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Smug or not?


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  • #16
    It would break my heart to have to buy courgettes when I remember the bucketfuls of them I give away every Summer. Loads of Courgette soup and ratatouille in the freezer and although I don't buy out of season veg I must say that ratatouille is like a taste of Summer in the depths of Winter. I've just started to pick the PSB and still have kale parsnips and leeks in the plot plus potatoes, squash, onions and garlic stored. There are tomatoes, peppers, peas and beans in the freezer

    The only veg I buy are mushrooms, celery and avocado


    • #17
      With a couple of exceptions (the usual suspects) we seem to be pretty smug here

      Its a good feeling


      • #18
        I don't have enough room to be self-sufficient, but loads of runner beans in the freezer, still some toms too, plus blackberries and raspberries for fruit.

        This must be doing our British farmers a lot of good, all those growers of cabbages, swedes, potatoes, leeks

        I love winter veg in winter, and firmly believe that God invented all lettuce (bleh) purely for the benefit of slugs
        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
        Endless wonder.


        • #19
          Dont really eat veg most ofthe stuff i grow i give away so not fussed about the rations
          When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


          • #20
            As long as the "Beer Shelf" doesn't run dry, no effect here!
            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


            • #21
              I shop on line at Tezzies every week and it's strange how the most expensive lettuce and tomatoes are still available while the cheaper ones aren't. They can control on line shoppers with the varied availability of the stuff the want you to buy! There's something going on with Himself's favourite brand of beer too - it's only available to buy between last Thursday and tomorrow (JSS) so it will be interesting to see what that is - I think they may be influencing the size of the packs.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • #22

                Made me laugh


                • #23
                  VC I've just bought the kind of bulbs associated with growing the wrong kind of weeds, but I'm going to grow lettuce so hope the drug squad don't come knocking on my door. I did wonder why the only lettuce I could buy last week as scrawny small things, now I know!
                  . .......Man Vs Slug
                  Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                  Nutters Club Member


                  • #24
                    It's the 'Emporers New Clothes' story again - maybe there is a glut but by announcing that it is all in short supply and quantity restricted the growers and supermarkets hope that people will panic buy..........what do I know?
                    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
                      VC I've just bought the kind of bulbs associated with growing the wrong kind of weeds, but I'm going to grow lettuce so hope the drug squad don't come knocking on my door. I did wonder why the only lettuce I could buy last week as scrawny small things, now I know!
                      Let me know how your 'lettuce' tastes - good flavour, not too rough etc...

                      I think Deano has turned a room in his house over to 'lettuce' production - you could swap notes...
                      Last edited by Baldy; 06-02-2017, 08:58 PM.
                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • #26
                        I have to buy lots of fruit and some veg atm ...nothing grows as fast as my boys can eat it. Just packed lunch alone for them has a banana, Apple and a tangerine and my OH will eat them daily too I do have apple trees but they are gone by xmas. I use my local farm shop and try to mostly buy locally grown and won't grow out of season. I don't shop with a list and just buy the produce that is available that week and work with it. There was one year that the cougette harvest came too soon I fed the family with them and decided I needed a year off

                        Originally posted by happyhumph View Post
                        Can't face courgette in winter, or iceberg any time of year......
                        I'm with you on the courgettes and shop bought iceburg is disgusting but homegrown is very different...try this, ive grown it for years. Lettuce 'Great Lakes' Seeds


                        • #27
                          Looks nice - I'm trying reine des glaces this year as eldest loves iceberg and it looks nice - similar to yours.
                          Another happy Nutter...


                          • #28
                            I'm definitely not self-sufficient, but do try to eat seasonally. Having said that we do go through a lot of peppers (I couldnt grow enough even if I could grow them all year round!)

                            I shop online so havent noticed any impact - although the peppers have been scrawny and slightly past their best.

                            I don't know why anyone would want to buy one iceberg lettuce - never mind 3. It was the broccoli that got me though - why would you ever need to buy more than 3 broccoli heads at a time?!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vixylix View Post
                              It was the broccoli that got me though - why would you ever need to buy more than 3 broccoli heads at a time?!
                              Unless you're on the broccoli diet - "lose 17lbs in 10 days" according to goggle. Imagine that you're on Day 9 and there's no more broccoli on sale. I'd turn to chocolate to cheer myself up. Actually, I'd probably turn to chocolate on Day 2


                              • #30
                                I currently have 4 broccoli heads in my fridge - eldest eats it pretty much every day as does youngest. Come to think of it I may be the reason for broccoli shortages!
                                Another happy Nutter...


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