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  • happyhumph
    Morning all. Youngest still covered in chicken pox. Visiting friends this morning who have had it and taking them some plants - good to get youngest out of the house. Another friend has taken eldest to school for me as youngest only just woken up!

    Meant to rain later but will try to get youngest in garden before then.

    Have a good day peeps.

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  • Snoop Puss
    Bright here today. But chilly again in the night. Due for another few cold nights and then warm. Brilliant.

    Had a nice chat with Mr Snoop today pondering on how marvellous it will be to be retired. Wishing my life away, but work doesn't half get in the way.

    Hope you all have a great day.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Morning, was cool in my GH at 5c overnight just starting to warm up now though.

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  • Greenleaves
    Morning All

    Sunny and chilly 5°

    Have a great Friday all, I shall be over the plots

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  • Nicos
    Mornin n'alln'all
    Very similar here!
    Looking forward to seeing if we have chicks this morning.
    Tis our first born's burpday today, so we'll do something to celebrate even though she's not over here with us.
    Ironing/gardening/shopping....not quite sure what else I'll be up to today....
    See ya later...nearly weekend,.again

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  • Mr Bones
    Morning Flo and all. Sunny and 7c.

    Happy Fridays

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All and Happy Friday Sunny start with no breeze. Have a good day

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    Evening all. Been a cracking day spells and some heavyish showers as well. Most of the day spent tidying and preparing some beds at home.. Next on the agenda is creating a growing space where the ground is heavily infested with Alchemilla Mollis. Some folks love that plant but I can't be doing with it. next on today's menu, Raspberries and mascarpone. Yum yum

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  • bramble
    Good evening all.
    Not a lot done today.
    Mixed up some tomato feed and watered all the toms and peppers and chillies.
    Buds on the peppers and chillies.
    Buds on some of my potatoes as well. The temp is due to drop down to 4 or 5 tonight so I will be out covering everything in the greenhouse.
    Seems like the cold is going on and on.

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  • burnie
    We too had rain overnight, cool but sun is trying to peep through, down to 5 degrees overnight in the greenhouse, but everything looks like it's ok.

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  • bramble
    Good morni g all.
    The sun is shining but there is a chilly wind and it's just 9 deg.
    Off out to meet up with friends this morning for our monthly lunch.
    Probably won't get much garden related done today,
    Have a good day all.

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,looks like we had a drop of rain in the night thank goodness,cloud and sun in the sky,no chill out day for me,got must doos or catchups,see you all latter,enjoy your day.

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  • veggiechicken
    Happy sunshiny Thursday.
    I'm a bit worried about myself...............I'm out of bed before 8.........and I've picked a couple of pounds of rhubarb that I'm going to cook now so that i can have some for breakfast.........................tomorrow.
    Its time to start wandering around with my snippers at the ready - the docks are sending up flower shoots so I like to nip them in the bud if possible. There are always some I miss, which is why I'm overrun by them.

    Today's Theme song
    Snipping on the Dock of the Day
    Wasting time.

    Have a lovely day how ever your "wasting" it.

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  • Mr Bones
    Morning all. Was 8c and sunny when I went out at 6.00, rained hard in the night too.

    Enjoy the day

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  • Snoop Puss
    Feels like we're back to late October here: grey, chilly and windy. Forecast says this will continue for a few days. Might even get frost at the weekend. Ah well. Lots of seeds still in their packets...

    Busy day with paid work today and tomorrow, but fun at the weekend.

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