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  • Thsnk you so much Rary. Youre quite right but it is the first time they have had to face this.
    Thank you so much for the prayers, really appreciate them. X

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • So sad to hear your news bramble, thinking of you and your family at this difficult time!


      • Sad news Bramble, thinking of you and yours.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Very sorry to hear about your loss Bramble. I vividly remember losing my gran too.

          I have an extra day at the Flower Show build to help out a designer who's having an utter nightmare. I wish there was better recycling - the trade stands are skipping masses of plants and I've rescued some brilliant pots. I visit the skip every couple of quite a few plants for the RDA's new sensory ride!

          But first it's off to my very neglected allotment - I haven't seen it for 3 days!
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • Mornin n'alln'all
            Busy day ahead....just wanted to say Hi to you all and send bramble a big hug xx

            See ya later.....
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Good Morning All Deepest sympathy Bramble. We had the boiler serviced yesterday and found our this morning that the engineer had turned the hot water off and put the heating on. Makes me wonder if the thermostat is working. Have a good day
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • In case you're wondering - Room Service was punctual today
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Bramble I'm sorry to read about you and your family's sad loss xx
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning all,sorry to hear off your loss bramble,we had to pop the heating on tother day also,not looked in here as i not been in a good place,stressed out,i am definatly coming back as one off VC's dogs,with nothing to worry about,good thing is ti's warming up again outside,have a good day all.
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Happy Sunny Sunday
                      Chin up Lottie! Even the dogs get stressed sometimes - like when they can't find their ball or they want dinner and its a bit slow coming
                      They said you can come and play in their gang as long as you bring your own ball!

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20170520_153245.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	91.3 KB
ID:	2373420

                      Hope everyone's enjoying some fine weather. can't belive we're in the 2nd half of 2017 already Where does time go??.....................and other profound questions


                      • Bright and breezy today and finally the greenhouse is warming up after nearly a week of constant 15 degrees. Wind is doing a bit of damage, new roses are getting a bit beaten up as they get used to our coastal climate.


                        • Sorry to hear your news, Bramble.

                          Windy today here. Just as well we buttressed the tomato plants yesterday, though it will make watering them a challenge. One of the pepper plants that I hadn't tied in to its cane snapped off at ground level due to the wind. All the remaining untied ones now tied. Better late than to lose all of them. Also tried to reduce the tomato jungle this morning in a bid to stop them all from flying away, buttresses or no buttresses.

                          These last few days have felt like autumn, oddly. Same sky colour, same air temperature and 'feel'... Wouldn't mind more cool days, but could do without the wind.

                          Off to a poetry do in a bit. Not really my cup of tea, to be honest. but it's on translating poetry, and translating is what I do. Though nobody here will be interested in my version of a local poem. Won't understand a word of it. And that suits me.

                          Hugs to Bramble and anyone else who feels the need for one.


                          • Good morning all, it was very windy last night and I've yet to go out a check if my blow away has blown away as it's absolutely pouring down!! Guess summer has gone for good! Enjoy the sun, those who have it and yes VC, can't believe the nights are drawing in already.

                            Bess certainly makes you smile...look at that face, how can you resist!

                            Hope you are feeling better Lottie.

                            Have a great day everyone!


                            • Afternoon all. I was up early ish I promise
                              Flippin hot outside, I've been doing chores today and more washing
                              Dinner is in the slow cooker, so that will be easy later on
                              Domestic bliss will all end today. Back to work tomorrow and any thoughts of chores will be gone
                              Hope you are all ok
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Thank you VC and gang,i do have my own ball,it's pink,smooth,and large,it can be sat or excersis,am feeling a bit more in control and eating and keeping,only getting rest of tiles on wall will do the trick,i did make a blunder on the window wall,it was took down and reddone half way,by another with my agreement,providing HE put them back,and a very good job too,however,he said would finish the few others left for us,next thing heard was grumble,mutter,some bangs and no tiles or plasterboard on 1 wall ,i cleaned up the bloody mess,wall now has aqua panel,and hope to start tiling tomoz,more tiles wasted ,MR has been upset at what it has done to me,as he cannot help bless him,there is a hymn Fight the good fight,well it is a Sunday,I only hope that blasted so called fairy gets as cheesed off as i am,and goes home
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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