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  • Mr Bones
    Morning all. 4.4 and windy with rain forecast to start mid morning. Enjoy your day

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  • happyhumph
    Morning Flo and Rary. Cup of tea in bed, then getting children ready for school. Meant to be dry today. Have a good day all

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  • rary
    Good morning, clear blue sky this morning but frost on top of cars so a chilly overnight temp. will need to go out and check plants are ok in greenhouse,have a good day and pass on a smile

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All Cool but dry so far and it's a bit dull. Have a good day

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  • happyhumph
    Evening all. I'm off cake for a bit - about a month off running combined with too much food on holiday has made it a necessary sacrifice

    Fell asleep on sofa, woke up, remembered I had to make packed lunches, started on that, then youngest fell out of bed! Now sitting with youngest while they go back to sleep.

    Nice day, mammoth shop, some seed packets somehow fell into the trolley OH mowed front lawn, and I did a bit of weeding. Pooch off to the vet tomorrow for jabs and a check up.

    Night night all....

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  • bramble
    Good evening.
    We had a beautiful sunny day again today.
    Went out for dinner this evening with our friends and then on to see Roy Orbison, the hologram show.
    It was amazing with a fantastic orchestra.

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    Evening all. yet another day of April showers and a bit nippy out if truth be told. Possibility of frost tonight so the plants I've had out 24 hrs for a few days have been stuck under cover. Better safe than sorry.

    Potted on some onions which doesn't sound like a lot of work but with compost to mix and plants to stake, it takes a fair bit of time. Also potted on a couple of dozen celery plants and hopefully I'll get some on the bench later in the year.

    My resident blackbirds cost me three quid as I had to restock their suet with mealworm whatsits. I don't grudge it, it's lovely to see them in the garden.

    I cleared a 5" square piece of ground, tiny innit , and planted up the twelve alchemilla mollis plants that had rooted there. There are hundreds of the little blighters. Had a look at fleabay. They are being sold on there for silly money especially since the self propagate like weeds. Not sure if I can be bothered.

    time for my evening fly cup
    Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 29-04-2018, 08:52 PM.

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  • Snoop Puss
    Glad the cake was a success, Janie.

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  • KevinM67
    Beautiful day here in Co. Dublin - a bit breezy/chilly while out near the coast earlier, but absolutely scorching here in the back garden.

    As a mild hayfever sufferer - the symptoms seemed to have jumped on me overnight, eyes are slightly stinging and my nose has been constantly dripping all day.

    But, it's a doing day in the garden - despite my petty allergy.

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  • JanieB
    Thanks to Snoop I made a perfect chocolate cake when I was in Spain earlier on in the week. We've left half of it in the freezer for when we go back. The villa belongs to a friend and is a tarted up animal shelter built out of a cave in a hill. I had to do some maths to work out the quantities and baked it in a ceramic dish. We found a shop in the nearest town owned by a chinese couple. A bit like a poundland except they didn't sell food. Their stock was absolutely amazing so when we go back I will buy stuff for the kitchen.

    We went with the owner who has retained part of the villa for his personal use and the rest is let out to tourists.

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  • lottie dolly
    Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post

    I resisted
    LD grabs it to share with snoop,thanks girls,
    i now have 3 large loaf tins in toven,ginger with ginger bits and raisens,cooking,LD rubs tummy and hums mmmmmmmm.

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Nicos View Post
    * passes Thelma an iced bun!

    I resisted

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,any cake for me please,not made cake for a few weeks,only the odd bit for afters,you know the 1,chuck things in a small bowl,quick mix and in the mic for 3 mins,will have to do some today,i feel very naughty now,dryish here,wow sun is trying now,goes of to turn the oven on,Bgood2yrselves.

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  • Snoop Puss
    ^That's positively cruel! Unless, of course, you're eating all the others minus one for me.

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  • Nicos
    * passes Thelma an iced bun!

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