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Chatback #15


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  • Morning all, Beast from East 2 hasn't arrived which is good. Looks to be perishing cold out though. We are getting a few hailstorm falling and not melting. Brrrrh.

    Anyways, all stay cosy and safe


    • Trying to snow here and we have a relative trying to get here from the Midlands, hope the journey is ok


      • Mornin n'alln'all

        We has light drizzle.

        Today I shall be found mostly in the kitchen baking for tomorrow's seed swap!
        Supposed to be dry and 2C tomorrow....and occasional snow flurries....I can cope with that!

        Just need to go and have a chat with my chilli seedlings...they seem to have gone on strike!

        See ya later....
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Beast from the East part 2 is well with us in London
          Nannys make memories


          • Weather .. tut.. Time for coffee and hot cross buns
            Location ... Nottingham


            • Good morning all.
              Just 2 deg here but dry so far and hoping it will stay like that for the St. Patrick's day parade.
              Off to mass shortly and then an afternoon of rugby.
              Hope you all have a good day.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Morning all,snow flurries here in fits and starts,got seeds to pot on,note to self..must not neglect them,enjoy your day and Bgood 2yourselvs.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Nipped out, it's Baltic out there, 1 degree and snow flurries, the hills are a white out, but with the sun peeping through now and again it's 10 degrees in the greenhouse, mad.................


                  • Just done a mammoth baking session!

                    Carrot and orange cake
                    Chocolate and ginger cake
                    Dorset Apple (and rhubarb) cake
                    Coffee cake
                    Victoria sponge with lemon curd I made a couple of days ago
                    Banana and coconut cake.
                    Apricot sponge.

                    That's me done in for the rest of the day now

                    We had some really sploshy huuuge snowflakes a couple of hours ago -glad it didn't stick.
                    Last edited by Nicos; 17-03-2018, 03:35 PM.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • ^^^^...only got 24 eggs left now!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Evening its snowed all day but luckily it didn't start to settle until 4-ish. garden does look pretty though.

                        Nicos I like the sounds of Carrot and orange cake do you have a favourite recipe to share please ?
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Thanks Bren!
                          Made it up
                          200g butter,200g sugar, 200g flour, 4 eggs. Big splodge of vanilla essence, finely grated zest of 2oranges and 2 finely grated carrots.
                          Cinnamon to taste...

                          Basically a Victoria sponge with added flavours...

                          Has a nice texture with flavour bursts.
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good evening, went to a factory shop today as OH was looking for something to wear, all she needs to do is look in her wardrobe, or if nothing there look in mine, where half the cloths in it belong to her I had better stop or folks will be thinking this is APs post
                            Was out in the back garden this afternoon temperature of 2c, but if you kept working it was fine, and it was dry and sunny, greenhouse was 20c so just popped in now and again, now got the walkway down and ground levelled off will let it settle for two or three weeks and wait till its a bit warmer before re seeding the grass, now have to go and make the tea, and Bren wrong question, it should be favourite cake you can share
                            Last edited by rary; 18-03-2018, 01:27 PM. Reason: auto correct on kindle putting in the word it wants
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                              Made it up
                              200g butter,200g sugar, 200g flour, 4 eggs. Big splodge of vanilla essence, finely grated zest of 2oranges and 2 finely grated carrots.
                              Cinnamon to taste...

                              Basically a Victoria sponge with added flavours...

                              Has a nice texture with flavour bursts.
                              Thanks Nicos I've added it to my vine blog.
                              Last edited by Bren In Pots; 17-03-2018, 06:14 PM.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • That is a lot of cakes Nicos, I take it they are headed to the freezer.
                                Snowed on and off all day, nice and white. Hopefully will be gone tomorrow
                                Have a lovely evening
                                Nannys make memories


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