I'm back online at last after a plethora of techie problems. First my mouse overheated and died. Well, OK, I can navigate with the keyboard - except - it's almost impossible on the vine, 'cos guess what? You can't see where the cursor is - most sites offer a little illumination as the cursor covers an item, but not the vine, not the slightest clue - admin maybe take note - anyone who cannot use a mouse for whatever reason cannot use the vine 
Then my PC totally refused to speak to the monitor. Definite clue there - I need a new PC. Off to the shops - new PC in the trolley, yippee! Oh dear, technology has moved on, hasn't it? My monitor lead won't fit in the PC sockets. OK, get a converter - not stocked any more . Why? because nobody uses those leads any more
So, new monitor in the trolley too (the old one is less than 5 years old, so that broke my heart). New MS Office added to trolley. Huge bill at checkout, but home happy.
Now to update router and go WIRELESS!!!
Very helpful person(s) on end of phone line, new contract, ooh, there's an issue on the connection outside your property, we'll fix that for you, and send a new router out too. It will come express, so allowing for Cricklemas, the day after tomorrow. Brill, thanks. Nice text to say line issue sorted. Thanks. Wait 4 days. Phone up - where's my router? Sooo sorry, we forgot too despatch it, but we'll send it off now.
Finally, it arrived. Hurrah! Download security, download Office, and now I'm here briefly, to say hello again.
Still got to get my stuff from the cloud. Sadly all my address contacts are up there, so no-one has had a Christmas card from me. This is a big lesson.....I shall get an address book first thing after Christmas, and get hard copy of important stuff. So much of my life has been locked up irretrievably for two weeks.

Then my PC totally refused to speak to the monitor. Definite clue there - I need a new PC. Off to the shops - new PC in the trolley, yippee! Oh dear, technology has moved on, hasn't it? My monitor lead won't fit in the PC sockets. OK, get a converter - not stocked any more . Why? because nobody uses those leads any more

Now to update router and go WIRELESS!!!
Very helpful person(s) on end of phone line, new contract, ooh, there's an issue on the connection outside your property, we'll fix that for you, and send a new router out too. It will come express, so allowing for Cricklemas, the day after tomorrow. Brill, thanks. Nice text to say line issue sorted. Thanks. Wait 4 days. Phone up - where's my router? Sooo sorry, we forgot too despatch it, but we'll send it off now.
Finally, it arrived. Hurrah! Download security, download Office, and now I'm here briefly, to say hello again.

Still got to get my stuff from the cloud. Sadly all my address contacts are up there, so no-one has had a Christmas card from me. This is a big lesson.....I shall get an address book first thing after Christmas, and get hard copy of important stuff. So much of my life has been locked up irretrievably for two weeks.