I'm an allotment rep on one of the Local Authority sites I have a plot on, and a committee member on the other site I have a plot on. The local Authority have outsourced the parks and allotments to an independent contractor Idverde.
All the allotments reps have a meeting once a year with the local Authority where we discuss allotments in general but not each site specifically. Further to the Allotment Reps meeting it has taken 5 weeks with chasing copying in local councillors and threatening to go to the press to get the broken lock that was reported on the 29th March replaced.
I have been informed that they will no longer weld the padlocks as it is too expensive. I pointed out that
"Idverde is supposed to be providing the same level of service as we had before they took over and were obviously not aware that the padlocks were welded to chains until it was brought to their attention at the meeting with the reps and confirmed by the council officers present. If they have failed to allow for that within the pricing of their tender that's one thing, if it was not stated within the tender document that's quite another".
Under the freedom of information act, I request a copy of the tender documentation they priced against so that I may establish which one it is?
Until the matter of welding the padlocks to the gates is resolved I would request that additional padlocks be provided to me as in excess of two months to replace a padlock is in no way acceptable, the allotment is in an area prone to fly tipping, and it would be disastrous if we were unable to lock the gates. I have no faith that the level of service promised at the reps meeting is achievable by Idverde, as it was stated by them that the padlock would be attending to it on the day of the meeting and clearly that did not happen.
One only gets one chance to make a first impression and to be frank, I'm underwhelmed and will need some time to gain trust that they can and will do what they say they will"
As a result of my email they are apparently "going to get an alternative clasp to attach the padlock to the gates, one that doesn�t need welding".
I feel that the allotment reps should be in communication with each other, so that we can present a united front to the Local Authority & Idverde.
As the council will be looking for ways of generating funds, I'm sure rents hikes and allotment sell offs will follow. I'm trying to establishing a method say a closed Facebook Group exclusively for allotment Reps in our borough to exchange information and to keep in touch other than the annual meeting that may or may not take place next year
Do any of you communicate with other allotment reps in your local Authority Catchment area?
If you do how do you do it?
Have any of you first hand experience positive or negative with Idverde?
All the allotments reps have a meeting once a year with the local Authority where we discuss allotments in general but not each site specifically. Further to the Allotment Reps meeting it has taken 5 weeks with chasing copying in local councillors and threatening to go to the press to get the broken lock that was reported on the 29th March replaced.
I have been informed that they will no longer weld the padlocks as it is too expensive. I pointed out that
"Idverde is supposed to be providing the same level of service as we had before they took over and were obviously not aware that the padlocks were welded to chains until it was brought to their attention at the meeting with the reps and confirmed by the council officers present. If they have failed to allow for that within the pricing of their tender that's one thing, if it was not stated within the tender document that's quite another".
Under the freedom of information act, I request a copy of the tender documentation they priced against so that I may establish which one it is?
Until the matter of welding the padlocks to the gates is resolved I would request that additional padlocks be provided to me as in excess of two months to replace a padlock is in no way acceptable, the allotment is in an area prone to fly tipping, and it would be disastrous if we were unable to lock the gates. I have no faith that the level of service promised at the reps meeting is achievable by Idverde, as it was stated by them that the padlock would be attending to it on the day of the meeting and clearly that did not happen.
One only gets one chance to make a first impression and to be frank, I'm underwhelmed and will need some time to gain trust that they can and will do what they say they will"
As a result of my email they are apparently "going to get an alternative clasp to attach the padlock to the gates, one that doesn�t need welding".
I feel that the allotment reps should be in communication with each other, so that we can present a united front to the Local Authority & Idverde.
As the council will be looking for ways of generating funds, I'm sure rents hikes and allotment sell offs will follow. I'm trying to establishing a method say a closed Facebook Group exclusively for allotment Reps in our borough to exchange information and to keep in touch other than the annual meeting that may or may not take place next year
Do any of you communicate with other allotment reps in your local Authority Catchment area?
If you do how do you do it?
Have any of you first hand experience positive or negative with Idverde?