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Shooting stars!


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  • #16
    for those lucky enough to have seen some of the persieds and would like to see some more, and for those like me who didn't see a thing the next meteor shower worthy of note is the Orionids which peaks around the 22nd of October. the shower is active from the 16th to the 27th but the 22nd is the main night.
    is spacetime curved or was einstien round the bend


    • #17
      I've been watching for 2 nights and haven't seen anything. I've been lucky enough in my life to see a few shooting stars, but it would have been good to see a meteor shower. I'll keep watching.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #18
        I saw the Orionids last year it was a spectacular show - worth watching out for. Trouble is, I had to wait 'till 5am to see any
        Here's to October 22nd
        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


        • #19
          Thanks for that starwatcher! please will you let us know of any other events!!
          I love looking at the night sky...are you as your tag suggests a star watcher


          • #20
            I didnt see the last lot - forgot the first night then it was far too cloudy the second, so the October event is firmly in my brain (tho given my brain that might not be enough ... hmm!!).
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


            • #21
              Sunday night

              hello this is Derbyshire and on Sunday night around midnight my husband counted 13 shooting stars and I counted 6 we also saw something like the northen lights it was really strange to see all these ripples of light


              • #22
                Hi everyone,
                yes headfry as my tag suggests I am a keen amatuer astronomer and I will keep you posted of events. shooting stars (meteors can be seen all the time you just have to be patient and have a dark rural sky. if you are lucky enough to have this then the band of the summer milky way runs right overhead at the moment.
                Alice patience is a virtue which I am sure scarey55 would agree with having seen one!!.
                chrissie07 I quite often observe in deryshire usually near Buxton what you are your hubby saw quite probably was the northern lights although rare they have been seen as far south as dorset in this country.
                anyway enough for now early night for me as got to put my shed up tomorrow then I had better learn somthing about growing veg
                is spacetime curved or was einstien round the bend


                • #23
                  We were lucky enough to be in a converted barn overlooking Lough Erne in Co Fermanagh, N.Ireland on Saturday night, following a family wedding. I stayed up to watch From Dusk Til Dawn (Great fillum), and looked out about 1.30am to a depressingly cloudy sky. Gave it another half hour and looked again, and although there was still a bit of cloud about, there was plenty of clear sky, the milky way clearly visible (in a way that it hasn't been in our part of England for a many years!), and spotted Persied meteors at intervals of between 30 seconds, and 3 minutes. Great viewing, but couldn't rouse anyone else in the barn to come share the experience... lightweights.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by starwatcher View Post
                    Hi everyone,
                    yes headfry as my tag suggests I am a keen amatuer astronomer and I will keep you posted of events. shooting stars (meteors can be seen all the time you just have to be patient and have a dark rural sky. if you are lucky enough to have this then the band of the summer milky way runs right overhead at the moment.
                    Alice patience is a virtue which I am sure scarey55 would agree with having seen one!!.
                    chrissie07 I quite often observe in deryshire usually near Buxton what you are your hubby saw quite probably was the northern lights although rare they have been seen as far south as dorset in this country.
                    anyway enough for now early night for me as got to put my shed up tomorrow then I had better learn somthing about growing veg
                    Northern Lights have actually been seen as far south as South Devon (Plymouth area). When I was a child (many moons ago,) I remember my dad waking me up and getting me to look out of our north facing window at the lights in the sky. Absolutely amazing, and I've never forgotten it.


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