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  • Mornin Flon'all
    Book Club this morning...glad OH will be coming along and driving ..I hate driving long distances on icy, unsalted country lanes.
    Keep safe peeps
    Last edited by Nicos; 13-02-2018, 05:27 AM.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning all. Light cloud and it's windy again, I don't care much for the wind.
      Never mind, we popped to the library yesterday and have a parcel arriving today so I'll stay in and read.
      Enjoy your day
      Location ... Nottingham


      • Morning all, bit nippy here of course.
        Extra shift at work this morning, one of our oldie volunteers is off with the lurgy
        Had a review with the Doc yesterday. All came back really good, even my fatty liver has lost weight lol.
        But, as always, I never visit them without getting another prescription - vitamin D was quite low.
        Who'd have thought it.
        Hope you are all well and enjoying the little glimpses of sunshine here and there
        Nannys make memories


        • Good morning all,nippy without snow,we have had the other day a few passing flurries,enjoy you day,and Bgood 2yourselve's
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • We have wind and rain with snow forecast for later, so dark I need a light on.


            • Good morning all.
              A bright clear sunny day again.
              Temp just 2 deg with a very chilly breeze.
              Family coming in for dinner tonight so must go grocery shopping.
              Have a good day all and stay safe.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Morning all, another light snowfall this morning but nothing to worry about! It was amazing on Sunday night, the biggest snowflakes I've seen in my life and yet it didn't last too long!
                Not much on the cards today. Have been making soup this morning...any tips on stopping lentils sticking to the bottom of the pot?!
                We now have three robins in the garden. One waits just outside the window looking in as if to say hey where's my breakfast. Put out some feed and the minute he comes down one of the others chases him away! Nature, it's a wonderful but sometimes cruel thing. Need to get a feeder in the clematis where he sits, hopefully then he can have his brekkie in peace.
                Garden in still bog like so nothing getting done in there. Woodland Trust on Twitter asking if anyone has starting cutting their grass yet. I don't know about you but we don't start here until April...and that's only if it has dried out by then.
                Anyhoo, off to have a catch-up, hope you all have a lovely day.


                • Bright Happy Day Here....

                  All Green but very wet underfoot

                  Promised snow not returned


                  • Lots of sploshy stuff here with added sleet for a bit of variety
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • cannot believe how cold we feel,heating full on at 30,extra clothes ext,even had a sleep in the chair under the cover,had a spell in the kitchen cooking,and still leggs feel like they are in a wind tunnel,what the hek gives eh,stupid weather,get well soon all you sickly peeps with bugs,
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Lottie, I think the only way to try to keep warm is wearing layers of clothing.
                        The cold can seep in quickly whenyoure not moving around.
                        Roll on summer.
                        It's been a strange winter and not letting go just yet.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Happy Evening
                          Its is chilly tonight but the forecast is for warmer tomorrow. Shame it has to rain at the same time!
                          It's my Mum's birthday today - 98 Instead of buying her stuff she doesn't want I buy her food so I rang her this morning to see what she needed.
                          Nothing really - well, you could fetch me some milk.
                          OK, Mum, I'll buy you some milk for your birthday. Anything else? (I ran through a list of stuff she used to buy when we shopped at Lidl together.)
                          How about soup?
                          Yes, soup, that would be nice.
                          What flavour?
                          Well, I like tangerine, banana...............
                          No Mum, SOUP, not FRUIT!
                          (I've been chucking all day about Tangerine soup)

                          My brother was at Mum's cooking her lunch - fillet steak and chips - which she demolished in no time. Not bad for a 98 year old - with most of her teeth.

                          Brother had also rung her and said "Shall I bring you a steak?" and she said "Yes, Cake would be nice!".
                          Oh how we larfed.

                          That's it from me, hope you've all had an entertaining day too.


                          • Well, that made me smile VC
                            I am munching biscuits tonight, been good all day and that happens., grrr
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Its not good to be good all the time, NS. Life would be so boring


                              • Good evening, a cold start to the day but did heat up a bit the temperature went away up to 4c, almost tropical. GDs flat is now painted a wee bit of papering tomorrow and that's it ready. Time for bed now so keep well and happy, the days are getting longer so have some patience soon bee spring. Goodnight
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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