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Chatback #14


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  • Morning all, thanks for the good wishes and hugs, all gratefully received
    Rary - you are always the first post that I read in the morning. You guarantee a smile, and I thank you for it.
    Sunshine and showers yesterday, just showers today methinks. It's dull and grey
    Be glad to get today over and return to my usual overly happy self.
    Have a lovely day folks
    Nannys make memories


    • Morning all.
      Sundhine here and a little breezy.
      Off to the hairdressers this morning.
      Catch up later.
      Have a good day.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Bright and breezy here today, was cooler last night but greenhouse was still 10 degrees minimum, so all looks ok. Need to watch the temperatures and move delicates like fuchsias inside if it drops any lower.


        • Happy Thursday
          Can't stop - I'm 3747 steps into clearing the trailer load of woodchip the treeman dropped off yesterday when he can to assess the damage to the trees. Shovelling and barrowing from the front of the house to the far end of the garden really makes the steps add up.
          Its sunshiny and the chips are steaming. Its mostly bay, conifer and variegated?eleagnus so it smells good too.
          Thinking of you NS - remember the happy times.


          • Update! About half way through the heap, 7113 steps = 3.3 miles with my little legs and a measly 102 calories. Doesn't it realise I've been shovelling, barrowing and spreading - its not just an amble round the shops you know, you silly pedometer


            • Final score - 11,347 steps = 5.37 miles and 162 calories! That's ridiculous, I've just put all those and more back on with the bag of salted peanuts I'm eating.
              I don't mind the aches as I've resurfaced the 2 main paths down the garden and it looks a lot better


              • Good evening all,been really warm this afternoon,well from next year i will only have 1 large lottie plot,1 will be taken off me,am not sorry,only about the way it was done ,so have changes to make,so it all works better,i have been promised some help from no1 son in a couple off weeks time,in the mean time i have made a start on the less strenuase things,slabs to be moved,and barrels to go,and a metal frame,that was a fruit cage,will be turned into a poly tunnel if all goes well,beds to be took up and moved,hence help,have had a job getting my head around life last few days,but getting sorted once more.
                Hope all went well NS,looking at getting MR a fold up scooter to get him out more,my insistant idea,not his,hum hum men,have nice evening
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Evening all, funeral went very well.
                  It was lovely to see Auntys friends from her 'clubs'
                  We took a few of the tributes apart and made little posies wrapped in serviettes to take home. They loved it.
                  Back to normal tomorrow, just a suitcase to pack.
                  Have I told you I was going to Las Vegas lol
                  Night night
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Good evening, again not much done today as I am feeling a bit lazy just now I think I am feeling a bit fedup with all this poor weather there is hardly a day without rain and cold, but no matter it might be better tomorrow also Daisy dog has not to be walked too far for a couple of months or so, and walking her gave me some exercise, I will need to ask my OH to help me get some !!!!!! no will not bother with that, she would want me to do some work in the house, like painting or finishing a carpet and thats not what I was thinking of for exercise
                    N.S. glad everything went well, and so nice to give out mementoes, its the small unplanned things like this that make memories, and do you have a small suitcase, well smallish, or slightly larger??? do you have a big suitcase I could slip into and I could come with you.
                    VC a little bit of willpower and you could have went without the peanuts, when I fancy eating something like that I just ask myself "how much would it cost" and the notion goes off me. I gave my daughters youngest a hand to make a"Den" and when his Mum came in he had to take her out to see it, all it is is a light wooden door nailed on top of a fence and fixed against the house wall then covered with a bit of tarpaulin, he now wants a tv fixed to the wall, and for some reason his mum thinks I am putting him up to these things We were watching the two youngest grandsons this evening and when coming home the temperature at 13c. was the warmest its been all day. Well Friday tomorrow, so be patient and stay safe so that you can enjoy the weekend no matter the weather, give a helping hand and pass on a smile Goodnight
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all, bright out, but soo cold.
                        Weigh in this morning, wish me luck
                        Rary, my suitcase already has a space in for Scarlett, if you ask her to budge up, feel free to jump in
                        Going to have a lovely lazy day today, hopefully the tension knots in my shoulders will get gone
                        Enjoy yourselves whatever you're doing
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Morning
                          Rary our youngest grandson used to spend most of his time in a den made with a blanket pegged between the sofa and radiator. surprising how much stuff he fit in that space.
                          Hair cut time again it seems to have come around fast I've not been tempted to cut bits of myself this time.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
                            Morning all, bright out, but soo cold.
                            Weigh in this morning, wish me luck
                            Rary, my suitcase already has a space in for Scarlett, if you ask her to budge up, feel free to jump in
                            Going to have a lovely lazy day today, hopefully the tension knots in my shoulders will get gone
                            Enjoy yourselves whatever you're doing
                            Thanks for the offer NS but it would need to be a very big suitcase, for by that there is no way I going into an enclosed space with someone named Scarlett
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Good afternoon all,kids do love a den/play tent for their own space,rary see about telyportation,it just may be quicker than the flight hehehehe,you would then be there ready to greet her with a red carpet and a cup of tea,fairy been and gone,plans drew up for lottie beds ext,MR asleep so i have seed box out getting a fix hahaha,do not want much this time,b beans and onions sets,look after yourselves
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • Good evening actually a nice autumn day today, took my wife over to Largs today went over a moor road and the views over the Firth of Clyde to Arran were breath taking, went into a wee cafe and let her buy me a plate of soup, sweet potato, chilly pepper and coconut and was very tasty, really well worth letting her pay for it then went along the coast to a GC, but there was not a lot to take my interest, then back home before doing a taxi service for my daughter, before I went out I changed my clothes and I could feel OH watching me and wondering why I was doing that, ad once I dropped off my daughter it was back to watch the grandsons, so didn't need old clothes, but as I was going over to the coast and once daughter and SiL was dropped off I went and collected some seaweed, if she knew that it would be nothing but moans, I can't understand why women can't be realistic and accept things get dirty just because its a new car doesn't mean it can't take a few bags of seaweed, so I am just going to tell her and let her know who is boss !!!!!!! I'll tell her tomorrow once I have checked the car is clean, on second thoughts I won't tell her, I don't want to upset her, and anyway I am sure she knows who is boss I wonder if she will let me put some bags of sand in the car. Well it's now the weekend so enjoy your free time if you are off, give a thought to those who are working and pass on a smile Goodnight
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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