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  • Morning All I'm late because I have just sown another 220 Spring Onions, 110 Evergreen Bunching and 110 White Lisbon half in MPC and the other half in MPC and SoilFixer SF60 as part of my trial of their product.

    Just managed to get it done and in the Space Saver Greenhouse before the rain came.
    . .......Man Vs Slug
    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
    Nutters Club Member


    • Morning all, you're keen Cad
      Was woken up by the stereo sound of rain from the next doors conservatory and the other sides lack if guttering. Arghh
      It's stopped now, but lots more forecast.
      Off out for the day visiting Aunty, so will check in later
      Have a good day folks
      Nannys make memories


      • Good morning all.
        Lovely sunny morning here.
        Off out to play pitch and putt shortly.
        GG will be coming for lunch and I will take her out in the afternoon.
        Have a good day all.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
          Morning all, you're keen Cad
          Yep out in the back garden in my PJ's sowing onion seeds before the 80% chance of rain came and as I managed to create two additional mini Flower buckets and got one planted up last night before it got dark I really wanted to get the other one done first thing so there isn't too much of a time difference between the sowings as its a comparison test that I'm doing.

          So that's 440 overwintering Spring Onions in all so far. I may do another batch at the end of August start of September, in anticipation of the greenhouse on plot 23B actually getting erected next year.
          . .......Man Vs Slug
          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
          Nutters Club Member


          • Morning all, it's another beautiful sunny morning here again...that's two in a row! Depending on how wet the grass is I may get it cut but I have a feeling the lawn will still be like a bog!
            Who's your lodger Flo? Dog, cat...?
            Well hope you all have a lovely day and hope the rain doesn't last too long for those that have it!


            • Morning. Bit late again. Done all the watering, been into the village for the weekly market and have managed to stay in Mr Snoop's good books while discussing my irrigation requirements. He's a patient man... He's volunteered to hack through loads of brambles to get to the well. Bad enough but worse still given that years back I said I'd do it a bit at a time.

              Anyway, on with the paid drudgery (plus check the weather forecast as it's very cloudy at the mo).

              Hope you all have a great day.


              • Afternoon n'alln'all
                Just popping in to jet you know I'm not going to be around now until Tuesday...

                Bestest frocks all washed and hanging up for you.
                Breakfast trays all laid and fresh produce is in the fridge.....

                Take care y'all....
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Thanks Nicos, youre so kind snd thoughtful.
                  No worries for me about the dress. I am never up first.
                  Like Flo, I have room service as well.
                  Hope you have a great trip, we will miss you.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Prevening All. Chester the Springer Jay I love my Room Service Bramble, good innit? Have a good trip Nicos, hope your MIL is ok. Sun's out here, but it's a chilly breeze. Have a good evening.
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • That's such a good name for a Springer Flo! I'm sure you'll have a great time with him.
                      Safe trip Nicos, thanks for washing the frocks and setting the trays...see you Tuesday!


                      • Evening all. What a wet and rotten day it's been.
                        Visited Aunty in the new 'home'
                        It seems very well run, lots of staff on hand and inmates are well looked after
                        I cannot see her getting back home for some while mind you.
                        Just picked up about 8 tombling toms that had fell on to the floor, supper later me thinks
                        Never ventured any further up the garden, that's a job for tomorrow
                        Have a good evening
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Had a lovely afternoon with the G.G.
                          Brought herto the library so she could get some books for her holidays.
                          Took her to the icecream parlour and bought her a few bits and pieces.
                          All quiet now as she has gone home with her mam.
                          Have a good evening all and for those who are having rain, I hope the sun shines for you tomorrow.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Evening All I'm back in Sunshiny South East Wales instead of the Sunshiny West. This selling your house business is a bit fraught. I've been emptying cupboards, (who'd have thought I had 17 tins of beans for emergencies) Packed the car to the gunwhales and when I could squeeze in no more headed east.
                            Its been an eventful few days! Blown fuses, overheated hoovers, a mega-toad in the GH (and he's been in there for 6 months with the door closed) and meeting new and old neighbours. That was fun!! One of them is known as The Singing Gardener locally and he is a Neil Diamond Tribute act. I tried to get him to sing Sweet Caroline to me but after a few bars he went back to his hedgetrimmers.
                            Another neighbour told me a story about the local church. The Vicar has had to stand down because of ill health but there are 3 retired vicars in the village who take it in turns to take the service. However, last Sunday none of the 3 were available so a lay reader stepped up and read his lesson. When they got to the hymn singing, they realised that the organist was also missing.
                            Don't worry, says one of the congregation, I have a tape cassette of hymns that we could use instead. So he rushed out of the church, to his home and returned with a .
                            tape player.
                            The lay reader announces that he will play the tape and they will sing along to whatever the hymn is.
                            Tape inserted, player turned on, congregation wait to recognise the tune to join in...........The music starts, as one the congregation rises to their feet and sing...........The National Anthem, then they collapse in fits of giggles in their pews.
                            Its a funny little village - reminds me of Llareggub.


                            • Morning everyone. What a lovely morning, so nice to see the sun after all that rain and cold wind. Going to have another bash at the lotty website next until Mrs. B wakes then I'll get the kettle on. Sounds like you're having a hectic time VC, when the kettle's boiled I'll pour a virtual cuppa for you
                              Have a good day folks
                              Location ... Nottingham


                              • Good Morning All Sunshine here today and Room Service is on its way. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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