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  • Hi
    Just thought I'd pop in, havnt been around for a while. Managed to get dad moved from not so good home into a good nursing home after a yr on their waiting list :O , he has settled and seems content. They are very good with him and it has made a huge difference to the family.
    Needless to say I havnt done much 'growing' this yr , some salads which I'm now harvesting and today have sown some radish, rocket and spring onions.
    OHs uncle gave me a tomato tumbler but I've given it to mum as I hadn't cleaned greenhouse or anything and it's bit cool and windy mostly for growing them outside here.
    Anyway, hope all are well go and catch up some more
    Last edited by Containergardener; 21-07-2017, 04:12 PM.
    Northern England.


    • Evening All..Just thought i would pop in and say hiii...Its been a while since ive logged on here..


      • Mornin n'alln'all n'all
        Busy weekend ahead...just bobbing in to say how-do
        Nice to see a few 'old' faces there!

        Have a gud'un peeps....
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Good Morning Nicos'n'All Welcome back CG and SP. Room Service was a little late but still very welcome. We have Tramlines in our garden this weekend so it was windows closed last night until 10 but starts again at 10 this morning. Have a good Saturday
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning Flo
            Rather dull here today, not sure of plans ...may be visiting dad or mum may be going. Now he is only 5mins from her it's much better.
            Been having a catch up on other threads and I have growing envy . I usually have pots all over the decking but I cleaned it all, restained , repainted walls, new seating instead.
            I had last yrs potato bags sat with compost still in them and now I have potato shoots coming out :O
            Will they produce anything do you think?
            I sowed some chilli yesterday, not sure if they will do anything but we shall see.
            Have a good day
            Last edited by Containergardener; 22-07-2017, 08:30 AM.
            Northern England.


            • Hello all,hope all is well with everyone,i am feeling so much better,and have been tolled look it,did a cake yesterday,put frozen blueberries in,a quick swirl then in the oven,boy it is nice,just needs a bit longer cooking time,am thinking cream and more blueberries on the top,yum yum,come to me tum,so pleased it has cooled off,pleased you found better arrangments for your father CG,makes things easier to bear,i to are hit and miss with the growing side,
              be good to yourselves have a good day
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Finally managed to do a bit of gardening after laundry and roasting a joint of pork. Chicken now in oven so back out for some more pottering to the accompaniment of unknown bands. Glad to hear your dad is comfortable CG, what a relief for you and your family. Cake sounds delish Lottie, save me a piece please
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Afternoon, dull, windy and showery here today although it's not cold again. Good to see you back SP and CG, glad you got your dad into a better place CG ! Lottie, that cake sound delish, if I was nearer you could expect me for a cuppa!
                  Has anyone tried buying a small piece of vinyl flooring...tried to buy a piece for the downstairs loo. Unless you want any shade of beige you are fine. I was looking for white with black keysquare, impossible. Looking online it's difficult to get that too.
                  Well, hope you have a great day everyone...enjoy the Chardonnay Janie!


                  • Good evening all. Had a beautiful day weatherwise. Sunny and balmy.
                    It was ourPitch and putt open this weekend.
                    Spent two hours this morning doing kitchen duty as we all do it on a voluntary basis and thrn spent the rest of the day playing and socialising.
                    Great turnout as the weather was just perfect.
                    Home now and hubby cooking a steak dinner.
                    Tired but happy.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • Hi Jay, nice to be back already planning my to do list

                      Flooring, have you looked on the internet..fleabay etc

                      Ps if there's any cake left Lottie......yes please
                      Last edited by Containergardener; 22-07-2017, 06:01 PM.
                      Northern England.


                      • Jay, have a look on any freegle site or the like for a small off cut of flooring
                        What a yuk day it was here, raining all day. Doesn't make you want to do anything.
                        Hoping for a better day tomorrow
                        Enjoy your evening everyone
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Good Morning All Have a lovely Sunday Hot and sunny here.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all, dull and nippy here. Rain forecast this afternoon and the rest of the day.
                            I really do hate it when it rains, I don't feel like doing anything
                            Boiled eggs are on, anyone want one or two?
                            Have a great day
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Morning all
                              Dull here too and rain forecast this afternoon ugh.
                              Not sure of days plans , told mum I was available for dad visits sat,sun mon so she has asked me to go Wednesday
                              She is on stripping her bedroom , she starts these big jobs but can't finish them so I end up having to go sorting it out . Be better if she asked prior when we could help
                              OH pulled his back yesterday and I've got tennis elbow type thing going on , I can't even lift the kettle with that arm. Dunno what I've done..pair of creaky crocks here
                              Maybe a trip to be-qu or H/base would help us ...
                              Have a good day
                              Northern England.


                              • Persisting it down up here again, water butts will be over flowing


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