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Chatback #15


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  • Aww Deano reading your post I thought you said if you need a coffee come on round...I had my jacket on when I realised my mistake!!:
    Morning all, cold this morning but sunny, these are the days I like. OH said it was snowing during the night, nothing here now but definitely some on the hills. More to come tonight and next week.
    Haven’t gotten round to sowing anything as yet...too early yet for chillis without a propagator but looking forward to getting started. Anyhoo better go get something done, but first a coffee, which I suppose I will have to get myself.
    Have a great day everyone.


    • I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning. Nipped over to pick my son’s dog up as he and his gf are going away for the night. It has now been snowing for about an hour. Nasty wet cold stuff. I’m off out with me brolly. Laters.
      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


      • Morning all. bit of shiney but only 2c out there. I've got 20 primulas out in the cold greenhouse but it's just too cold for me to be out there just yet planting them out. They were almost bone dry when I bought them at Aldi but a splash of water in a tray and sitting the pots in therefor a while has them looking great now.


        • Afternoon folks
          F is for Friday, Fat Club and sadly, Funeral
          Minus 1.5lb in fat club, funeral shortly
          At least it's stopped raining,
          Have a good one
          Nannys make memories


          • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
            Aww Deano reading your post I thought you said if you need a coffee come on round...I had my jacket on when I realised my mistake!!:
            Here Jay!

            You are more than welcome to come share a coffee in my humble aboad anytime!

            So get ya coat!
            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


            • Artnoon all.
              Woke to a dusting of snow which soon disappeared in the sunshine. Its been luvly out there today, deadheading the geraniums and taking cuttings. Geraniums always amaze me - they're so tough. I move them into the GH late autumn, ignore them apart from dead heading, no watering and still they keep flowering. Wish all plants thrived on neglect.
              See you later - the sunshine is calling to me................


              • Most years I can just leave geraniums outside - Mrs Balders might occasionally deadhead 'em.
                Probably goes to show its warmer (possibly wetter though) in Devon than 'other' parts of the UK
                This year there has been the odd flower on the geraniums all through winter. There are even some nasturtiums that have survived.
                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                • Good evening, a cold day with showers some of them with snow, did get out to the greenhouse for a time, which led to a wee fall out with OH I asked her for some old tights, while I went out to the GH she went to get them, I came back in to get them, how was I to know she meant the back door when she told me they were at the door, the dressing table is by the door and so was a pair of tights, I would have given them back to her but unfortunately they got a wee bit torn when I stuffed the plant pots into them if she gives me the money I will buy her another pair though I did get the greenhouse tidied up a bit
                  Well enjoy your weekend, keep warm and safe and pass on a smile Goodnight
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Morning All

                    Well the forecast was miles off....-4� was quoted but lowest overnight temp was +2�

                    I have plenty to get on with over the plots today so the slightly warmer temps will be welcome.

                    Have a super Saturday


                    • Morning, our forecast was was for -2c and my GH lowest was -1.2c so that was close, we've got a frosty start to the day.
                      Rest of the day it says snow, rain and fog so all we're missing is wind and sunshine
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Mornin n'alln'all

                        -6C out there....bunny and chook water frozen solid .... brrrr....
                        Had a great afternoon yesterday. Three friends came over and we sorted out just year's seed swap packages and got the list up to date so we can now start packaging and restocking new seed.
                        Managed all the sorting in only 3hrs
                        Soooo much quicker and fun in a group isn't it?

                        Have a great weekend all...well done NS...that takes some doing!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good Morning All Grey and cold here. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all, frosty here
                            Thanks for your support Nicos, that 1.5 lb is like a yo yo, but I am bang on 9st, I wanted to be in the 8 bracket for Christmas lol
                            Anyway, funeral yesterday was lovely, just one of those special send offs
                            Have a lovely day folks
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Precipitating it down here - I;m not pleased as its too wet to do anything- can't even use the greenhouse as its still full of junk that needs to be moved back to the sheds. Was hoping to get cracking this morning... not to be
                              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                              • Raining here too so domesticity beckons - after coffee and the crossword
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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