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  • Mornin n'alln'all
    Quiet day for me...not quite sure what, but a friend has just come back from her hols so no doubt there will be a kettle and chin wagging involved

    The garden looked brill last night...all the solar lights were glowing away well past midnight!

    Have a great day peeps...keep warm!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good Morning All Hope folks are better today. Have a good day.
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning Crew - too dark out there to see what it's going to be like however the BBC think it's only getting up to 4C during the day and -1 overnight so candles and Terracotta heater for the next week overnight from the looks of things. at least forecast for sun on Sunday if I can just talk my youngest daughter into having a lay in on Sunday I may get to my allotment if I'm lucky.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Good morning all,not been out yet,but sun is bright with no heat in it,got washing to catch up on ready for the fairy tomoz,have a good day and Bgood 2yourself.
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Morning its bright and sunny out bit chilly so the best place to be will be my GH.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all, not very bright here, just popped out to the freezer and it was definately nippy
              Work this afternoon, then that's me off till Monday
              Have a great day
              Nannys make memories


              • Good morning all.
                A completely grey sky here and temp at 5 reg.
                Nothing planned for today except domestics.
                Have a good day all,

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Happy Thursday evening Bit nippy out there but the sun is setting later so that's a positive.

                  The Smart meter men came this morning and there was much sucking of teeth and umming and aahing at the sight of the inaccessible vintage gas meter, in a cupboard at ceiling height with (don't look Potty) lead pipe to the meter! All sorted now - shiny copper pipe and a meter gadget to play with.

                  I've spent my indoor waiting time bagging up all my GYO back numbers from the first edition and they are out at the roadside for recycling. If anyone would like 10 years of magazines, give me a shout before tomorrow morning. Collection only.
                  Don't know why I've hoarded them (or other gardening mags) - Nobody writes a magazine that is relevant to my gardening "style" - don't know why!

                  Hope you've all had a good day doing summat you enjoy!


                  • Good evening, today it has been occasional sunshine but mostly cloudy and cold but dry that's three days without rain, which gives the ground a chance to dry out, though I think it will stay cold for while as there is still snow on the hills, was at our friends funeral today so didn't get much gardening work done, but did get out to the greenhouse where I have put a fire on, and also set a trap for the mice as they have removed the heads of all my lettuce, so they have to go, I note VC is clearing out, which makes me feel guilty (that will be right) but would suggest that she puts the mags. into a charity shop, that way some one might benefit from them, I wonder if it's warm down NSs way as I,see she pops out to the freezer till its a bit nippy, up here we open the freezer for a heat, and I also see Nicos was looking forward to a chin wag, which here is referred to as a blether, and that's the difference between men and women, men discuss things, women blether. Well enjoy tomorrow and keep warm and safe pass on a smile. Goodnight
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Evening all, I have a load of those magazines too rary but didn't think of the charity shop...maybe NS could tell us if they would accept them?
                      As rary says it wasn't too bad a day up here and the garden is not quite so squishy...still squishy just not so squishy as it had been. Lovely to see the daffs etc almost flowering. It's also lighter for much longer which is nice when OH and I go for our evening walk.
                      Quiet day today, just the way I like it. Hope you all had a fab day and enjoy the rest of your evening.


                      • I don't honestly think any local charity shops would want a heap of 10 year old magazines. One was a bit sniffy when I took in a box of books - saying "Not more books!". I was forced to say that the only thing I buy from charity shops is books - which is almost true. My books now go to a table in W1lkos where books can be left or taken for a donation to Alzheimers. No questions asked. Don't think old magazines would be needed there either though.


                        • Everyone is shifting back from e-readers to proper books...these places may shortly be looking for books, maybe they shouldn't be too sniffy!


                          • I love proper books. The feel, the smell etc. However, I read books on my iPad when i�m on holiday. It�s my book, my crossword and my relaxation in general. It saves space and weight in my luggage. It also means I can read in all types of light whether on holiday or not. I haunt the charity shops for books I can�t find digitally online.

                            Currently rereading the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy online, and also Tess Geritson�s latest real books.
                            Last edited by JanieB; 23-02-2018, 12:56 AM. Reason: to add
                            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                            • Moran n'alln'all
                              More seedswap sorting today...nearly finished

                              Brrr it's cold this morning. Not checked what temp it is out there but it's certainly brrrr...
                              Kettle's yrselves!
                              Guess who has 3watermelons?...yup meeeeee!
                              My friend brought them over for me -can't find them anywhere here until the summer. Seasonal shopping n all that...
                              Have a great day peeps....see ya later...
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Hard frost this morning. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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