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Chatback #15


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  • happyhumph
    Morning all. Cooler here today as well. Taking dog for her laser therapy in a bit and expecting a massive bill to pay Lots of domestics to do, and a customer to visit. When will OH learn to put things away and not just dump them in a heap for me to do

    Youngest much better, eldest has a sore elbow, bashed it at climbing last night. Right, got to move cars around on drive before vets. Have a good one whatever you're up to.

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Quite cool here, 12C with a strong NE breeze, so I reckon it's a catch-up with housework and then read a book kind of day. Right now I'm trying to resist putting the heating back on again

    Have a good'un!

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  • rary
    Good morning,a lovely sunny morning at my daughter's and sitting near her patio doors and the Sun beating in and it is warm the overnight temperature was 4c, will be taking it easy today as legs are a bit sore after laying some slabs last night OH wanted a path altered so her request is my command, when she wants anything it's to be done right away, but if I want anything, I have to wait, the sooner we have equality the better, in fact I will start a campaign demanding this,,, if she lets me

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  • Snoop Puss
    So page 404, a number that will eventually take over from 13 as unlucky (error 404 not found)

    Right, that's enough silliness.

    Brightish today but a chilly start.

    Hope today is as productive as yesterday. Got absolutely masses of paid work out of the way.

    Not much other news. Half-price chicken/rabbit runs arrived yesterday from Amazon. Mr Snoop says they weigh a ton. Ordinarily we'd build our own, but there are too many other things to do before building work starts, and at half price they seemed good value.

    Hope you all have a great day.

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  • Mr Bones
    Morning all, mix of sun and cloud here too, no wind either which is a bonus. Spent a couple of full days on the lotty enjoying the sun but have a guest arriving today so started a ciabatta loaf last night and now have it resting at the next stage.

    Enjoy the day

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  • Cadalot
    Morning All - Gray and cooler here as well, did my morning nip out in the PJ's as usual to check on things and water in the Space Saver Greenhouse. but decided I would leave the door closed and the Coldframe shut today unless the sun comes out.

    Have a good one everyone

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  • Greenleaves
    Morning All

    Mix of sun and cloud here but definitely cooler.

    Shopping today

    Enjoy your Wednesday

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning Nicos and All Grey and windy. Have a good day

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  • Nicos
    Mornin n'alln'all

    Looks quite nice out there for me!
    Think I may have helped 2peeps out last night....met a guy who is setting up a small coffee/bookshop in our village who is looking for donated books....and I have 2english friends heading back to the uk in a couple of months who , between them have stonks of books to dispose of....hopefully, if I'm not too late, I'll introduce him to them...

    Having decided never to grow toms again (blight) guess who accidentally picked up two Crimean Black plants yesterday...we only went in for 3 trailing geraniums!
    60 cents each (50p) and they are already about a foot high and very healthy looking!

    First swim of the year this afternoon....not sure if I'm looking forward to it...need to kick start the ol' blubber loss again.....

    Have a great day peeps-it'll be weekend before ya know it!
    ....kettle's on!
    See ya later....

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  • Baldy
    Very-local weather is being a pain in the butt at the moment - sea mist is hitting my village and the ones either side - go a mile and a half east or west along the coast and its lovely - here its been like something out of 'The Fog' by James Herbert
    Last edited by Baldy; 15-05-2018, 08:01 PM.

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  • Thelma Sanders
    Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
    Got a new (to me) battery mower to play with today takes same batteries as my old strimmer, so I hope if all the batteries inc spares, are charged I can do it all in 1 go Here's hoping..
    Means all the daises will disappear though but I can't leave it any longer.
    Didn't quite do it all with the mower, but the grass was long and I finished the job with the strimmer I think once it is all cut short, then keeping it short will be a doddle Good bit of kit IMO

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  • burnie
    Cut the grass and played with my new strimmer, not got used to the thing being cordless, I keep stopping and going to pull the cable round the corner!! First cordless bit of kit that I have actually been impressed enough with to go and buy one.

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  • Greenleaves
    Late afternoon All

    Just left the plots to put plasters on my knuckles as they are dragging on the floor after spending an age watering.

    Garlic and autumn planted onions are really enjoying this sunny weather and hopefully it will result in a good crop.

    Time for a shower and dinner now

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  • rary
    Good afternoon, it was a nice warm morning but now turned cloudy and a lot cooler, watching the boys at present, though all they seem to want to do is go on their PlayStation or Xbox or whatever these game things are called now, me I would ban them, or am I just showing my age, I'm glad I'm not a youngster now, and just young at heart, I feel that I have stuck at 28 for 30 odd years. Need to go dads in

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  • bramble
    A late good morning from me this morning.
    OH birthday so all running late.
    Having a champne late breakfast and then we will see what the birthday boy wants to do for the day.
    Family arriving in again this evening.
    Birthdays in our family seem to go on forever in April and May.
    This is the last one for a while now.
    Have a good day all.

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