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  • Morning all - it's black out there and next week it will be darker - Oh Hum come back Summer

    Have a good one people, my daughters are taking me with them to meet Tom Fletcher of McFly today at his book signing, so I can personally ask him when album 6 will be released !
    . .......Man Vs Slug
    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
    Nutters Club Member


    • It will be lighter to start Cads


      • Morning all. Up very early today, will fade later
        Daughter and the GG are coming for lunch this morning, looking forward to seeing them
        Have a great day everyone
        Nannys make memories


        • Morning no kitchen slugs for two days so I think I've got them all well until next time.

          Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
          Good Morning All Ooh page 666! Despite that, have a good day
          Its page 267 for me but Rary is still top of the page.

          Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post

          Will continue to rest up today in the hope the progress continues

          Have and good Wednesday all
          Glad you're starting to pick up GL and doesn't having a bit more sleep make a difference.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • It's 533 for me, and yes, Rary is still there
            Nannys make memories


            • Page 667 for me just now.
              God morning from a bright and sunny Dublin.
              Going to plant out the rest of the wallflowers now that I have the space where the dahlias are dying back.
              More daffodils to plant out as well.
              Glad to hear youre a litte better Greenleaves.
              Have a good day all.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Good afternoon,

                Not been on here for a while or the allotment due to work. Feel like I have neglected it. Going to go the allotment tomorrow and catch up with all the jobs I have missed and hopefully plant my onions, shallots and garlic.
                I have to waiting in today for a parcel so will catch up on what I have missed on here.

                Hope your all well


                • Good afternoon, trying to work out GLs connection with page 666 and me being at the top of the page at least for Bren and NS it saves them having to hunt for my post it has been showers on and off all day here, though I did manage to sort my satellite dish, OH was having problems with the screen pixelating (at least I think that what you call it when the picture breaks up into squares) anyway I sorted that, then I had a look at my roof which has stayed watertight, I will need to start getting quotes for repairing it, I am hoping that the Insurance Comp. will let me put a different roof on as I want to make it more secure, if I can it will be less of a mess for us, and price wise it will be about the same. Watching the older two boys OH is with the younger ones, though the youngest is not to happy as he wanted me to watch him, but that's because I told him I would play hide and seek with him when I had time, need to go and feed the two with me, the youngest here doesn't like baked beans or bananas, two things that are simple to prepare as all that's needed with them is a slice of toast, his culinary tastes must be aff his faither Well catch you all later,
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • The Devil is in the detail rary


                    • Its 178 for me with Flo on top.

                      Its been a niceish day today, dried some washing, did some weeding, played in the GH, chatted with chooks, picked some rhubarb (stalks that had snapped after Brian blew in) - all in all a much better day than the last few when the rain has kept me inside like a battery chook.

                      Hope you've all had a good day.


                      • I'm still on page 267 and Rary's the top
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Thelma about on this thread recently ?

                          1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                          • Eldest had cast taken off arm today! Arm a bit weak and wonky, but strength will come back soon, & Dr says arm will grow straight in approx 18 months (!) Not too wonky though, barely noticeable.

                            Have to be careful -- no climbing or football for 5-6 weeks,, need to avoid falling on it or being hit. At least swimming can resume and cycling if both hands stay on bike.

                            Eldest v happy, & now asleep wearing favourite onesie which didn't fit over the cast - had a few tears of joy from both of us when put on after bath - first in 4 weeks without arm covered in a plastic bag!
                            Last edited by happyhumph; 25-10-2017, 09:35 PM.
                            Another happy Nutter...


                            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              picked some rhubarb (stalks that had snapped after Brian blew in)
                              Picked some rhubarb, lucky you when out in the garden earlier I noted that there is no sign of my rhubarb now, HH nice to see that the plaster is off just shows the difference with a young one and someone just a little younger than the likes of VC, my OH had had her plaster off for several week's now but still finds it weak and sore, and I don't doubt it will straighten out but similarly she has not to play football or do any climbing, along with some housework that she had me doing just thinking she will be a lot younger than VC as she is the same age as me Well bed time off to dream about how good my garden will be next year, so keep safe and pass on a smile. Goodnight
                              Last edited by Bren In Pots; 26-10-2017, 06:09 AM. Reason: fixed quote
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • You're so cheeky, rary, but you oldies always push your luck
                                I broke my wrist about 8 years ago; I'll spare you all the embarrassing details but it involved chatting and not looking where I was walking, an undignified tumble down several steps in a public lecture theatre in full view of the audience and the lecturer.
                                The good news is that my young bones healed well and I was soon back to full strength.
                                Hope young HH is feeling better now, without the plaster!
                                Just taken a revolting looking sponge topped rhubarb pudding out of the oven so I'm off to my gwely now. Nos da pawb.


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