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Chatback #14


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  • Don't look on it with sadness bramble, it's just everything hibernating for winter...sometimes I wish I could do that!


    • Morning all! Have returned from week in the UK to discover my broccoli plants turned to lace by snails and cabbages full of grey mealy aphids. Mr Snoop did a very good job watering though.

      He went down the well with a view to cleaning out the bottom. What he didn't expect was to find 60 cm and more of sludge and very little solid debris. So he didn't stay down there very long! Looks like we'll need a machine or something to suck it out. Time for some professional advice methinks. Good news in one respect in that the well has considerably more capacity than I realised. It's now the only well in our municipality to still have water and if we clean it out, the likelihood of it every running dry is minimal.

      Will have a look about and catch up on everyone's news. Meanwhile, have a great day.


      • Lovely warm day here today with a light breeze. Put the mower onto a high setting, lawn is still a bit boggy but thought I'd cut it on high and hopefully it will dry out more today and tomorrow in preparation for a short back and sides!
        Good to see you back Snoop!


        • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
          Lovely warm day here today with a light breeze. Put the mower onto a high setting, lawn is still a bit boggy but thought I'd cut it on high and hopefully it will dry out more today and tomorrow in preparation for a short back and sides!
          Good to see you back Snoop!
          Thanks for the welcome back.

          I mowed my mum's lawn while I was there. I'd forgotten what hard work it is!


          • Good afternoon all,warm again,got myself and MR something new to wear,NS don't worry about it coming off slowly,am sure ti's better for you,gives the skin time to shrink naturaly,several years ago that was me,lost 4stone in 1 year in dribs and drabs,then a whole 12 months to loose almost 1 stone,the only saggy bit was a bit off an apron,that weight is now back on am afraid ,Hope sunny boy is feeling better now NVG,i may not be seen for dust over the weekend,main party shop for fresh stuff in the morning,ballons to blow up{got some pumps},general last minut things to do,recon i had better treat my hair to a bottle tonight,so the fuzzzzzzzzzzzzz has time to settle before i style/straighten it,i shall be dressed as a lady,not a tramp,for a change,have a good evening all LAUGH
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Aww, LD have a fabulous weekend, you and Mr LD deserve it
              Been looking after the GG today,. Well, keeping an eye on is more like it now. She's had friends round and gone to the local park, so only really needed me for her lunch etc.
              Lovely sunny end of the day here, which is nice as I am off to a soiree up the road.
              The food and alcohol will test my reserve I know
              Have a nice evening
              Nannys make memories


              • Evening all. Well I was going to say Will was better but he was sick again so he must still have his bug. Alright in himself but just keeps gipping.
                Managed to finally get my field beans in. Doing one row now and doing another in a few more weeks.
                My Aunty visited and brought some plums, apples and blackberries. haven't seen her for ages so it was quite a catch up.
                Have a good evening everyone


                • Have a great weekend Lottie you both really do deserve it!

                  32lbs of apples...plenty crumbles and chutney coming up!!


                  • Good morning,have been awake since 5 am,just having a horlicks to tide me over,then hitting the shop for tomorrows stuff,have a good day all and LAUGH
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Morning Lottie et al - Sunny here today (at the moment), have a good one people
                      . .......Man Vs Slug
                      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                      Nutters Club Member


                      • Good morning,

                        My only day off work today so I am going to be going spending it at the allotment. Got loads of jobs to be doing on there.
                        Not sure what the weather is like yet, not opened the curtains, I need to wake up first haha.

                        I am putting the kettle on, anyone want a brew?

                        Have a good day


                        • Mornin n'alln'all

                          Off to market today to collect a yellow buddleia I ordered last week.
                          When I was in the uk a couple of weeks ago I nipped into a garden centre and asked if they had one.
                          Apparently Monty Don was mentioning them the previous week....and so, they'd sold out!

                          Well, hopefully I'll get mine today

                          Need to pick the rest of this batch of French beans today.
                          Then pack to go back to the uk again for a few days.
                          MIL not doing well

                          See ya later peeps....
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good Morning All I have bright sunshine and Room Service. Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Morning everyone, sunny and nippy again
                              Well, my resolve failed at the soiree last night. Drinks and food were had by me. Arghh, I was doing do well
                              Nothing much apart from washing and shopping today
                              Have a lovely day
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Morning All

                                Half way through our month long holiday and feeling chilled but slightly apprehensive about how big the weeds will have grown upon my return in two weeks!

                                Weather gods have been kind and one thing you learn about South Devon is ignore the weather forecasts.

                                Hope you are all well and have a super weekend.


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