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Chatback #15


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  • Afters All

    Stair rods here and the next 4 days are forecast the same....


    • VC I need your help, while browsing the other day I came across a thread where you had posted a video? of a young woman picking oriental veg. for cooking, there is no dialogue just music on it, your comment was that you would like to be able to grow veg like hers, would you tell me where that post is, as I can't find it again
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
        Afters All

        Stair rods here and the next 4 days are forecast the same....
        I can't add a like to that! Just commiserate cos our forecast is much the same plus taking into account how much colder it is now, and will be for a while.

        Not good is it *sulk*


        • Originally posted by rary View Post
          VC I need your help, while browsing the other day I came across a thread where you had posted a video? of a young woman picking oriental veg. for cooking, there is no dialogue just music on it, your comment was that you would like to be able to grow veg like hers, would you tell me where that post is, as I can't find it again
          You called, rary? It was one of this lady's videos


          • Evening All!

            That was a rough week!

            But we are done, having a few cold ones and a curry I mustered last night, I say mustered, I spent hours prepping it, but tell ya what! I could sell this at an heafty price! It's "Gorgeous"

            Now looking forward to a few days off! Will be on the plot early doors, a lot to do, but looking forward.

            Here's hoping the weather is gunna play game!

            Hope your all well, coz I really haven't had time to catch up!
            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


            • Evening all, been having the same problems as Jay22 getting on the vine for the last two days.
              Rain? It's been flipping torrential this afternoon!
              This weekend is looking to be a wash out. Such a shame
              Have a great evening
              Nannys make memories


              • Evening all, been a few days since I was on and all because of an upturn in the weather . Having said that, snow forecast tomorrow if I can believe Fbook.

                I've been a busy bee in the greenhouse, mixing compost and pricking out onions. I have almost 20 dozen, some red, and two other varieties I'm growing for the bench for the under 250 gm class , Toughball and Vento. My big onions are now coming away, I'm growing a Kelsae reselect and my favourite, Ailsae. I'm growing half the Ailsae in my usual mix of 50/50 gp compost and JI3 and the other half in a purpose mix for leeks and onions supplied by Keith Singleton. The pre mix would cut out one heap of work but I need to know it's as good as my own mix. Happy days, I love it when I can get going.


                • Morning all. Hammered it down last night but bright and sunny now (though a bit nippy at 3.5). I'll get the kettle on if any one fancies one
                  Location ... Nottingham


                  • Morning All

                    +5 and dry at moment....hopefully I will get a window of opportunity to get over the plots

                    Let's hope it's a Good Friday for All


                    • Hard frost this morning and doesn't look like it'll be in a hurry to thaw.

                      Am keen to get going at long last. The end of the work tunnel is in sight (next weekend). Have booked Mr Snoop for some time over the next day or so to get water up from the well, which is a bit of a job as pipes will have to be relaid, etc. But once that's done, I'll be on my way. So glad.

                      Have a good Good Friday, everyone.


                      • Morning Everyone!

                        Wet n cold here!

                        Ah well! Radio, little gas camping heater and a flask of hot coffee, looks like a greenhouse clearing up day is on the cards.

                        Talking of coffee.........................

                        Have fun and play nicely!
                        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                        • Mornin n'alln'all

                          Nice cuppa -thanks Mr B !

                          More sploshy stuff here.
                          If it eases up I will nip out and plants out my pansies....if it doesn't , I'll ask my OH!!!!

                          ( I jest....I'm the nutter who is more likely to garden in the rain!...I've even been known to do it with a carefully placed plastic bag on my head before now)...yup...looked utterly stunning! (Well-more memorable than stunning perhaps!)

                          Have a great day peeps...see ya later...
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Morning, haircut then shopping this morning looks like we're due rain after that.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Good Morning All and Happy Good Friday Chrome not working on my phone so late checking in. I notice it's rustylady's birthday today, do you remember her? Mum of Two Sheds. Have a Good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • We're in sync again Bren, my haircut is on Wednesday Been a year now since my hairdresser of over 20 years retired and I'm still not happy with the "new" one
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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