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  • Cadalot
    Good morning people, looks to be another nice sunny day, have a good one

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good morning All I have a visitor for a few days. Fine but chilly. Have a good day

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  • rary
    Was out in it he greenhouse potting on some seedlings both flower and veg. still more to do as I am still trying to catch up with the time I lost a couple o f weeks ago, also completed my new shelf as I had to saw up some strapping to fill in the additional length and also decided to and an other couple of supports, also while out, there was a couple of heavy showers, well for getting ready for bed, as if I sit up I might start nibbling in something, and I don't want to put the weight that I lost back on, enjoy the coming week and pass on a smile. Goodnight

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  • bramble
    Good night all.
    Can somebody tell me how to slow the time down.
    Lately it seems there is not enough hours in the day.
    My life is just getting busier and busier.
    What's this retirement thing people talk about.
    Sleep well all.

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    Evening all. Just had a typical April shower which given that the seasons are all over the place is somehow comforting. Takes me ¾ of an hour each way to get to my plot and back so it was frustrating yesterday to not manage to get my onion sets planted after my shallots in the time I had available. Went back in this morning to complete the job and also tidied up the raised beds I use to grow stump carrots for exhibition. I'm now ready to punch holes and fill them with compost and will get my carrots sown this coming week. Takes the variety I grow 22 weeks to develop a proper stump. Guess what, only 20 weeks till my first show. That's what happens when we bypass spring. There's always next year .

    Took the first cut of grass off the lawns at the house yesterday. I knew the grass had grow quite a bit this last week but I was really surprised at the amount of grass cuttings that came off. Compost heap at the plot was the beneficiary.

    Best news of the day. Macaroni cheese for supper. Oh and leftovers tomorrow at some point. Yummie

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  • Greenleaves
    Evening everyone

    3 very productive days over the plots and a sun tan as well, skies are darkening so looks like rain is on the cards.

    For those of you that still work I am glad you had a nice weekend

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  • rary
    Originally posted by JanieB View Post
    Rowans are planted next to gateways to stop the witches getting in! Make of that what you will.
    So I take it VCs Rowans will be planted well away from any gates

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  • Florence Fennel
    New phone arrived so playing today. Oh and it's raining here

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  • JanieB
    Rowans are planted next to gateways to stop the witches getting in! Make of that what you will.

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  • burnie
    No rain here, just been round with the watering can, gone cloudy now so maybe wet later.

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  • boatsman
    VC Did your Mountain Ash come originally from your neighbouring Mountain Ash (Aberpennar)?

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  • cariann88
    Have a good holiday Janie.

    Good morning,

    Raining here. No allotment for me today. Been lovely over the last few days. Seen on FB last night that we are meant to be getting snow soon. I really hope not.

    Not sure what I am doing today. Think the OH wants me to take him the a fish shop where he can get some more fish for his tank.

    Have a good day

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  • JanieB
    Morning all. Off on an outing to Benidorm today. The last time I was there was horrible. Was supposed to be cooking a cake when I got up this morning but my fellow holiday makers had put the ingredients back in the fridge. Laters

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,very pleased the storm left us alone,either that or i was spark out hehehe,looks like a drop of rain fell,nice day again,last few days have been to hot for me,MUST sow them seeds today,remember Bgood 2yrselves.

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  • bramble
    Good morning all.
    We had rain overnight but it's sunny now although there is a lot of clouds.
    Off to church and then going to my daughter-in-laws baby shower.
    Have a good day all.

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