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Chatback #14


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  • Morning all, dull and grey here.
    Yesterday was such a lovely day, but we need some rain here.
    I looked out my bedroom window when I got up and suddenly realised how beautiful my flowers are.
    A bee was spotted on the runners yesterday, so I hope he's a gossip and tells all his bee friends
    Work this morning and over to Daughters this afternoon. A fun filled day - sort of. Will be lovely to see our GG though
    Have a great day peeps
    Nannys make memories


    • Mornin n'alln'all!

      Rary....have you got a steamer....I find it brings out the sweetness more.

      Hospital check up for me today....then a swim, then domestics....I've a list of things in desperate need of doing within the next 10 days!(soooo glad the weather is changing)

      My dieting is going well. Slow and steady decrease.
      Almost back to the weight I was when I lost 2stone a couple of years ago...and then I can work on the next stone!
      Funny how much easier it is to diet in the summer.....

      Hope everyone is OK?
      Have a great day y'all......
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning all, very cool here and set to rain which is good as been so dry.

        Well done Nicos on your diet. The hardest thing, I think, about dieting is keeping the weight off once you've got down to desired weight. I always struggled with that until I adopted a sugar free diet which meant not just eliminating the obvious cakes, biscuits etc but cutting out processed food because sugar is in virtually every packaged thing you can think of at the supermarket. It's mind boggling why sugar is in so much stuff.

        I will eat the occasional sugar laden item but I keep it to once a week instead of daily which is how it used to be with all my snacking I try and snack on sweet fruits like bananas and peaches instead of rubbish. Thankfully I am now a lot healthier, not just slimmer. The health bit bothered me more.
        LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


        • Morning all, it's persisting it down up here today, glad I cut the grass yesterday as I think it's in for the week, great for outside stuff, but the tommies aren't going to ripen in this dull cooler weather, always got something to complain about with the weather.............................


          • Morning its dull and a bit damp here so I'd like the summer back please.

            Rary I always steam my veg well apart from frozen peas, lots of recipes online for fried cabbage or there even a cabbage pie its a French recipe and very tasty.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all. Well,was up with the dog a few times during the night and the rain was chucking it down! It was cold too! A bit lighter now but still raining and it's a lot cooler than what is was!
              Survived the vet. It's amazing the difference between the younger vets and the older more experienced one. The girl who has been taking care of Harry wasn't there yesterday so we saw the owner. H, although he did squirm a little, was great with him, no having to put a muzzle on him and hold him in a headlock to have his ears checked!
              Indoor chores today because of the weather and who knows that ironing pile that's been winking at me for ages might get doing...yes the same one! Probably needs freshening up again...woops!


              • Good morning all. It rained here all night but we now have the sunshine.
                Collecting the G.G. this morning and taking my sister to the airport. How quick the time goes by.
                Hope to get some time in the garden later. It looks fresher already after all the rain.
                Have a good day all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Rary, this is Mr Snoop's favourite (apart from stir-fried Chinese-style with loads of other veg) cabbage dish (too easy to call a recipe): shred cabbage finely and wash well, don't shake off the water clinging to the leaves. Finely chop a slice or two (or three, depending on how much cabbage you have and how much you like bacon) and mince a clove of garlic or two. Fry the garlic and bacon in olive oil (you can add a minced red chilli or pinch of chilli flakes too if you like that kind of thing) and then add the cabbage and stir into to the bacon. Cover and leave to cook for a few minutes. Stir again. Add just a tiny amount of water (tablespoon or two) if necessary. Cover again and repeat till done. Doesn't take long.

                  Weather got unbelievably hot unbelievably quickly, so still haven't done the leeks. This is now getting ridiculous. Was going to do it today, but turns out I forgot to do a piece of paid drudgery, so that takes precedence. Only ten years to retirement (plus whatever the government here adds on to keep down its pensions bill) before I can do what I want when I want!

                  Have a good day, everyone.


                  • Af'noon all, not been around much thanks to getting a little bit of welcome paid drudgery. Very welcome cos my washing machine has just packed up. I will miss it - it's very good-looking (for a washing machine) and has been spinning away for 15 years. The new shininess has a dryer inbuilt, so hopefully no more soggy walls this winter.

                    Am having to stay in and wait for it, which at least gives me space to read through all I've missed on here!

                    We did the plot inspections this morning. There will be a record number of letters of concern going out, which isn't great. Though it's probably good news for people on our waiting list.
           - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                    • Evening, it's chilly tonight again...thought it was summer?!


                      • Evening all. After a hslf day of rain we had a sunny afternoon.
                        My sister is gone back to London.
                        The dog I was looking after for rhe weekend has gone back to my son and his wife.
                        G G is gone homeceith her mother.
                        Its all gone very quiet here suddenly.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Good Morning All Raining Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning Flo et al, Been raining here but dry at the moment, have a great day everyone...
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Morning all. Ha , it's been raining most of the night and still is I'll have to find something to do today instead of the lotty
                              Location ... Nottingham


                              • Morning all, big rain yesterday and overnight. No watering today.
                                Day off today, do I suspect household chores will rear their ugly head
                                Have a great day, whatever you're doing
                                Nannys make memories


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