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  • Glorious day here, off out for a bike ride after a grilled bacon butty(healthy option with no butter).


    • Evening all. Been a lovely day here eventually, very murky first thing though. Hope to get to allotment tomorrow and start digging over my second bed.
      Was at Hans first parent evening yesterday. Teacher says she has settled in well which is good to know.
      Have a good evening everyone


      • Evening all! Back at work today after a lovely holiday

        Very cold start here this morning - not sure how winter managed to arrive while I was gone! Lots of stuff to sort out in the garden - desperately need to find some spare time!

        You've all been chatting lots so I am ashamed to say I havent read through - hope all are well and behaving though!


        • What a great day. Temp went up to 18deg.
          Washed down the outside of the greenhouse then got out the ladder and cleaned off the roof.
          Took out a few tomato plants that were finished.
          Stripped some more leaves off the rest of the plants.
          Deadheaded the dahlias which are still giving a massive display.
          Harvested some seeds from the sweepeas. All in all, a very productive day.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Good evening, as stated earlier my knees were sore, so no work in the garden this morning, as I had to take OH to a hospital appointment, that suited fine, and on the way back home OH said she would watch the grandsons to let me get on with the garden work, so I decided to cut down all the bushes in the flower bed, and now that that's done I will need to work at removing the roots (tree roots are haunting me this week) while I was cutting them down I got a phone call from OH asking when I would be coming up to my daughters as the younger grandson was wanting me up, I don't think OH was too chuffed as when he came in he was shouting for me and when he discovered it was Gran who was waiting for him, she got oh, whens Papa coming up, then it was"give him a phone" fallowed a short time later have you phoned him yet" so I finished what I was doing and headed up, I had to go up anyway as I still had Daisy with me, once back home and after tea I went out and started shredding as much as I could, had to stop as the light was poor, not much more to do but rain forcast for tomorrow, so thats it on hold for a time. Going to visit a friend tomorrow who is going through a bad time with Chemo. so I consider myself very fortunate when its just sore legs, and anyway I still have my good looks talking of I think I will be in bed early tonight as tiredness might make me stressed looking. Enjoy your day tomorrow Wednesday already, I must have been very busy as the days are flying in, well I hope that what it is and not me getting old ( remember to pass on a smile Goodnight
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Good Morning All Have a good day
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning Flo and everyone. A bit dark this morning, have a good day
                Location ... Nottingham


                • Eeh, Rary. I do like reading your posts. Always nice thoughts and a bit of humour.

                  FF, you thinking of breaking your mixer out of its box today? I've got a vague hankering for one (if it doesn't use to much electricity).

                  Right, on with my mundane stuff. So cold this morning I was expecting to see a touch of frost. Mr Snoop said the same. Didn't do much gardening yesterday. A bit of watering and an attempt to tie up some late toms given to us by a friend. Obviously futile, given the cold. Today will be planting out spring cabbages and earthing up some of the calçots I put in a few weeks back.

                  Hope you all have a good day.


                  • Good morning, dull with rain forecasted, now there's a surprise I think in this area the stands red for cast is rain they are usually 75% chance of being correct, keep safe, enjoy your day way ever the weather
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Morning looks like another half decent day,car all done for the next year,thats a weight gone,plus a few notes,rary you are so funny lad,i had to look that one up SP,hope NS is having a good time,nothing to be ashamed about Vixie,life catches us all out from time to time,FF lets chant OPEN THE BOX,OPEN THE BOX hehehehe,have a good day all,we hope to get down the plots shortly.
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Morning all. My dil is in London for the rest of the week so I have the job of ensuring that my youngest granddaughter goes to school. The drive over there at sunrise this morning was beautiful. The sunrise was red so the trees turning colour were glowing red and yellow. Absolutely stunning. I wish I'd stopped and photoed it. Driving home they had returned to a drab brown and dusty green.

                        Some garden sorting today whilst it's dry.
                        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                        • Morning all. Well I was down the allotment for 7.30 this morning. Have done some digging and cut down the last of my runner beans. Found some hidden carrots and some beetroot which was a bonus. Legs and arms ache now and I've got to get ready for work soon.
                          Looks as if its going to be a nice day here. Know what you mean JanieB about the leaves turning such lovely colours. Might take kids to allotment on Saturday and see if the can start collecting for leaf mulch.
                          Have a good day everyone


                          • I might just take the money LD It'll be the weekend before it's unpacked Snoop - by the time I get home from work I don't want to start baking
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Morning all, greetings from Las Vegas
                              It's our 4th day here and jet lag is not abating I'm afraid
                              Only had a quick look in, hope you are all fine
                              Diet is out of the window, good job I lost a bit before this holiday
                              Have a great day
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Good afternoin all.
                                Afraid we have rain here after 3 lovely sunny days.
                                Spent the morning changing the beds, laundering and ironing.
                                Dont know yet what to do for the afternoon but I am sure something will come up.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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