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  • Jolly, jolly, jolly. Don't ask me why. Just woke up like this. Wish it would happen every day.

    Anyway, another cold night. Toms, aubergines and peppers struggling. Courgettes looking like they're on their last legs. A few weeks early, but there you go. The sprouts and cabbages (the ones without the mealy aphids, that is) are enjoying the change in conditions. Perhaps I'm taking it equanimously (I looked it up - it is a real word, honest!) because I've eaten more tomatoes than might be good for me...

    Have a great day everyone.
    Last edited by Snoop Puss; 08-09-2017, 11:09 AM.


    • Afternoon al, didn't go back to bed, had to go to fit club. Lost another 2lb. Happy days
      I'm off for a haircut shortly - still raining, so hubby will chauffeur me.
      Bren - I've made the strawberry jam, just the raspberry to do over the weekend
      Hope someone's got the sun
      Nannys make memories


      • Afternoon all - interesting day here. Lots of warm sunshine interspersed with cold, grey downpours. Could be worse I suppose! Plus we go to Malaga for a week tomorrow, and the forecast looks good.

        Took my friends little boy (3) for a walk round the garden last night slug hunting. There were lots! It also seems they (or something) are having a lovely feast on my tomatoes. Will have to get them picked and inside when we get back. Sweetcorn looks ready too, hopefully it won't be too overripe when we get back.

        Hope everyone is well and behaving. I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much


        • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
          Afternoon al, didn't go back to bed, had to go to fit club. Lost another 2lb. Happy days
          I'm off for a haircut shortly - still raining, so hubby will chauffeur me.
          Bren - I've made the strawberry jam, just the raspberry to do over the weekend
          Hope someone's got the sun
          NS congrats on your weight loss me I keep meaning to make raspberry jam but I've been eating them instead, my other option is to hide them in the freezer until I've got enough for jam.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Happy Holidays, Vixy.
            Congrats to Skinny Sally
            The "bald" Pups are back home - it was quiet without them.

            They've gone from this Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF9037.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	111.1 KB
ID:	2374917 to

            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF9063.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	148.0 KB
ID:	2374918

            and here's Spud's after photo. Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF9053.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	173.3 KB
ID:	2374919

            Apparently, they behaved themselves - must be a first
            Must give them (and me) some food now. See you soon.


            • VC they're still as cute as they were as puppies
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Love your puppy pics VC, still so cute
                Nannys make memories


                • Evening everyone. Well Han has had a good few days at her new school. So far though she has left her coat at school but picked it up today, left her glasses somewhere, lost her pencil case and lost her locker key.
                  So got to go into town first thing to get her some football boots, some new pens and order her some new glasses. Oh joy. Might drag her to Wilkos and see if they have anything reduced in their garden section.
                  Have a good evening everyone


                  • Good evening, a wet day here, again, so no gardening work but went for a hair cut, and got soaked, then as I had the day to myself I decided to sort a bit of flooring in the porch, had a bit of cutting out and shaping to do but had to do that outside and got stopped several times because of heavy showers (note to self will need to get the garage cleaned out,,,,,,some year) OH has been going on about a bit of carpet that I was supposed to change two years ago, (how can women remember these things) but this evening our son was in and I asked him if he wanted some picture frames, and was told by OH not to give him the new ones, guess what, the new ones went up three nights ago, and she hadn't noticed, I put them up after she had went to bed, so that gives me some leverage, I wonder what I will use it for Well of to read for a time, might not be on tomorrow as we are watching two of the boys from mid day and overnight, enjoy the weekend whatever the weather and try a little kindness to a stranger, pass on a smile Goodnight
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Morning its a bit wet out of to work soon so just a quick look around while eating breakfast.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Morning everyone. Looks like a nice sunny day here so far. Kettle is on if anyone fancies a cuppa.
                        Have a good day everyone


                        • Morning Bren and All. Damp and cool here, not sure what's on the cards for today. Have a good one folks..
                          Location ... Nottingham


                          • Morning all, a little brightness out there, but don't be fooled.
                            It's nippy and rain is forecast shortly. Don't they know I have washing to do?
                            We are just starting the 'if you want to wear it on holiday, don't wear it now' week. Always fun
                            Got to make some cards for the charity shop today and a bit of chores to do
                            Have a nice day and wrap up warm
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Good Morning All Heavy rain here and I too have washing to do. I also have onions and winter bedding plants I had planned to put in today as I have no visitors. Looks like a change of plan in order. Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Cool and dry here with the odd glimpse of blue sky, got a lousy sore throat and chest infection, so a lazy day instead of the planned climb of a Munroe mountain.


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