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  • Mornin n'alln'all

    Another lovely day out to the coast in a few minutes...just got to sort out a BBQ/picnic first
    Tis our wedding anniversary today!
    Vase of garden flowers and tea in bed for me this morning!

    Have a great day peeps...see ya later...
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good Morning All and Happy Anniversary Nicos - ours is next week. It's gloriously sunny again and 22 degrees Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Grey here today. Drizzled a bit in the night. Off out with the dogs in a bit.

        Then paid work and another lunch out (neighbour's birthday). I'm already in the throes of a crise de foie, as the French would call it (crisis of the liver, literally). I don't think I can take much more of this high living.

        Have a great day everyone, especially Nicos. Congrats on your anniversary.


        • Morning there's some strange folks to meet when you're out shopping, our local supermarket only takes a few pence of the reduced section so nothing 'interesting' happens there.

          Enjoy your special day Nicos xx
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Another gorgeous day, another cuppa and them I'm off outside. Garden work today, it's beginning to look too scruffy to leave any longer

            Allotment will have to wait.. Have a good'un whatever you're up to


            • Morning....bye

              Off to the plots


              • Good morning all.
                Another lovely sunny day here but there are a few clouds floating around.
                Have a good day all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Morning all,was up ,out down the plot for 7.30 am,was lovely and peacefull,had a coffee,then set to work,got the rest of em taties in the ground,37 of em,and potted the rest of the toms on,that i want,i now feel am catching up a bit,next thing is weed the general areas,then get in the brassica cage and start planting,have got some real nice looking plants this year ,have to do some work in the home garden today,have a good day all,and Bgood2yrselfes
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • I have ground covered in cleavers
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • evening all. Kitchen spuds all planted today. Red Doy for an early. Charlotte and Nadine for second earlies and Rooster and Cara for lates. Happy with Cara as it at least has some blight resistance but its a slug magnet so I think a purchase of nematodes will be necessary.

                      Tomorrow's first task is to make a second sowing of cauliflower as I hope to have an entry in the NVS National Championships at Harrogate in September. They are the worst vegetable to try to time for a show.

                      Watching Millionaire on telly at the moment. Guy just doubled his money to £32k on a guess after a fifty fifty. Think I'll have a glass of red


                      • Evening all, just back from a lovely weekend in Ayrshire. Worked blooming hard though. We also have cleavers everywhere and spent a lot of the weekend weeding. These things get absolutely everywhere. Didn't used to have them, they arrived from nowhere a few years ago and have just exploded. Unfortunately we need to use weedkiller on the gravel drive, its next to a field and the weeds are incessant! Just no idea which weedkiller to use as it's really got to be strong to keep the amount of weeds at bay.
                        Weather wasn't too bad although not nearly as good as down South.
                        Anyhoo, back to work tomorrow, will be thankful for the rest.
                        Hope you all had a lovely weekend too.


                        • Evening all
                          Many thanks for the kind wishes!
                          We had a great day.
                          Went off to the coast to a paragliding site where they jump off a cliff.
                          Must have been at least 30 people leaping into the unknown!
                          Some headed off along the coastline and others flew down to the beach.
                          Really interesting watching them. Braver than I am!
                          We had a BBQ and read in the sunshine...really, really relaxing.
                          Absolutely shattered now, yet we didn't do anything! Fresh sea air an ozone eh?

                          Need to crash out now.....see you in the morn folks
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Oh just realised Nicos, happy anniversary...ours was last week. Glad you had a lovely day.


                            • Evening all. Been another super hot day when I've lurked in the shade and pretended to be busy. Planted one of the GHs with tomatoes this evening, after it had cooled down a bit. I don't have as many plants this year as usual. Not sure why.
                              The corner shop at the end of the road sells tomato plants for 89p - they've been that price for the last 10 years - according to the owner. Lovely healthy plants too and a good range. May buy a few rather than sow some more although I wonder how many I really need to grow. Always seem to end up with more toms than I can eat or give away. Perhaps its time for a rethink!
                              The maybugs are hammering on the windows again. In order to let the dogs out in the garden, I have to turn off the indoor lights, then turn on the outside ones and we all sneak out, closing the door rapidly behind us and hope none of them fly in. Noisy things.
                              Nighty night - I'm going to do the washing up now.


                              • Good Morning All Hot already. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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