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  • veggiechicken
    Its taken years to get this big, GL. You're lucky you didn't know me then.
    Do you remember you sent me some Golden Gate CFBs? I potted them on today - their much sturdier plants than Hunter, Jimenez and Blue Lake - all of which were sown on the same day. 100% germination too. Showing a lot of promise - thank you.

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  • Greenleaves
    Glad to hear that the original half a brain cell has grown VC

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  • veggiechicken
    Today started cold and miserable but, as usual, the sun came out and I spent most of the afternoon in the garden with my little furry and feathered friends.
    So many plants emerging from winter hibernation, its like I-Spy, seeing what's growing and racking my brain cell to remember what it is.
    Hope May brings warmer weather tomorrow.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 30-04-2018, 06:56 PM.

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  • Greenleaves
    Evening All

    Spent the day in the warm, felt more like January than the end of April today.

    Productive use of the day though and managed to keep out of the OH's hair

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  • bramble
    We had a lovely day.
    Did my usual park walk.
    Filled in the goldfish pond when OH fixed it up with decking.
    Emptied lots of old compost into this new space.
    Found a sack of old leaves composting that I had forgotten about.
    Pure gold and broken down completely.
    Did lots of weeding and tidying.
    Just great to spend the day outdoors.

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  • burnie
    We've just been on a 7 miles cycle ride, it's bright and dry but the wind is bitterly cold.

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  • lottie dolly
    Afternoon all,dry,cloudy and a bit nippy,been running ofspring around this morning,DR with MR,then shopping this afters,i got things to pot on,and plant out,i can see some long plot time comming up,more BB,spudz,brassicas,and not to forget the slug repelant this time,seeds are taking a lot longer to germinate this year,just hope we have a longer summer,sumats edible is bound to grow for us,or the farmers are in big trouble eh,Bgood2yrselves

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  • happyhumph
    Sunny and bright but very windy here. Just got back from taking dog to the vets. Usual jabs, plus now have medicine for a weak bladder for her. X-ray on Wednesday for a limp - pain is in her ankle - to determine whether arthritis or a small fracture. She's 12 in the summer so my money's on arthritis but we'll just have to wait and see.

    Had her for 9 years, she helped my children learn to walk and they adore her. I don't like these reminders that she's getting old

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  • bramble
    Good morning all.
    Sharing the sunny weather with Jay.
    We have a beautiful bright sunny morning here.
    I am off to the park for a long walk and then back to my garden.
    Have a good day all.
    Better weather is on the way.

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  • Nicos
    Mornin n'alln'all
    Well...cold and sploshy here...not nice at all
    Can't decide between ironing board or chutney...or light the fire, put on a film and start handsewing....
    The first 2are more pressing at the moment...the second is more inviting isn't it???

    Ah well....might just bob over to a friend's for a quick coffee instead!
    See ya later peeps...
    those of you with the nice weather...enjoy..
    Those who had frosts...hope yr plants/blossom are OK...

    * passes snorkels and brollies to everyone else

    See ya later peeps....

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  • Jay22
    Morning, it's a beautiful sunny morning here, sorry guys! Had a look out about 4.30am and it was frosty but that had gone by the time I got up. My little friend is still here, it's nothing to do with lack of food rary as both neighbours still have their feeders filled to the brim. He has a friend and is doing all the right moves but she's just not interested! Don't think I'm the only one being driven crazy by him as I heard next door out clapping their hands about 7am yesterday morning, presumably to give him the hint to get lost!
    Anyhoo, off to the supermarket and then more domestics, including some ironing, yuk! Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing and whatever the's to be warmer for the bank holiday weekend...yay!!

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Yes depressing wind, rain, 5C today and 3C forecast for tonight. All the tender plants that could be moved were brought in yesterday evening and will sit on the dining room table 'til tomorrow when it's forecast to warm up a bit, at least.
    Thought I had another tub of milk, but no so reconstituted dried milk today in my tea *sigh* and Coffeemate for guess what?

    I'm not going out - I just looked and the footpath is flooded again

    Have a good'un whatever you're doing..

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  • Snoop Puss
    Really chilly here last night. I'm pretty sure there was a frost (tell-tale puddles that only occur when we've had frost on the roof), though I got up too late to see it. Brought the tom seedlings in and just as well.

    Not much fun to be had today, just work. But never mind: work represents money in the bank eventually.

    Hope you all have a jolly day.

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  • Cadalot
    It's been raining and P-ing down all night the wind is up as the windmill in the garden is rotating and the threes are swaying so not a lot of gardening related stuff going to get done today!

    Its between 4 - 4.6C in the Space Saver so the tomatoes are not going to be happy and the cucumber and butternut squash sown last week are likely to just sit there not germinating. I'm getting royally peed off with the weather and lack of progress this year.

    I may have to bring the Cucumber and Squash in doors and fire up the grow stations again

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  • Greenleaves
    Morning All

    Cold wind and rain this morning 3°

    Protected a lot of my seeds yesterday in the greenhouses over the plots so hopefully all will be well. Roll on the second half of the week

    Happy Monday all

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