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  • Looks like most of my onions survived yesterday, a ridiculously hot day for late May, exacerbated by strong winds. Just goes to show how determined things are to live. Mind you, they've had gallons and gallons of water.

    Did a watering round this morning. The first really big one. Took ages. And there's still a lot more to be planted out. Also tied up the toms again this morning. Looks like the Sungold will be the first to ripen (as usual), but for the biggies, it's a toss-up between the Cuor di Bue and the Marmande. Rather getting ahead of myself by imagining having a huge tomato salad... Still a while to go.

    This evening's job: rotavate the melon bed and plant them out. Then, if I've got the energy for it, do the same for the pepper and aubergine bed. Starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere.

    Hope you're all having fun.


    • Cooler up here too, 15 degrees inside the greenhouse, cooler out, might go trout fishing in a bit.


      • Drizzling steadily now so a nice soaking for the plants I have e a window and frame to clean if I can summon the energy
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Good morning all. A bit dull and overcast here but still warm. We had more rain overnight so we have had our fill now. No bank holiday here until next weekend so off into town to collect my new glasses.
          Hopefully some gardening this afternoon.
          Have a good day all and hope it rains where its needed.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Afternoon all

            Hope everyone is having a good Bank Holiday Monday. My daughter has a friend round to play so she is happy.

            I'm glad the weather is cooler because I got a bad case of sunburn yesterday and, unless I want to wear high neck clothing which will look a bit odd at this time of year, there is no easy way to cover it all up.

            Sowed some more carrots today -original lot with very nice green tops - and planted out some beetroot which I've had no success with before but will wait and see what this year brings.
            LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


            • Click image for larger version

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              Drop of drizzle didn't spoil the day, only caught one fish but it was a beauty and of course went off to swim another day. I do like fish, just keep putting the wild brown trout back, but will eat any of the rainbow trout that have escaped from the local commercial fishery


              • Good evening, had a good day today went to the Trossachs and avoided the rain stopped at a GC near Stirling where I bought (that sends a cold shiver down my back) a stainless steel bulb planter at half price, then driving towards Callander the road was quiet, I mean sound wise, as I had forgot my hearing aid, and I was listening to a music program, no singing so I could hear the instruments easier, we had a snack at a coffee shop in the town, I paid, but there was no change as OH had gave me the correct money, we drove through Aberfoyle and stopped at a GC where I got a Flamboyant Begonia I have been after that for quite a time, once home I got out to the greenhouse and put a fire on not so much for heat though it was getting cooler and raining, but to sterilize some soil, and kill off some vine weevil grubs, though it was raining I decided to collect some compost material VC calls them weeds
                Well I'm off to flick through more of Chelsea, I list to it with ear phones as it saves disturbing my OH,( you know how grumpy women get if they get disturbed its like light blue touch paper stand well back, so I wish you all a good night, when you go out tomorrow go with the idea of making a stranger feel nice. Goodnight
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Evening all. Been another busy week for me. Had some sad news, my grandmother died last weekend. She was 94 though, & apart from mid level dementia was in reasonable health for her age. Apparently she was walking back to her room with two carers after dinner, sighed, & slid to the floor, dead. So, very sad she's gone, but really a very good way to go. Fortunately my parents saw her the week before. Will be driving to Essex for the funeral next week - about 6 hours there, stay overnight, then back the next day.

                  On a happier note it's half term, & OH and I took children out in the canoe on the river today. Quite a few fish splashing, & had cake at the end. The last week has been really hot, so been swimming in our friends outdoor pool 4 times! Bit cooler now which is more useful for getting things done, & we've had some much needed rain.

                  Night all, work tomorrow so off to bed. OH has children to himself all day!
                  Another happy Nutter...


                  • So sorry to hear about your grandmother, HH. A peaceful way to leave the world. I think that's what we all would want. Doesn't make it easier to bear though.

                    It must have been beautiful down west this week - glorious weather. There's no finer place when the sun shines


                    • Sorry to hear your sad news Happyhumph.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Mornin n'alln'all '

                        According to the cuckoo in our tree it's about 962o'clock!...he's clearly giving it his all!

                        Sad news to hear HH....but a good way to go.

                        Domestics and gardening again for me today.....
                        Have a great day y'all
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Morning Nicos n all & thanks for everyone's sympathy.

                          Have to agree either you VC - really is the best place when the weathers good, which of course it always is. ......
                          Another happy Nutter...


                          • Morning All and Deepest Sympathy Happyhumph.

                            Mrs C did very well and managed not to use the wheel chair at the wedding on Sunday, she is however suffering for her stubbiness and I anticipate that she will suffer for a few days yet and may even need a rest day in bed as she may not be able to make it back up the stairs today if she comes down.

                            It's take three for the stair lift later this afternoon, I'm not holding my breath just hopeful it comes is fitted and works this time!
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Sorry to hear your news, HH.

                              And best of luck with the stair lift, Cadalot. You must be getting proper fed up, especially after all the rushing to get everything else done beforehand.

                              Cloudy here today. Hallelujah. It's been far too hot, bright and windy these last few days. Everything has been struggling in the veg patch. Including me. Bit of a respite for the plants and me today.

                              Have a good day, everyone.


                              • Morning everyone, it's my penultimate MoM day and I am off to work after the bank holiday.
                                We have had an epic failure with our Firestorm runners
                                Good job that hubs had planted half the row with our saved seeds and had the foresight to sow some in pots in the grow house.
                                So, we now have a full line of runners, with strings going up shortly.
                                I think we will change the habit of a lifetime and grow them in pots from now on. I can see I will be fighting him with grow house space lol
                                Have a great day everyone
                                Nannys make memories


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