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  • So have we!!!


    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Sunshiny here too - and I've been in the garden eating cake

      Would you like a slice?

      VC. if that's you dishing out the cake, your older than I thought.
      Good evening, was quite a pleasant day here today Sun uphill the back of three, and one or two heavy showers after that, all my onions are lifted and up to dry drying them off in the greenhouse, as the weather is so unpredictable,and if they were outside and I wasn't there OH wouldn't take them in if it started to rain, but if I don't take the washing in, I hear about it for several days, I proposed getting her a drier as I think it would help her, I could have got a whirrly drier from a skip this morning and I would have chapped it in for her by this afternoon, and a jubilee clip would have held the arms up no bother, but she said no!! as there is no way she is going to walk round in circles pulling a washing to get it dry, she wants one of those fancy electric ones, that costs money and doesn't give her any exercise, some people don't appreciate people trying to help them. Well one more day till the weekend, so keep safe and pass on a smile. Goodnight
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Have a good day
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning Flo et al - Off to the allotment shortly, when it becomes light, I hate the onset of Winter and the darker mornings and shorter evenings. Have a good one people whatever you end up doing.
          . .......Man Vs Slug
          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
          Nutters Club Member


          • Morning everyone. Looks as if it is going to be a nice day here. Going to try yet again to get to allotment. Got side tracked by several people yesterday.
            Then when I picked the kids up Will complained his tummy hurt. We'd only been in a few minutes and he started being sick. Have checked him this morning while he is still asleep and he seems nice and cool. Might see if some fresh air perks him up at the allotment. If not he can stop with Granma and Grandad.
            My Aunty is visiting as well later. She has grown some cracking sweetcorn this year. Might see if she has any tips.
            Have a good day everyone


            • Mornin Flo'nall n'all

              It certainly is darker in the mornings Cad.....deffo an Autumnal damp start to the day here.
              Reminds me of camping , waking up at 6am for a wee...traipsing across dew covered grass to the loos then lighting the calor gaz camping stove to get a brew on
              I can smell it just thinking about it

              Hope Will feels better soon NVG.

              Forecast says we might be having a thunderstorm later!...yippeeee...hope so!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Morning, it feels like autumn here as well plus my GH overnight low was 8c but the suns out now.

                Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                .....deffo an Autumnal damp start to the day here.
                Reminds me of camping , waking up at 6am for a wee...traipsing across dew covered grass to the loos then lighting the calor gaz camping stove to get a brew on
                I can smell it just thinking about it
                You forgot to mention the bacon
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Oi!!!

                  You can stop that right now mush!

                  * starts drooling.......

                  Mmm...with fried bread, baked beans ,eggs, mushrooms, chipolata sausages....mmmm
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning everyone
                    The sun is bright, but there's a nip in the air for sure.
                    Went to see a George Michael tribute at our local theatre last night.
                    Had a great evening, this guy was brilliant - shut your eyes and listen and George was back.
                    We only decided to book in the afternoon, so it was a last minute thing. Glad we did
                    Only lost 1lb at fat club, 4 1/2 lb altogether, it's slow going
                    Had a lovely plate of runners with my tea last night, nearly the last lot I think
                    Off to look after the GG whilst our daughter is at work, life is good
                    Have a lovely day everyone
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Morning All, house guests staying with us at the mo so can't hang about. Lovely day..
                      Location ... Nottingham


                      • We have dull and calm just now, I love the seasons, even the dark nights when we only get about 6 hours daylight. Got some crampons from my son for hill walking in the snow, so roll on the winter.


                        • Proper crampons? Wow!

                          Last year I treated myself to some of those elastic spikes you put under normal shoes.
                          A couple of times I've found myself in a situation where my normal 'town shoes' ( i.e. Near enough no tread at all) have proved utterly dangerous to my continued well being!
                          Might look a plonker crossing a car park with them on...but heck...who cares!

                          Real crampons though?....that's something I'd have loved to have had in my youth ...opens up a whole new aspect of hill walking! good on ya burnie!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Morning all, first day of autumn and you can tell. Bit chilly but it's lovely and sunny. Nothing much planned for today. Will check the lawn and see if it's possible to mow it, if so that's a job for today. Loads of green tomatoes so I'm going to take some of the leaves off and hopefully the sun, which I believe we have to have for a couple of days anyway, will do it's job!
                            Woke up this morning with a little blister on the back of my hand, no idea why...spider bite maybe? Don't know about you but we have had some humongous ones in the house over the last couple of weeks! Gives you the heebeegeebeez!
                            Enjoy your day everyone, whatever you are up to. Hope will feels better soon NVG!
                            Last edited by Jay22; 01-09-2017, 03:58 PM. Reason: Changing off to of


                            • Pinch, punch, First of the month
                              Happy Sunny September Grapeys.

                              Just seen the headline news "Sales of inefficient vacuum cleaners banned". Mine is totally useless, doesn't pick up anything. Maybe it would work if I took it out of the cupboard and plugged it in?
                              I'm orf into the sunshine now - have a good day


                              • Good morning all.
                                A beautiful sunny morning but a bit chilly, temp just 10deg so far.
                                Off out to walk and then to the library to stock up for the weekend.
                                May make tomato sauce this afternoon if I get the time.
                                I dont like this time of the year, I always get a feeling of sadness as everything starts dying away.
                                Thats just me and it happens every year, cant explain it.
                                Anyway, have a good day all.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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