Good afternoon, cold with snow this morning, but now turning to rain, took OH for her shopping this morning then when back home our s on phoned he was out with the boy's sledging and decided they needed some soup,(well that the soup pot emptied) the boy's loved it but were soaking wet and cold, I think they were getting into their pyjamas once home,out at present he greenhouse for a time got some boards cut up so all ready to make my hot bed, might do it later this evening, I sowed some lettuce a couple of weeks ago (New Years resolution, record what and when) not sure when it was,I thought I had mentioned it on the Vine but can't find it, but have had minus temperatures in the greenhouse and yet they still survive, isn't nature great, now to find out if they can survive my care
Well about time I was making the tea so catch you later, keep safe and warm
