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Chatback #15


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  • Good evening, very cold day but no snow thankfully, and the roads are now clear, was supposed to have all the boy's today but as buses and trains were off D/L decided not to risk going to work and the same with S/L so finished up at GDs flat doing some finishing work than a day in the house, nipped out to the greenhouse and put the fire on, now starting to run low on wood, though I have some logs to saw up yet, while out at the greenhouse I was going to put some old compost an to the potting bench to allow it to heat up a bit, its stored in a large plastic bin just outside the greenhouse but was unable to get any as the compost is frozen solid so will just have to wait till things heat up a bit, and VC have you never heard the saying, The Sun Shines On The Righteous ,so I wouldn't worry too much about the Sun being away, just be grateful you get it occasionaly. Right away to have a cup of tea keep warm and safe and pass on a smile. Goodnight
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • Morning all. I was going to bagsy the duffel coat but I reckon some one else will need it more than me.
      Still snow and frozen so not much on the agenda for today.
      Enjoy your Saturday folks
      Location ... Nottingham


      • Good Morning Mr Bones'n'All Snowed again overnight, recovering the paths. Hope my shopping makes it today. Have a good day
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning All

          I can report that we have a positive temperature of +1, still lots of snow but also thick fog.....I shall be venturing over the plots today as I have some timber being delivered. Just called me to give me an eta of 12.30

          Have a warm and safe day all


          • Morning a bit more overnight snow we've got more due this morning hopefully tomorrows rain will wash all the snow away
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all, no more snow for us. Starting to thaw now, fingers crossed.
              Hope everyone is ok
              Nannys make memories


              • Mornin n'alln'all
                Off to market in a sec.
                All snow gone around here because of the rain thank goodness Bren.

                Keep warm and safe peeps.
                (Remember the wildlife and birds folks )
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Good morning. It rained in the night and now it's blue skies, breezes and birdsong. Oh, and last night I went and checked on the unmanaged hives relatively close to us. Unbelievably, the bees have survived. Given the drought last year and lack of flowers, I'm amazed. They look quite busy, probably collecting from the almond blossom. Our trees still haven't flowered, so that will keep them going till the spring flowers really get going. That and the brassicas that I've left specially to go to seed for them. I'm so pleased! Oh and we have a young blackbird singing, still trying to find his voice and call, so he sounds a bit croaky at times. But he's really close to the house, so that will bring us joy this spring too.

                  Plus, as the worst of the weather looks like it might be over, I've had a rummage through my seeds. I'd sorted out loads that in theory I wouldn't be sowing again but couldn't quite bring myself to chuck out. Anyway, quite a few packets have been retrieved and will be scattered willy-nilly, � la VC. And why not? Green(ish) manure, possible harvest of herbs and lettuce, something for the chickens (bird variety, not VC or relatives) and then flowers for the bees.

                  Oh, and I've also mounded up a pile of stuff on Mr Snoop's side of the bed in a bid to encourage him to get it sorted and put away. He'll not be able to get into bed if he doesn't. Passive-aggressive, moi? Who cares? I'm fed up at the sight of it all. Plus, I couldn't get at my seeds without shifting it all, so it had to be moved. Honest!

                  All that and it's just three minutes past ten and the whole weekend ahead of me! Roast pork for lunch with loads of veg (which I'll probably like more than the pork, to be honest). And then Mr Snoop is going to set up the new telly we bought weeks ago and have done nothing with. After that it's Blade Runner 2049 for the afternoon entertainment. More Mr Snoop's cup of tea than mine, to be honest, but fair's fair if he's set the telly up and put away his junk.

                  Hope you all have a great weekend too!


                  • ^Sorry for such a long post. A bit over-excited there!

                    Anyway, big sympathetic hug for Janie. Toe bones can break from having heavy things dropped on them. I know from painful experience. Even if you haven't broken it but it hurts like mad, it might appreciate being strapped to the next toe along in order to keep it relatively immobile. Hope it starts to feel better soon.


                    • Temp rising now up to 2.5C already so I may actually get properly out for a walk to stretch my legs, later - at last!
                      When I can actually get the greenhouse doors open I'll be able to see the damage - let's hope I'm pleasantly surprised rather than devastated. There were lots of small plants overwintering as well as some less hardy stuff....
                      Have a good weekend everyone!


                      • Good morning all.
                        Our red weather warning has been downgraded to an orange one as of nine o'clock this morning.
                        Temp 0. Still a few snow flurries but sleety rain forecast for later.
                        We are still stuck indoors as the road is not safe to go out just yet.
                        Missing the newspapers more than anything as we have everything else we need.
                        Have a good day all especially anyone who can manage anything garden related.
                        I just want thing to be normal again.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Well the day was better than I thought.
                          No rain, sleet or snow as forecast.
                          Spent a couple of hours with the neighbours shovelling a pathway through the snow.
                          In the afternoon my daughter and son in law came by and brought me shopping.
                          He drives a four wheel so we got there and back with no bother.
                          Nice to be getting back to normal even if it is slowly.
                          Have a good evening all.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Evening all, seems to have been a long day which started with me having to clear snow from the driveway to get the car out to allow us to do some grocery shopping. There had been a further 4" or so overnight and added to what was already lying there was a lot to move and I was shovelling for over an hour. Roads were not as bad as I thought they would be but T***o was mobbed and very short of bread.

                            Been a lot of snow showers during the day but hopefully we're now past the worst.


                            • Morning All

                              A positively balmy 4.9� outside and the snow is virtually gone

                              Off over the plots today to make up for lost time last week.....have fun all


                              • Morning All Foggy here and a other fall of snow. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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