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Chatback #15


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  • Just started raining here. I've been watching a squirrel eating the cake I put out for the birds. They're all God's creatures
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Yesterday has made me so bl00dy angry. Together with the bullying in the carpark I've been targetted on the phone and the internet several times over the last few months by people who know my name and I presume other personal information such as my age. I know they will be conning other people of my sort of age who will fall for it. I do report it but have no idea whether my reports are followed up.

      Here I'm going to say what I specialised in as a living. I am a qualified accountant but found it boring so I made my (very lucrative) living as a forensic accountant and project manager. I have a degree in business studies/IT. I want to find some way whilst my brain still works to help to fend these con artists off. It won't deal with the arseh0le in the carpark but it might save a lot of families some heartache.
      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


      • Think you wanted the rant thread Janie


        • Evening All.
          Its been a wet old day so I've been yellow sticker hunting. That'll be 29 items for less than £5..
          On the menu tonight - Mixed roasted root veg (13p) with Veggie Cumberland sausages (10p) followed by Apple and blackberry crumble pie (38p). Shame they never have yellow stickered wine.
          GL, you won't believe this but I helped a lady reach something on the top shelf (not a magazine ) - and had a chat to a lady in the checkout queue who was shopping for her father - he'd given her "half a knicker" to spend! We had a giggle about what you could buy with that!
          I guess I'm lucky but I never seem to have the problems in supermarkets that others experience. Usually have a laugh with someone and make a fool of myself.
          Right, root veg are cooked, time to pour a glass of red and sit back.

          Enjoy your evening, everyone.


          • Did you have to sit on her shoulders first VC


            • Good evening all.
              An absolutely wet and cold day here.
              Not got anything done outdoors today but all the newspapers read, so I am up to date with that.
              Have a good evening all and hoping for a better day tomorrow.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Evening all. Been another gorgeous day here and I actually managed to get a bit of the plot rotavated.
                Rotavator was a right "b" to start but a little fuel over its throat and away it went. Ran out of fuel half way through but managed to borrow some to finish the bed I was working on. Be back there tomorrow for another session weather permitting.


                • Nah, don't be silly, GL. I reached up and managed to pull the box forward and tilt it, and she fished out whatever it was she was buying.
                  After that, I kept seeing her in every aisle when we compared notes about the depth of the trolleys as we little, short armed, folk have difficult reaching the bottom.
                  Life's a challenge when you're a little dwt.


                  • Just a quick catchup as usual. VC don't they have special trolleys there for short peeps? Here they have trolleys that only go half way down for people who can't bend over that would have been handy when I had twins, nearly tipped one kid out on his head in the supermarket one day!
                    Hope everyone who has been feeling poorly is feeling better, and yes muscle weighs more than fat (I'm specialising in fat atm though!)
                    Another super dry year here, we're as fed up with no rain, as you are with rain. Have lost a few more fruit trees to the drought. On a positive note, we had enough river water to pump up to our tank, so we are still able to shower, and flush the loo

                    In the midst of a heat wave we are having a cold w/e and it's blowing a gale. Out last night trying to put a new rug on a horse in the wind and the dark with my son. It appears two of the horses had a growth spurt and no longer fit the same size! How much fun can you have in one night!

                    Researching growing mushrooms in mushroom logs today. Well, too windy to do anything else, bar dry the towels.

                    Big waves to everyone from over here. Send rain/I'll send sunshine it will probably meet in the middle over south america or something!

                    My blog:

                    Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                    One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                    Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                    • Good Morning All and especially Feral it's 9 degrees here, positively balmy. Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all, lovely to hear from you Feral
                        Had a busy Saturday and a lazy Sunday, just nice.
                        Up early due to doing jury service, expect to see me on the rant thread sometime this week
                        Have a lovely day peeps, the sun is with us this week
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Morning All/Evening Feral

                          8 degrees and sunny Definately playtime over the plots today

                          Have and Wonderful Monday...
                          Last edited by Greenleaves; 16-04-2018, 06:34 AM.


                          • Morning it looks like being a fine day here so I'll be mostly outdoors.

                            Good to see you Feral.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Nice day yesterday here. Just as well, as we had friends visiting so were able to have a barbecue. Pouring down today. I was going to do a load of weeding but that is on hold. Glad of the rain, mind.

                              Hello Feral. I'm afraid I'm hanging on to our rain here, but I'm sure the others have plenty to spare.

                              Have a jolly day, everyone.


                              • Hazy sunshine here, so looking good for the day (the weather not me )

                                Mostly outside for the day, hopefully. Cat has the wind up her tail over something, she's been fed and stroked, door's open yet she keeps coming in and meowing at me. Who knows, obviously something I need to deal with - but cuppa first cat, eh?

                                Have good'un


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