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  • Well done indeed NS,you put me to shame
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • Good evening Folks, back home after an enjoyable stay in the Lake District, came up via Dumfries to get off the motorway with more to see and I think safer driving the speed of some folks on the motorway, well not for ranting I suppose I was like that myself when a bit younger, as stated a good time but now glad to be home, and my temporary repair of my roof has held, will now need to see about getting the roof repaired, I have told OH i could repair it myself but she doesn't want that, as she knows I have difficulty going up and down ladders and says it would be too sore on me, but it really gets me I could repair it for about five hundred pounds but to get a company in it will be a couple of thousand pounds
      we will see what happens, well off to make up a presentation I need for Monday. Keep well enjoy your weekend and try and be like NS who will no doubt be walking around with a big smile over the weekend. Goodnight
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Well done Sally


        • My two dogs went for their annual jabs and mot’s. They are now seven. I’ve had Hollie since she was 6 weeks old and Prince when he was nearly a year. They are siblings from the same litter. Prince had three previous owners in his first year.

          I’m really upset. Hollie is fine. She has the odd tummy upset when she eats stuff that disagrees with her, usually nabbed off the floor before I can stop her. Prince, however, has a heart murmur and gum disease. He has been treated exactly the same as his sister from the day I took him on. I love him. He is a smashing dog and my little mate. The vet says it probably started when he was a pup. He’s given him a very short lifespan. I will try to make it a happy one.
          "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
          "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


          • Janie - nearly all my Cavaliers had heart murmurs - it comes with the breed. Several of them lived well into their teens - 12, 13 & 15. It may not be as bad as you think.


            • Ummmmm Black cat in a coal cellar out there this morning, now where is that frock...

              Have a good day people, I have a day of trying to sort out all the junk stored in the spare bedroom today, when really I want to be down on my New Allotment Got the paperwork yesterday.
              . .......Man Vs Slug
              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
              Nutters Club Member


              • Mornin Cadn'all

                Just listening to the 7am bells....
                Pretty gusty out there too!
                Hope the wind drops by tomorrow as it's my seed and plant swap in the afternoon.
                I need to do some baking for it-the gals who usually contribute are both away.
                I've also printed off some cake recipes using beetroot, carrots, courgette and a few traditional desserts like plum cobbler and lemon curd.
                I found a Canadian site which gave traditional ( for the uk) recipes in I hope to tempt some of the locals into trying to bake something different using garden produce.

                So....a baking and sewing day ahead for me
                Have a great day peeps!

                Nice frock Cad....
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Morning All

                  Overnight rain has abated, so hopefully will be over the plots soon....

                  As mention last evening, I have to holes to dig


                  • Happy Saggerdy
                    Its wet and windy here, not very enticing, but I'm sure the sun will shine later!
                    I've been up since 7 and that is not like me at all. Ted was barking downstairs, not in a guard dog sort of way - just an oof........oof............oof, regularly, every second.
                    Then Spud joined in.......oof, yip...........oof, yip...........oof, yip.
                    Bess kept quiet, I expect she had her paws in her ears.
                    Eventually, I could stand it no longer, and came downstairs. The only scary thing I could see was a pigeon feather that one of them brought in yesterday. Of course, it could have been a monster prowling around the garden that they scared away. Who knows?
                    Hope Storm Brian doesn't cause any damage where you are. My brother is called Brian and I told my Mum that they'd named a storm after him. Her reply "Well, he always was a bit windy"
                    Have a good day!


                    • We have a Brian here as well.
                      My son in law is cslled Brisn.
                      Anyway, its dull, dark, wetsnd very winfy here.
                      Housebound today I would imagine.
                      There is plenty to do so I eont be bored.
                      Have a good day sll.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • afternoon, late on parade here.
                        It's a sunny, windy and rainy day. At the moment it's sunny. Lovely when you're indoors mind you.
                        Thanks for your good wishes ref weight loss.
                        Have a great day
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Afters All

                          Currently sat over the allotments with my feet up....kettle just coming to the boil

                          Very windy out there and the next batch of rain clouds are rolling in.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	20171021_153019_resized.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	133.2 KB
ID:	2375447

                          Never was very good at selfies


                          • Better a selfie of your feet than your face, perhaps
                            Still very wet and windy here - I'm not brave enough to go into the GH so staying in making crazy plans for next year's planting
                            How does 12 MFBs a month for 4 months sound? No need to answer - I think I know what you're thinking


                            • Afternoon/evening, its been wet and windy here all day lots of branches and twigs on the roads so not a good day for driving.
                              Congrats on your weight loss NS how many more lbs before you reach your target?
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Good evening, showers here today but thankfully no wind, had intended to get into the garden for a time as I want to get all the soil shifting done before winter comes, if it does, we have not had a severe winter here for a number of years now, and I don't really want one ether, but some frost would help control the slugs and snails a bit, did go to move some begonias today and when I went to lift them the stems just fell away, on checking I have found some vine weevil grubs, so tomorrow I will be checking all my flower baskets, also pulled the last of my tomatoes today and though they haven't been watered they taste great. Well off to do a bit of reading, so I hope you are all safe if the weather is a bit rough in your area, keep safe everyone and pass on a smile Goodnight
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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