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Chatback #14


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  • Morning we've got sunshine as well Flo I've made a good start washing's on the line, blackberries, runner beans and peas picked and frozen, so i hope everyone else share out good weather today.

    VC are you sure you want to leave it sounds an entertaining place to live
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Morning all, a beautiful sunny morning here. What a difference a day makes.
      Leek and potato soup on the stove for lunch, washing NOT in the machine as there is a threat of rain this afternoon whilst I will be working.
      Have a lovely sunshiny day folks
      Nannys make memories


      • Threat of rain this afternoon so I need to get dressed and start on putting the new shed together. My gardening stuff is currently stored in my "she" shed and it wasn't intended for that. I'll have another cuppa first though. Oh, good morning everyone.
        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


        • Morning all, dull but warm this morning. Mowed the lawn on a high setting yesterday so hope it has dried out enough to give it a short back and sides today as I think it's to pour tomorrow!
          Do businesses these days not want business? Three times I've asked our window cleaning company if they would clean our gutters ( one of the services they offer on their business cards). Eventually they said they would do it yesterday. Cleared the drive and round the house so that there would be no problem getting their ladders up. Guess show! Oh well three strikes and you're out is my motto so off to look for someone else who will do it for us.


          • Morning all and yes, we have the dun as well today.
            We have been doing really with the weather and have had a lovrly week although the temp dropped last night.
            Cant believe how quick this year has gone by.
            Whatever youre doing today, have a good one.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Afternoon all. Well I have managed to get to allotment Started digging a bit where I'm planting my "wizard" field bean, VC's fault. Then I pulled loads of weeds up. It was quite easy in a way because all the rain had made the ground so soft a lot of the big weeds pulled up no problem. Still got loads to do but my back started to ache so I decided not to push my back much further.
              Then this afternoon I have been washing all my old plant pots. Very therapeutic.
              have a good afternoon everyone


              • Day 2 of clearing out the garage! Yesterday, took loads of stuff to tip and Charity shop. Today, sweeping and tidying. Made some cucumber relish, went to the plot to pick - yes - more cucumbers! And beans and courgettes and blackberries. Sun is now shining. I may go and mow the back lawn. Pub tonight (and I am not driving), so if I mow the lawn I will feel that I have earned my two pints!


                • Evening we've had sunshine all day so I've hardly spent any time indoors, thought I'd make the best of the good weather.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning everyone. One of those times when you're just not tired. Been awake since three so thought I might as well get up and have a look outside for the meteor shower, it's supposed to best just before dawn. Plenty of stars but not a sausage on the meteor front. Never mind, it's a lovely morning.
                    Have a good day folks.
                    Location ... Nottingham


                    • Morning everyone. Been up a bit so managed to get logged on and get the kettle on for those that need a drink.
                      Got to go into town so go and have a chat with people. want to get in early to try and get things sorted. Could be gone some time. To many people want to see them but they have cut back on counter staff. Don't need to say anymore.
                      Kids are away at their Aunties so are due back today sometime. So might sneak to allotment to carry on weeding for a bit.
                      have a good day everyone.


                      • Good morning All and Happy Friday Sunny here again, but rain forecast for later. I'm going to my daughter's today. It's the youngest Golden Girl's birthday next Monday, but as they'll be in Scotland her Harry Potter cake is being cut today. It will be a surprise for her. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning all, looks lovely here
                          Joining slimming world today, that makes this a serious diet lol
                          Tumbling tomatoes are ripening nicely now
                          Moneymakers are thinking about it, nice run of sunshine would do them a world of good
                          Have a nice day you lot
                          Nannys make memories


                          • Morning, no rain forecast for us today

                            Mr B I looked late last night for meteors and again at 3 ish but like you I saw nothing. bit disappointing isn't it.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Wet and windy has arrived up here, typical wanted to go and try and get some better photos of the Whale.


                              • Very chilly again last night and the daytime temps have plummeted too. Toms struggling a bit, especially as it's also quite windy. But the brassicas are really enjoying the cooler weather. They're growing visibly by the day. Could be our best year for sprouts ever (hope those aren't famous last words).

                                Hope you all have a jolly day.


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