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Chatback #14


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  • Morning all. Raining here at the moment. Its the fine drizzle stuff, as Peter Kay says, its the fine stuff that soaks you. Was hoping to nip to allotment to plant my field beans. I might nip down and see how wet the ground is. My plot dries out fairly quickly where as my dads just 5 plots up from me seems to take ages to dry out.
    Then might nip into town. See what there is in the garden sale sections. Never know might be lucky and find a bargain.
    Have a good day everyone.


    • Morning its dull and raining here, sorry to read about your blight Cad.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
        sorry to read about your blight Cad.
        Good thing is that I only have a handful of green tomatoes, but I now have a greenhouse full of reds waiting to be used. I will keep an eye on them and any that start to turn will be discarded. Thankfully I think I got to them just in time.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Morning all, no rain here yet but a deluge expected by lunchtime
          House chores today
          Have a great day
          Nannys make memories


          • Good morning from a sunshiney Dublin.
            Off out to play pitch and putt.
            Have a good day sll.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Morning all. Parents still here - eldest stayed over in caravan with them last night. OH off to visit his father today. Need to do a tidy up and get a pork joint in the oven for dinner then over to see parents at caravan site.

              Hope you all have a good day - need to feed toms later....
              Another happy Nutter...


              • Morning all sunshine and showers here today! I read the other day that the good weather down south was to last all month, today I read that parts of the UK have to have frost by the end of the week! Think I'm done reading weather forecasts or newspaper headlines and stick to Penellype's forecasts.
                Some domestics here and then supermarket, what a fun day.
      's called smirr here, or as I like to call it,wet rain!


                • Mornin n'alln'all
                  Late start for me...too hot to get to sleep last night!
                  Lovely cool breeze this morning...supposed to be down to 8C tonight!...cor blimey, what a change from 37C yesterday afternoon!
                  Tis no wonder the leaves are starting to turn!

                  I noticed yesterday that my espellette peppers are starting to dry on the plants, so I think I'all get those picked....and the next batch of French beans ...before the rains arrive this afternoon. Don't want them going mouldy on me!

                  Ooooo..talking of warm and wet-might be worth me going mushrooming this week.
                  All pharmacists here are specialised in IDing mushrooms!
                  Tis pick ones you think are OK...take your basket along and they point out the totally safe, the ones you need to make sure you cook really well( i.e. best not) and the ones which are a deffo no-no)
                  All for free!
                  We NEVER take the risk even though we've picked edible from the same patch we've come across a few poisonous ones which look identical ( to us) in exactly the same few square metres!

                  Have a great day y'all
                  See ya later...
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Be careful out there Nicos!


                    • Afternoon all. Well its been one of those days so far. Went to see about a part time job but it wont fit in with kids, parents plus other jobs. The council had found me a possible place to rent but its already gone, typical, ideal location and price.
                      Did nip down to allotment. Have been offered another plot as quite a few have come up again. This one only has weeds to my waist so can see there isn't much buried treasure there. But I don't know.
                      Have a good afternoon everyone, I'm going to ponder about the plot.


                      • Afternoon all,warm and dry here,am not a happy bunny,went to clean out the girls,found red mite the dam itchy things,have sprayed well with the' total mite kill',and dusted the girls with DE,i was amazed at all the little black bits on the wood chips,as well as red on perch ends,this is my first encounter,will put new bedding in later on,then keep a good eye out in future,may have to do it all again to get rid,now all i do is iritate,
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Good evening all.
                          What a beautiful day.
                          Rain was forecast forcthe afternoon but not a sign and still sunny.
                          Watered everything in the greenhouse.
                          Everything cropping together rapidly now.
                          Have a good evening all.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Evening all. Hope your girls feel better now lottie - horrible things mites.

                            Had a lovely afternoon at the beach - gorgeous weather, went for a swim and saw an enormous jellyfish! Really beautiful and ethereal in the water but I steered clear off the stings....

                            OH has come back from ikea with some great chocolate - having to be disciplined!
                            Another happy Nutter...


                            • Good Morning All Fine and cool so far. Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Morning all. Cool and bright here too (7.5C). Rained most of yesterday but it was ready for it, glad I got the compost uncovered before it started as it was getting a bit dry.
                                Enjoy your day folks
                                Location ... Nottingham


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