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Chatback #14


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  • Morning all. Very windy here and the sky is going very dark. Looks as if its about to rain any minute now.
    Keep safe if you to go out.
    Have a good day everyone


    • Morning, winds still howling but luckily we've had no damage just a few things blown around the garden.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Morning, still windy but sky is a lovely shade of blue
        Hubby has his binoculars out watching aeroplanes lol
        Pre funeral day and I'm feeling quite tearful, need to get my backside outside and snap out of it.
        Have a great day
        Nannys make memories


        • Good morning all.
          Its a nice sunny morning here but cold.
          Pitch and putt this morning.
          Have a good day all.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Thinking of you NS!


            • Big hug, NS.

              Bright, breezy and quite a chilly start to the day but now warming up. Went into the village this morning for the market. Bought a cauli while I was there. Bit surprised at the price. Won't be long before our first ones are ready, thank goodness.

              Have realised why my red peppers are a disappointment this year. I know the dogs eat them off the plant, but this morning I realised that they're even tugging at the branches and tearing them off. With all the pulling, the roots are also getting damaged. Very frustrating. Need a solution for that next year.

              Back to work for me. Have a good day everyone.


              • Artnoon all
                NS, have a cwtch x Plenty more here for anyone who needs one

                Aileen has been a bit norty here and snapped branches in 3 tall trees - 2 oaks and an ash.
                One branch came down in the night but the others are still dangling up there. Don't want to walk under them now.
                Tree surgeon coming this afternoon to have a look at the damage.
                I have a busy couple of weeks coming up - waiting for a new car to be delivered at the weekend (and transferring all the tax/insurance stuff that goes with it); my little house down west goes to auction next week and I need to go down there to take some more clutter away; the 3 dogs need to go to the vets for their jabs before the end of September; the laptop needs to go in for a few days for repair and now, the trees need sorting.
                When am I going to find time to do some gardening How do people who work find the time?
                Hope you're all OK after windy Aileen's visit.


                • Good afternoon, had to take the dog to the vet this morning, she still isn't right asked the vet to do a blood sample to check everything's ok, she still can't walk right, and sleeping a lot, she's had an alergic, that was from eating onions, then blood in her urine, now ok, but hurts herself if she jumps down from a chair, blood test returned all ok, so she needs to rest, I need to lie down it cost me £115. I am now away to feed her and give her some anti-inflammatory medication, then I will have to give myself some thing to recover from the shock of parting with all that money
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Hope your dog gets better soon Rary.


                    • Unfortunate name for last nights storm. It's my lovely sil's name. Kept me awake for most of the night mostly because it was setting off someone's car alarm. At first I thought it was my car so went to have a look. Janie in jimjams out in the street checking car. But wasn't mine or anyone else in our road, it was someone on the estate behind us. The dogs kept barking at it. Finally got to sleep about 4am. Let dogs out 6.15am then went back to bed and slept until 9.15am.

                      Had 3 meetings today which I could have done without.

                      Hugs NS.

                      Hopefully a peaceful night tonight.

                      The new fences are still standing which just goes to show that you get what you pay for. Oh, that reminds me, Rary, they're worth it really.
                      Last edited by JanieB; 13-09-2017, 08:13 PM.
                      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                      • I've been in Perth all day and it hasn't stopped raining all day, 10 degrees isn't too cold, but I see they are forecasting winter temperatures during September, better move the less hardy stuff under glass!!


                        • Thanks Cariann, but she is not my dog she belongs to my daughter, I just walk, feed and pay vet bills for her, when I told my daughter this she said she didnt mind sharing the dog with me, and to make matters worse if my grand son comes in and has a pot at me the dog just ignores it, but if I kid on that I am spanking him she barks and growls at me, it makes me wonder how the female mind works, only today I was going to walk her up to her own house but it was heavy rain , so told my wife I would change my trousers as I didn't want the ones I had on to get mucky, ( I was actually quite tidy) I dropped the dog off and came home via some fields where I happen to find a large tree branch which I carried home, the first thing my OH said was, "well now we know why the trousers were changed" how was I to know the branch was there Then we were getting ready to go and collect the boys from school, and I got "your not going out like that, are you" I mean we were still getting heavy rain and I was supposed to go and change, no way, Your like a tramp, she said so I asked where she had seen a tramp as well dressed as I am
                          Then tonight I was going out to the greenhouse for a time and she spotted my shirt, " where was that lying" she wanted to know, but there is no way I am telling her where I hide it as she wanted to put it out in a charity bag, I like that shirt, I will wash it myself , in a month or so to keep it out of her hands, and I dont need to iron it, once I put it on body heat will sort it. Well past the half way to the weekend so keep safe try to give someone a helping hand, (I am trying to save my OH washing and ironing) and pass on a smile Goodnight
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Good Morning All Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Morning all. Raining here at the moment. Going to drop some job forms off today and then come back and do some tidying up.
                              Have a good day everyone


                              • Morning All. Good luck on the job front NVG. Damp and cool here, 8 degrees. I'll get the kettle on..
                                Location ... Nottingham


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