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Chatback #15


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  • Mr Bones
    Morning all. Gusty as billy-o and rain. Looks like I'll be continuing with the dreaded DIY

    Enjoy your day whatever you're up to

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,been awake since dark/sillyO'clock,bit chilly and wet out,Rary i noticed a dentistry job,it does suit her,hope your all well,look after yrselves,this little flower is starting to droop a bit now,shut eye comming along.

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All Raining here still chilly. Haircut today so an early finish at work. Have a good day

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  • rary
    I see VC has been to the beautician again for a face lift, some of these people can work wonders with what they get

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  • rary
    Good afternoon, a dull cold day here, and now with occasional slever in the wind, though I think it will get heavier and it is rain forecasted for afternoon, have three of the boy's here and waiting for the oldest to come home, just wondering how three young boys can make so much noise, I will need to go and see what they are doing

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,hints of blue in the sky,a much better day so far,have a good day all.

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  • bramble
    Good morning all.
    A nice morning but I do believe rain is on the way.
    Did so much gardening yesterday my hands and knees are still aching so if it rains I may get a rest.
    Off to the library to return my books.
    Catch you all later and have a good day.
    Happy May day to those celebrating.

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Cold last night 2.5C but bright and sunny 8C, so far and warming up quickly.

    At last the I can see dining room table top as the plants are all back where they should be Gardening on the cards for me today, get out there while I can!
    Have good'un everyone..

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  • Nicos
    Morning n'alln'all
    Domestics for me....we seem to be in for a bit of the old sunshine, fingers crossed I might be able to have a chance to get my hands and knees dirty later...

    Have a great day peeps.....and Happy May Day ...tis a bank holiday here (Labour Day)and the tradition is to give Lily of the Valley!

    See ya later....

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  • Greenleaves
    Morning All

    Cold and bright with a slight frost, currently +1°

    Will pop over the plots later and see all is OK and think of something to do tomorrow when we are forecast heavy rain

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  • happyhumph
    Morning Flo n all. Still in bed with a cup of tea so no idea what's going on outside. Have a good day everyone

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All My it's cold! Have a good day

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  • rary
    Jay your neighbour could have been applauding she pidgins performance of kidding on she is not interested
    it has been a lovely day today, lots of sunshine, though in the shade quite cold, and I got a lot of work done in the back garden a number of lilies up through and sweet peas planted, now need to move some trays of pansies out of the greenhouse to harden off, and of course every thing in the greenhouse covered as it is supposed to be even colder tonight, remember pass on a smile Goodnight

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  • happyhumph
    Curse you VC and GL - I now want to buy another packet of CFB - they look really good

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    Evening all, I too was looking out at stupid o'clock like Jay and Rary and it was very frosty here as well. I managed to clear another sixteen tomato plants out of my greenhouse along with some sweet peas and some kelsae onion plants. My daughter and her brood got the onions sweet peas and 4 of the toms and the rest went to some friends at the allotments. Had a lovely fried breakfast at Tesco and then got the digging fork into gear, Oh my poor back but I do love to see the plot turning black

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