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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
    I've liked your post LD but It's more support than like
    Me too!...

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    I've liked your post LD but It's more support than like

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  • lottie dolly
    Afternoon,went back bed until phone rang just befor 10am,struggling with the attendance allowance form,just finished it with some help from a friend,needs posting,it was so stressfull doing and reading it back,i feel so close to tears,i have been worriting for a while about his lack of progress/going backwards,apparently,i am not the only one who has noticed it,i could be in for a bumpy ride,ahhh hemm,also waiting for an urgent hospital appointment,am hoping it turns out nothing to worry about,another hospital next week to see about the shoes,and a self assecement form to sort out from the DR to see a body to talk to,i feel like i lost a lot of him,he has been told what the Hospital is for,but not seem to respond to it,am worring for us both,all i can do is hold on,and hope for the best in all things,this is not a feel sorry for me,but a vent and a scream from the soap box,i always bounce back

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
    My son has had a couple of small speaking parts in the TV show! (Just thought I'd let you know)
    Ooh How exciting! Tell me more.
    I wish it was nearer to me, for location visiting

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  • Jay22
    Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
    Not to everyone's taste, I know, but I have enjoyed the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon but there are still a few I haven't read. This one is The Scottish Prisoner, next up is Seven Stones to Stand or Fall.
    So I could be missing for quite a while LOL......
    My son has had a couple of small speaking parts in the TV show! (Just thought I'd let you know)

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  • Jay22
    Poor dog! Laser therapy, never heard of that and I'm glad you can give meds easily. I used to be in tears when we had our two...nothing would coax them to take any medication whatsoever!
    Last edited by Jay22; 03-05-2018, 09:33 AM. Reason: Changing mess to meds!:/

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  • happyhumph
    Dog has arthritis in wrist and elbow, has painkillers, then starting laser therapy next week. Should make her a lot more comfortable, but now have to give her 4 lots of medicine a day! Good job she's fine with a syringe in her mouth.....

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  • rary
    Afternoon Folks, have been busy sawing up wood and a general tidy up done, though its sunny there is still a cold wind blowing and if you touch anything that has been lying outside you can feel the chill in your hands, have cleared an area where I can sit some M.F.Bs so will mix up some soil and compost and get some tatties planted, its actually late doing this,but it has been to cold to do it earlier, enjoy the day and keep safe

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
    ...what are you reading Thelma?
    Have a great day everyone.
    Not to everyone's taste, I know, but I have enjoyed the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon but there are still a few I haven't read. This one is The Scottish Prisoner, next up is Seven Stones to Stand or Fall.
    So I could be missing for quite a while LOL......

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  • Snoop Puss
    ^Hope the x-ray results are good, hh.

    As for here, well, there was definitely a frost this morning and a relatively hard one at that.

    Friend came round this morning and chopped up all the weeds and turned over the surface with his tractor. It's looking perfect and I'm feeling a lot jollier about the whole thing. And my chitted potatoes are absolutely perfect, so all in all, well timed, especially as temps are due to improve towards the end of the week.

    Have a jolly day, everyone.

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  • happyhumph
    Morning. Awful rain yesterday but drying out now in the wind. Dropped dog at vets for her x-ray, so just waiting to see what they say.

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  • Jay22
    Morning, rain from yesterday afternoon seems to have gone and we have a lovely sunny morning. Always on the look out for a good book...what are you reading Thelma?
    Have a great day everyone.

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Mr Bones View Post
    Morning all. Gusty as billy-o and rain.
    Rain stopping and starting here, wish it would make up its mind! I've still got some damp washing to go on the line.

    Bits and pieces to do in the g/house then the same indoors.... got my head in a good book atm so dare say some book-time will be slotted in
    Have a good'un...

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  • Bren In Pots
    Morning its wet and windy so glad I made the most of yesterday

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  • Nicos
    Mornin n'alln'all
    Well...I had an unexpected trip out yesterday!....we went to a small Vide Grenier yesterday afternoon and came away with a couple of bits and pieces for my craftwork and also a jar of banana and rum jam! is lovely!....I don't really like rum ( particularly the dark one) but he said it was a tiny amount so we tried it. Absolutely delish!
    I just now need to find a recipe!
    It's quite dark so must also be made with Demerara sugar...mmmm....
    ( well...most things are mmm ..when you are on a diet!!!!)

    Have a great day peeps...ironing then helping a friend take stuff to the tip.

    See ya later...have a great 'un!
    Last edited by Nicos; 02-05-2018, 07:43 AM.

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