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Chatback #14


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  • Morning All

    Dark but very mild this morning 14.8 in the greenhouse....however, I shall be adding a little thermal protection to it considering Penellype's forecast.

    Slowly getting over man flu

    Decided against picking a dress today and will leave the honour to Flo

    Have a lovely Thursday all


    • Good Morning GL'N'ALL and thanks for the honour Dark and cold and do the clocks go back this weekend? Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning Flo et al, Yes they do, Met Tom Fletcher with my girls yesterday what an extremely nice chap.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Morning, it feels mild out but I've not been down to the GH to check temps. its still dark out.

          HH that good your eldest has the cast of must have really enjoyed that first bath.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Mornin n'alln'all
            Cor....tis really misty here this morning!

            Looks like 3of the 4 Marans chicks we hatched earlier in the year are boys.
            Pity really cos we could do with a few more young layers for next year.
            Upside is that we have an excuse to let a broody sit again next year!
            Tis so sweet watching the chicks grow.

            Lots more sewing for me today.
            I did go swimming yesterday, but the water was so flippin cold I spent most of the time in the zacuzzi , whirlpool and 'river' thingy.
            Looks like I'm turning into a fair weather swimmer too( well as a fair weather gardener)

            Have a great day peeps.
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Morning all, Late on parade again.
              Had a nice lie in until 8.30 - lovely
              Still dieting, it's weigh in tomorrow, will let you know how it goes
              Have a great day
              Nannys make memories


              • Cool today, but bright and sunny, chill wind and the fires lit, 8 degrees in the greenhouse last night.


                • Good morning all.
                  Dull and dark here with not a breeze.
                  Off out shopping.
                  Grandaughter coming in for lunch after school today.
                  They seem to be taking it in turns.
                  Have a good day all.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Afternoon all,nearly another weekend,wish time would stop flying by,glad the eldest is ok HH,my Sis has done a job on her wrist now(again),good luck with the weigh in NS,are you having cockrel for Christmas dinner Nicos,bed that pudding is tasty VC,enjoy the day peeps.
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Good afternoon, it has actually been dry here all day, being Thursday we went to a local coffee morning, then I decided to to try and repair my roof, now need to see if it will keep the rain out, hope it is several weeks before I know, as I have to pay the first £100. if the repair is successful I have saved my self £95.. Now up with the boy's, and the youngest wants to put up some decorations for halloween, every year there is something else you must have or must do, there was nothing like that when I was a boy, a lot of nonsense in my opinion, either that or I am getting old (is there some way I can restrict this post to stop certain Grapes seeing it) and thinking of one of them why is it no surprise that she was chatting when she fell . Well off to make the boy's something to eat, catch you later
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Tried to put a smiley face on the end of the previous post but my fingers are too big to be able to select accurately so just put a smile on your own face
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • Originally posted by rary View Post
                          Tried to put a smiley face on the end of the previous post but my fingers are too big to be able to select accurately so just put a smile on your own face
                          Tried that and nearly poked my eye out
                          Its been a bit damp and gloomy here but I've done some playing in the GH.
                          Rary, can you come and fix my porch roof please? After Brian visited, the rain was dripping through into the porch. I think the flashing may have lifted/deteriorated. It must be about 30 years old - about my age

                          VC sits back and waits for the insults..................


                          • I never realised you were as old as that VC.....I was thinking maybe 21

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                            • I just act like a 21 year old, GL
                              I think you're a bit younger than I am but rary is a LOT older than both of us put together, if you know what I mean!
                              We could add those 2 teenagers, Bramble and Lotty Dollie, and we would be struggling to reach rary's level of ripeness


                              • Evening all. What a rotten day it's been weather wise
                                Walked to work in that fine drizzly mist, my hair paid the price lol. Curls on my curls.
                                Done some batch cooking early evening. Been meaning to for ages.
                                Have a great evening everyone
                                Nannys make memories


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