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  • You didn't have to read some of the "jokes" that were posted here before the Ban - or deal with the flak that followed. People were often offended by the "isms" or they weren't suitable for a family forum. As a Mod, you have to read everything and some were just crude, not funny at all. I love a good laugh but some jokes are best told after a few drinks and in private.
    As for the adverts - I don't watch TV - don't have time as I'm always on here.


    • Didn't get time to say good morning so it's good afternoon from me.
      Spent the morning in the church.
      My grandson was confirmed in a lovely ceremony.
      Home now and time for lunch and then an afternoon of gardening.
      Beautiful sunny afternoon.
      Enjoy your day all.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Cad the ban on jokes is part of the vines Guidance for Members [Incl. T&Cs] and has been since 2013.

        Joke Threads
        Hi all

        We had to pull the long running 'Joke' thread for various reasons, mainly because there were more 'jokes' that had to be pulled than were appropriate to be posted on a family forum. And also because it needed constant moderating and we all have other things we'd rather do than read 'jokes' featuring such 'hilarity' as rasicsm, sexism, and all other isms and schisms.

        Please desist from posting joke threads on the Grapevine as all will be pulled.

        Although they start off harmless, they attract non-appropriate 'jokes' and to be honest, we don't find spending our spare time babysitting it all that much fun.

        Kind Regards on behalf of the Moderators.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
          Lovely sunny day for gardening, got people coming this morning to look at the 2 empty plots - fingers crossed they'll take them
          Both taken


          • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
            and you wonder why there us a 'no joke 'policy on here!

            Yipppeeee...we have sunshine
            Some domestics, then a day of mowing once the grass dries up a bit!
            Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
   there really a no joking policy?
            Jay when you see what Nicos posted about it being sunny, and her happy doing some domestics, and then cutting the grass, it does make you wonder about the no jokes policy
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Good evening, it had been a dull and sometimes wet day here today, not long back in as I was out watching the boy's, though they were no problem ad they went to bed when I told them to, but before I went out I spent some time in the greenhouse where I am trying to set up a watering system for my plants as I would like to get away for a weeks holiday, so will need to try various things to see if I can get it to go a week without needing anyone to water them, so will give it some thought and see what I can do, enjoy the long weekend, and enjoy your garden. Goodnight
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • Mornin n'alln'all
                Up early cos Hibou was bouncing around the bedroom
                Quite a surprise to see quite a heavy mist out there.

                More domestics, then hopefully lots of gardening...and yes rary....the field looks lovely now it's been cut.
                This year we have cut wide swathes of walkways through the grass so it only takes a couple of hours to cut (as opposed to 3-5 depending on the length of the grass.)

                One more garden lawn to cut as I managed to get the others done yesterday.
                Nice to have some warmer weather back eh?

                Have a great day peeps...see ya later!

                Kettle's on....
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • I'll join you for a cuppa Nicos. Morning all, sunny and bright with 8.5c not windy either. Wonder what's on the agenda for today..

                  Hope the working folk get decent bank holiday weather
                  Location ... Nottingham


                  • Morning its sunny and warm out, cloches are of and my toms are out in the GH for the day
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning Peeps, already 11.4 - 11.7C in the greenhouse and the sun has not made it down to it yet so off to open the door because if I don't it will be 40+ in there within about an hour. Major seed sowing day to day, sweetcorn and lots more to fill the Space Saver up to the brim.

                      Have a good one people.
                      . .......Man Vs Slug
                      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                      Nutters Club Member


                      • Good Morning All Bright and sunny, feels warm. Shopping with my daughter later. Enjoy the sunshine
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Hello, hello on this bright and glorious morning.

                          Muck shifting this morning, but could be worse. All I have to do is load up a dumper truck parked right next to the pile and a friend will shift it closer to the beds. (I'm proper lucky with my friends!) Then shape a couple of beds for urgent plantings. Then... argue with Mr Snoop over where I want beds and he wants a roadway. I think I'll give in gracefully. I've got plenty of space this year. Starting so late, there will be no broad beans and not as many peas, so he can have his road. Plus, he's helping me to load the dumper truck, so it's only fair he gets a concession!

                          Then lunch with a friend. Home-made lamb-burgers. Hope they're good. Cheating on the pud, but who doesn't like a Magnum?

                          Afternoon nap might be in order after that. But some seed-sowing in the late afternoon.

                          So, what a great day ahead for me. Hope you all have one just as good if not even better.


                          • Good morning,

                            The sun is shining and I am dressed before 9am! Going to sort the front garden out(weed) and mow the grass and then just rest and enjoy the sunshine. Will be going down the allotment tomorrow.

                            Have a good day


                            • Good morning on this mild but dull day no Sun showing here, the one good point for me is that I am now down 2st. 3lbs. from six weeks ago and still losing I had put some back on but has now come off, so quite happy with that. Enjoy your day whatever the weather and pass on a smile
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Good morning all,quite hot out there now,shopping done and put away,Nicos i got some of them pukka tea bags,just had mint,they are nice,makes the other brands not nice,thaks for the heads up,magnummm LD dribles,Plot today see what i can get planted,before my back or the heat take hold,must add strimmer to my list of MUST take's with me,have a day and Bgood2yrselves,be carefull in the sun,easy to get cought out
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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