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  • Morning everyone, brrr here
    Rary, we used to use my Dad a lot when he retired, because he had the time ha ha. He made us countless things from wood, some requested, some not.
    Now we are retired, I will never know how I managed proper work you know
    Shopping again this morning, diets are costing big time
    Work this afternoon, got my stuff and two bags from next door to take in.
    Have a great day and wrap up warm
    Nannys make memories


    • Weird morning all!
      Brilliant sunshine--it was until I started typing--and the snow equivalent of drizzle.
      Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


      • Morning,

        Grey clouds here. Not going to the allotment today going to sort the back garden out and plant some bulbs even tho they should of been in the ground weeks ago. But first before that I need a brew.

        Have a good day


        • Morning all,looks like sun outside,my ears are shut to the word snow,dorset knob,a new 1 on me to,goggle says it's bread dough with extra sugar and butter,turn it into a bread pudding,surely they can be frozen whilst still fresh,winwin,you get the tin sooner,and still have fresh knobs.
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Morning - we got lots of falling snow, but not much settling as the ground is too wet - but it's enough to keep you indoors! That's for sure even the cat agrees

            Another should be housework day, but dunno if I can be bothered as I've got a book to read!

            Whatever you're up to have a good'un.


            • Happy sunny Monday Blue sky, looks very tempting until you step outside - its bitterly cold. However, its 38C in the GH - guess where I'm going?
              Cwtch up - its warmer that way


              • Good morning all.
                Cold here at just 1 deg.
                Up at 7.15 this morning to get granddaughter off to school.
                Such a shock to the systrm as I hadn't been up that early for ages.
                Anyway all is well and she will be going home tonight.
                I will miss her so much as she was great company over the weekend.
                Off to the library and grocery shopping.
                Have a good day all and stay warm.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Morning all, just done a bit of tidying up in the garden, fed the birds was a beautiful morning but it's gone cloudy now. Talking about strawberries boatsman, we have strawberries in flower here too...outside after all that rotten weather too!
                  Off to grab some lunch and then supermarket shopping. OH has been in bed yesterday and this morning, thinks it was food poisoning caused by a seafood salad in M n S on Saturday evening...yuk. Funnily enough when the guy served our food he started out by saying good evening who's for blah blah and finished by saying 'good luck with that'. I did say that's a bit ominous but he didn't react! Anyhoo, he seems to be on the med as he tolerated some tea and toast this morning.
                  Ok, off for lunch, enjoy your day whatever you are doing.
                  Last edited by Jay22; 05-02-2018, 11:58 AM.


                  • Good afternoon.
                    Sitting here in the conservatory with the sun shining in.
                    Me, the tomatoes and chilli seedlings are enjoying it
                    A few more tomatoes have terminated and some have got their first true seed leaves.
                    All looking good for the moment.
                    If I can get them through the next few weeks they should be fine.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • A cold dull day here, was at my GD. all day and now up watching the boy's, I have a head cold and it wasn't too bad this morning but has steadily got worse, I also have a perforated ear drum and that is getting very sore as the day progresses, no matter it gives me an excuse for not hearing any requests to do housework NS I was going to join with you and Nicos, but after reading your post I am not so sure, and I will not say what part of your post put me off, I will let you,guess right need to go and see about feeding the boy's
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Afternoon All

                        Spent a chilly day over the plots with a mixed bag of weather, frosty first thing, then sunshine...quite pleasant in the greenhouse until the snow showers arrived.

                        Will be glad of the fire tonight!


                        • Originally posted by bramble View Post
                          Good afternoon.
                          A few more tomatoes have terminated and some have got their first true seed leaves.
                          Sad to hear some haven't made it.

                          Cold here. Just been out with the dogs, who are relieved it isn't raining at the mo. The dry lull has brought all the foxes out, so the dogs are now having a good barking and howling session. Better now than when I'm trying to sleep.

                          Hope you all have a lovely evening.
                          Last edited by Snoop Puss; 05-02-2018, 05:33 PM.


                          • Just off to bed.
                            Looked out the window and we have snow.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Before I wish you all Good night, I'll share the email I received today, with you-

                              "Carole - a delicious Valentine's gift for you - with my compliments"

                              This sounds nice, thought I, so opened the email in great anticipation - would it be chocolates, cake, wine???

                              It was...................... no, you can guess!! I'll tell you tomorrow.

                              Nos da.


                              • Good Morning All Cold but no frost. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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