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  • Good Morning GL'n'all Posh frock that Dark and cold here. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Mornin a Flo'nall
      Dark?...yep!...and the only birds I can hear are both cockerels crowing...even the wild birds know it's too early to be awake!

      Oh...I fib...I can here a blackbird!

      Have a gud'un peeps...see ya later.....
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning all, GL your polka dot dress is going to be bang on trend according to some fashion blurb I was reading over the weekend.
        Bright, but still a tad windy here today.
        Off to the charity shop for a bit of fun and exercise this morning.
        Still pulling up lovely carrots, which is lovely cause there's nothing else. The caterpillars have decimated my sprouts. That's what happens when you go on holiday for a week .....
        Have a lovely day everyone
        Nannys make memories


        • We have blue skies and breezy, not been out yet to look for any damage.


          • Good morning, have you ever heard it said that the sunlight is too bright its going to rain, if so that's how it is here at present, nice and bright but there are big black clouds in the distance, so no doubt we will get rain shortly, no matter enjoy you day whatever the weather, keep safe and if driving be courteous, pass on that smile
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Good morning everyone. Lovely sunny day here a bit cold but I just put on a thicker coat .
              I got my new job yesterday . So I have put my notice in at my present job and have started the security checks on my new job. That takes for ages to come through.
              So a busy day for me. Can't make it to the allotment today but it will give it chance to dry out a bit more. I am determined to sort my second bed out tomorrow. Kids have said they will plant the onion set at the weekend with me.
              Have a good day every one


              • Morning all. Just back from pet assembly at school after dropping friends tortoise back at their house. Dog was mobbed by usual crowd of admirers, with the phrase "sooooo fluffyyyyy" heard quite a lot. She laps up the adoration as she's a natural celebrity.

                Anyhoo, cup of tea and a change then off for a curtailed work day....
                Another happy Nutter...


                • Congratulations, NVG. And yes, NS, a week's holiday is disastrous for the veg patch. I went away for a week and came back to a huge infestation of grey mealy aphids that's spreading despite all my best efforts.

                  As for here, the time warp has ended. Bright skies, so at least we have electricity if not rain, and the job I was struggling with is now over. Got another one now...

                  Have a good day, everyone.


                  • Artnoon all.
                    Congrats NVG Really pleased for you.
                    I'm waiting for the treemen to arrive, they were coming on Thursday but are hoping to start here today. Oak tree looks very sad with its dangling branches
                    Must take a photo before they arrive ..............


                    • Afternoon its tea and cake time here, outside its sunny and cool here not cold enough to need a coat though. Congrats NVG hopefully the security checks won't take too long.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Afternoon all,Carrie,you kept that quiet lass,many happies for yesterday,hope your day went well,and NVG congratulations on the job front,glad your back safe NS LD shivers along with others,seems like my lottie help is arriving in the morning for a few days,son and grandson,i have lists of what needs to be done,if not i will forget half of it and end up in a spin,weather supposed to be dry,keep yer fingers crossed,look after u selves
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Good afternoon, rain started about half an hour after my last post, dry now but overcast, got some wood delivered this is for making raised beds for the flowers, now I am wondering why I started the flower beds at the same time as the veg. beds Ah, now remember, OH mentioned cleaning the carpets, some day I will just do as she asks and make life easy for myself,,, no not the same fun in that plus it's never a good idea to do jobs that wives want done strait away, as they then start to think they are the boss, even if they are, no man should ever admit that, need to go boys want Fed, see you later
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            I'm waiting for the treemen to arrive, they were coming on Thursday but are hoping to start here today. Oak tree looks very sad with its dangling branches
                            Must take a photo before they arrive ..............
                            Here's the broken oak - hope you can see the 2 damaged branches.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF9103.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	196.1 KB
ID:	2375292

                            Six tree men came, and working in pairs, they "pruned" 2 oaks and an ash, removing all the dead and damaged wood. Feels a lot safer in the garden now
                            They'll be back sometime to do some thinning of the crown and taking down an ash tree that looks a bit dodgy. On the bright side, there'll be a lot more light in the garden - and a stack of wood for the fire - and wood chippings for the paths.

                            Hope you're all having a good day


                            • You know how I keep having crazy gardening ideas?
                              Here's the latest - a Moplanter

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF9106.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	181.0 KB
ID:	2375293

                              All you need is a squeegee mop, leave it outside for many months, and plants will grow on it without any help!! Just think how attractive it could look seeded with flowers!!


                              • If I tried growing anything in a mop like that, I think it would be aimed at my head
                                Good evening I was out in the garage for a time this evening and I have to admit OH is right it is a bit of a mess (if anyone tries to contact my OH to show her that last statement, I will come down the telephone line to you) so tomorrow I will start clearing it out (maybe) I also have had carpet cleaning mentioned so good chance I will be in the garage and the best of it is I dont rely need to do anything she just needs to think I am when I came back in the house there was something on the TV about the Pembroke-shire coast and a group of crazy swimmers called the Bluetits for the women and Bluebells for the men I can't work out why they used those names nether one is a sea bird nor shore plant Then I have been hunting for a power supplier as I am at the end of my contract, and the difference in prices is unbelievable Well off to catch the news then have a read. Enjoy tomorrow and keep safe try and help a stranger ( I will give you my address if you want to help clean my garage) and pass on a smile Goodnight
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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