"Calpirinhas??? Are they those giant guinea pigs?? Not sure I could manage 2 of those! " said VC who knew that Spain was a big country but they do seem to have strange tastes if Snoop is............
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The Gardeners Rest #12 (2017)
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willing to eat a giant guinea pig called Cal Prince Idas said Flumpy who was starting to worry just in case Snoop had a sudden urge for something more wrinkley.
I'll have one shouted Rary and Cad in unison as they were men of the world and knew that the .....Last edited by Lumpy; 31-12-2017, 12:54 PM.I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison
Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.
Just as well Tallulah, the great barmaid that she was, knew what Snoop was talking about. It was a good idea, might even have one herself, Talllulah thought. And no hangover the next day due to the lime juice.
So, one for her, one for Snoop, one for Cad and another for Rary, though they obviously had no idea what they were going to get.
If she made one for Nicos, she might be able to get the MIB zapper off her, and then she might get to stay for the whole year, rather than being shoved away with the rest of the GR till next year...
While everyone was discussing the GR closure Lumpy and Flumpy were sitting next to the door.
Only they saw the man in the peaked cap walk in and head straight for them.............Ellegramme for Ms Lumpy E Phant he said shoving an envelope into Lumpy's hand before he ran for the door because the pub was crazy.
Lumpy opened the envelope and both of them looked at the message inside.............Head of the herd poorly..Stop..Come home..Stop..
Flumpy took off his brightly coloured party hat and put it on the chair as he stood up. Then grabbing hold of Lumpy's tail (he was a bit scared of the dark outside) they stood at the door.
Lumpy turned and blew a huge cloudy bubble out of her trunk and it floated towards all the others just over their heads.
They slipped out quietly and nobody saw as they were all staring at the bubble.
As the door clicked shut the bubble popped and everyone was gently showered with glitter, streamers and baloons which had Happy 18 on them.
Whilst the taxi was going down the drive Flumpy looked sad. Giving him a cuddle Lumpy said gently 'Don't cry Flumpers as they will party on and there is always next year. I bet they are going right back to the story line now'
XXI have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison
Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.
well... than... They looked at each other. No, that was the most preposterous thing they could think of.
They looked around for Lumpy. Where was she? And where was Flumpy? Had the pair run off together?
Someone spotted the Ellegramme lying on the ground. Deano read it out. Head of the herd... surely that ought to be "Leader of the Pack"? But no, this was not the "Just for Fun" thread. Who was trying to divide the Grapes? Who was trying to sow confusion and dismay on a night like tonight?
Where were the Mods when they were needed?Last edited by Snoop Puss; 31-12-2017, 06:59 PM.
...........there was time before Jacob the Sheep noticed they'd pulled his crackers.
Just look at those Mods - still trying to fathom out how to get the ballbearing in the hole. Greenleaves is chuckling over the riddles and Nicos, Bren and Scarlet are wearing their paper party hats over one eye and pretending to look.................
lively when in fact they're half asleep, blissfully unaware of Lumpy and Flumpy's absence.
Talullah served the Caipirinhas and, as if prompted by the sight of them, Baldy came over to the bar. "Give me one of them piranhas", he said. Talullah wasn't sure if he wanted a drink or the fish hanging over the bar. "The fish", Baldy added. "I'm off to see if I can find Lumpy and Flumpy and those sharp teeth might come in useful. Closest thing I'll find to a Swiss Army knife, anyway."
It was obvious that the level of giddiness was rising now that the drinks were going down. Baldy was in no condition to head off out into the dark on his own. So Aberdeenplotter volunteered to go with him. After all, his name clearly showed he was used to difficult weather conditions and that he could be relied on to come up with a plan if things didn't go as expected.
Why is it proposh, pripos, propis??? what VC said in 593 about rary, and why cant you all think of anything more soit may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Snoop, if you are providing the Caipirinhas free of charge I have one, what ever it is?, and I think we should let Nicos use the MIB zapper, but give me a wee bit time first.
Now who will lend me a few pounds, as I have found this amazing seed supplier that promises to supply all the seeds you want for the full growing season, all you need to pay is �20. if everyone gives me �20 I will order all the seeds you will need or want
Now give them time to give me the money Nicos before you use that zapper, then you can use itLast edited by rary; 01-01-2018, 08:13 PM.it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
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