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  • Good Morning All Bit chillier here today. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Mornin Flo'nall

      Had a fun day yesterday crafting with a friend...natter, natter, natter...
      More today....

      We saw 'our' roe 3 deer in the back field yesterday morning. Always such a relief to see them all-so pretty!
      We seem to be getting though waaay more peanuts on the feeders this last week. I think the insect population locally must be dying off/hiding with all this cold weather.
      Actually-has anyone else noticed....years ago , during summer months when you went out in the car for a long drive, you'd come back with insects plastered to the front of the car? Doesn't seem to happen to the same extent these days.
      Wasn't much fun trying to sponge them off
      Actually, it's probably not a good sign about the state of the insect population is it?

      And on that happy note....

      Have a great day peeps-remember to feed the birds, leave out water, and check your bonfires on the veg patch for sleeping hedgehogs!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning All - Nuff said
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Morning for the second year running we had no trick or treaters. I did see a couple of supervised groups with little ones heading down the road earlier on it looked like they were heading to a party so probably that's probably what they do these days instead of door to door.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Morning All

            Greenhouse construction day today, will no doubt cause me to mutter a few expletives

            Once up and glazed I shall set about constructing some staging...of sorts that is as me and woodwork don't get on

            Have a great 1 November everybody


            • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
              Morning for the second year running we had no trick or treaters. I did see a couple of supervised groups with little ones heading down the road earlier on it looked like they were heading to a party so probably that's probably what they do these days instead of door to door.
              Last year none if I remember rightly and this year two little boys with masks only! Loads of chocolate left, but you can guarantee if I hadn't bought any I would have had loads of visitors. I saw a couple of groups Bren, so maybe you're right.

              My daughter had her party on Saturday, so maybe that's a contributory factor as well
              Last edited by Florence Fennel; 01-11-2017, 06:59 AM.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning all, misty out there this morning.
                We were at our Daughters last night, so have no clue if we had trick or treaters.
                I couldn't take a chance of getting in sweets, I would have had to eat the leftovers ....
                Off to Costco this morning, I am craving lamb. Their leg steaks are brilliant. Apparantly that's all we have room for in the freezer says hubby ..
                Have a lovely day everyone
                Nannys make memories


                • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                  Morning All

                  Greenhouse construction day today, will no doubt cause me to mutter a few expletives

                  Once up and glazed I shall set about constructing some staging...of sorts that is as me and woodwork don't get on

                  Have a great 1 November everybody
                  Ah Greenleaves, you must be my husbands brother .

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • No trickers or treaters out here last night. No VC either, which I was quite sorry about. Mind you, apparently a big fox in the vicinity kept Mr Snoop awake. If he hadn't been barking, our dogs wouldn't have either. Me, I slept right through it all.

                    No frost this morning. And it's now quite warm. But, I have set my heart on cauliflower cheese for lunch, so I will be lighting the range, regardless of the fact that there's absolutely no need.

                    Hope you all have a lovely day.


                    • Hello and welcome to Sunny November Its a beautiful day - 15C in the shade and 32 in the GH.
                      I've been potting on 24 Carnation seedlings that I found in the porch last night. Not sure when they were delivered but it was a nice surprise before bedtime
                      Snoop, sorry I missed you last night, I was so busy flying around looking for GL and rary to give them a good haunting that I couldn't fit in a flight to Spain. I'm exhausted this morning. Think my broomstick has seen better days - bit like rary
                      We don't have trick or treaters here - they're too scared to ring my bell - sets off the werewolves
                      Have a great day everyone, I must go back to the garden and talk to the trees.


                      • Morning, hope you are all well. No guisers out here last night either! Dull and wet and also a little breezy today, not very nice but the sun has to shine tomorrow...we will see.
                        Hope you all have a lovely day.


                        • Good afternoon, it has been a very wet day here today rain has finally stopped and a bit of blue sky showing, max. temp. 13c. I have a feeling that someone is trying to wind me up, with temperatures of 32 in the greenhouse, I didn't even get that with my fire on oh and there were quite a lot out guising in this area, but no sign of VC as none of the guisers looked frightened
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Snoop you must be like me, with a clear conscience you can sleep through anything, should have said due to the heavy rain this morning, I as trapped in the house and had to do a bit of painting, however it didn't take too long and I get brownie points for doing it
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • I've never heard of guisers! You do talk funny oop north


                              • No we talk English up here! Guising as in disguising.


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