Originally posted by Baldy
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I've got several lenses for me old 35mm camera but use them with adapters on my Micro four thirds digital.
My first digital camera took 3.5 inch disks and took a VGA sized photo (640 by 480) I think that digital resolution has gotten to a stage where it has surpassed the grain on 35mm film and sensitivity is improving with each new camera release whith whopping great ISO numbers you never had on my old pentax or practica. The processors on the digi cams are now better than most of my previous PCs.
I was ALMOST tempted to buy a Pentax Auto 110 SLR camera a few months back. This was a full SLR camera that used the 110 format, The 110 image size is basically the same size as the sensor of the Micro Four Thirds camera and the distance from the lens to the negative on the 110 is only slightly less than the distance between the lens and the MFT sensor. I decided that I would probably never use the camera or if I did I'd probably not get round to getting the film developed so I passed on the camera. I did get a couple of lenses and adapters though so now have some tiny f2.8 lenses for my MFT camera (and I'm sure that I could jerry rig a way to mount them to a gopro).