off. There are lots of lovely places in the Lake District. That said, there's no guaranteeing the weather. I remember plenty of family holidays with at least one day wandering round Ambleside, trying to stay out of the rain in the shops while attempting to avoid spending loads of money.

            As for here, another frosty morning. Today and tomorrow are big gardening days. Got a lot to do before I head off. So far, weeded the garlic bed. Didn't much enjoy the ants running all over my feet and up my legs. Doubtless more elsewhere. The onion beds desperately need weeding but I might do one tomorrow and one Wednesday.

            Plan for the rest of today: finish digging the long bed watered yesterday, plant out broccoli, Hispi, kalettes and some of the sprouts. (Hope there's room for some beetroot in there too). Chop down a load of tall grass (really do need to to get and learn how to use a scythe). And maybe pot up the courgettes.

            No good writing it all down if I don't get on with it! Have a good day, folk.

            P.S. Despite the frost, it's warm enough for this to be the first day of the year for wearing shorts.


            • Speedy recovery Flo, I had that a couple of years ago which resulted in a rare visit to the Drs. I've never felt so ill.
              sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


              • It's Baltic out there(which I guess shouldn't surprise me as due east from here is the Baltic), just brought all the tomatoes, chillies, peppers and melons from the greenhouse back into the conservatory till this weeks ice age passes by.


                • Good morning all. It was a nice bright morning earlier but now its lashing rain.
                  On the cards for today. Me and OH are stripping wallpaper from the dining room, sitting room and the stairs, hall and landing.
                  After lunch I am off to toen to pick the paper.
                  Hopefully there will be a little time left for some gardening.

                  So sorry to hear your unwell Flo. Hope your back on your feet soon.

                  Have a god day all.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Morning all - back to jumper wearing again!

                    I was going to start shoving plants outside but with this week's forecast looks like they will have to stay indoors much longer. Getting like a jungle in here and him indoors is not happy!

                    I'm not behind on sowing either, Cad! Also being cautious

                    Get better soon Flo. Vertigo sounds awful.

                    Yesterday afternoon was nice and I enjoyed potting in the sun. Don't think I'll be doing that today.

                    Have a good Monday everyone.
                    LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                    • Wondered why Cad had beaten you in this morning Flo! I had a bout of Labyrinthitis last year which is more or less the same as you have. It's horrible. Visit the doctor and they will give you some anti sickness pills. Hope you feel better soon, I really sympathise with you...I have never felt so awful in my life!


                      • Me neither, it was like permanently coming off a roller coaster, throwing up everywhere. I thought my time was up.
                        sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
                        Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                        Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                        KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                        • Oh Flo, just seen your posting, thinking of you and hoping the room stops spinning soon.
                          . .......Man Vs Slug
                          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                          Nutters Club Member


                          • Good afternoon,that sounds an awfull thing to have,get well soon FF,a bit cooler here,it has tried to rain,but failed to wet the ground,and a bit off a breeze,looked at the green house thom,it was 19?,and the lowest 7 ?,managed to pot on the toms yesterday,potted up some dahlia,freshiers,and iris,they all have an equall chance,the brasicas at the lottie have come of worse for ware,afraid they got neglected on account of project chicken,talk of which,seem to have settled fine,today they came out a few seconds after door open time,yesterday,son said they making a racket down there,i did put 2 old tree root/stumps in to play on,now removed for a while,the bluebelle was sitting on the top squarking for the others to get away,i have noticed that they try to roost on it instead of going up the ladder to roost,it was so funny to see their reaction after removal,they all stood there wondering what the ek just happened,i have had to lift some up and the others followed on their own,so hopefully they are being trained,think bluebell is top of the pecking order,if weeds are but in,she lift the head and looks could kill,the other just scatter,the only other 1 that seems to get closer is the black rock,and poor little warren is at the bottom,they are so funny,have a good afternoon all.
                            Last edited by lottie dolly; 24-04-2017, 12:48 PM.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • We have had a hail storm, very strong winds, now just showers, joys of Spring in sunny Scotland.
                              Razorbill2 by R MAURINS, on Flickr

                              Took this yesterday, had to do a double check to make sure it wasn't a Penguin lol.


                              • I had about 10 hours sleep last night with a 30min interruption to let the dogs out. I can't believe i really, really need to sleep again. It takes time to catch up to 3 days with catnaps. i have a meeting at 7.15 so i just hope it's a short one. I've turned the heating back on. I do realise it's not that cold but being tired i can't warm up.

                                Someone locally has a bonfire. I wonder if they will get the same abuse from my neighbour as I did.

                                I actually came on here to say something but i now can't remember what. Either tired brain or senile dementia. When I remember I'll be back.
                                "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                                "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


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