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Minor Rant thread 2018


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  • Slug pellets! ............. Indiscriminate killers! They should be bl@@dy band.


    • 24 hours ago, this container was full of lots of happy little beetroot, spring onion and cosmos seedlings. They were doing really well.

      Then a cat came to call.

      Now it looks like this:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	flipping cats.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	171.2 KB
ID:	2378275

      I have carefully sifted through the soil and replanted as many of the spring onions as I could find in vaguely intact state (maybe 10 of them), but my beetroot and cosmos are not salvageable. This container had my first beetroot and spring onion sowings of the year, so it's a real setback to lose them. I feel really disheartened

      I didn't really have any problems with the local cats last year, but this year I am getting loads of cat poo, lots of footprints in my containers and now this. I think I'll be heading out shortly to sprinkle chilli powder everywhere.


      • Friend at the plot thought - I've got loads of pots and modules I don't need can we have a 'pot amnesty' box where people can grab a pot or donate - I say, on behalf of the committee, 'yeah baby, lets roll with it' - today I go to have a look and there are empty pop bottles, carrier bags, empty slug pellet bottles, wrappers... eeeerrruuugghhghghhghdgkd;g!!!!

        It seems I'm going to have to put a sign up for every bledy thing - "please shut the gate, please don't leave your rubbish here, please pay 50p for petrol if you use the mower, please get petrol if the petrol for the mower has run out, please make sure the tool shed is locked before leaving, please please please let me get what I want"

        1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


        • Originally posted by Baldy View Post
          Friend at the plot thought - I've got loads of pots and modules I don't need can we have a 'pot amnesty' box where people can grab a pot or donate - I say, on behalf of the committee, 'yeah baby, lets roll with it' - today I go to have a look and there are empty pop bottles, carrier bags, empty slug pellet bottles, wrappers... eeeerrruuugghhghghhghdgkd;g!!!!

          It seems I'm going to have to put a sign up for every bledy thing - "please shut the gate, please don't leave your rubbish here, please pay 50p for petrol if you use the mower, please get petrol if the petrol for the mower has run out, please make sure the tool shed is locked before leaving, please please please let me get what I want"

          No favour goes unpunished


          • I love my new carbon steel wok. Trouble is, I like it so much I now want to replace all my non-stick frying pans...


            • The sodding cats have done it again. Same container. Utterly destroyed

              I'm going to nip out and see if I can cut some holly to scatter about.


              • When you discover a cllr has took someone's nonsense at face value and hasn't attempted to work out the truth at all.


                • Rust on my garlic!!!!! I have a new swear word - VETCH
                  Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                  • Door on my wooden greenhouse has broke!!!!!!!!!


                    • Mockney celebrity chefs who lecture us on what to eat but haven't sorted out their own houses.

                      On two recent visits to Gatwick North I found that the two main coffee outlets only sold coffee in those practically unrecyclable paper cups. When I asked for a china cup, hate paper ones, was referred to Jamies Bar. There a girl was busy serving someone and a man who was loading a dishwasher tray cut me dead for 3 or 4 minutes. I assumed he was a washer upper. He then offered to serve me after girl had started order. She asked him to take my money and he addressed me as "mate"! I look and feel 70 and was tempted to verbally rip him to pieces for double bad manners but this would have upset OH and didn't want possible brush with security, so I just told him he wasn't my mate and please refrain from addressing me so.
                      Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                      • Again I admit it I’ve been watching bits on tele about ‘that’ wedding.
                        Why does race have to be an issue? Since the year dot people have persecuted others just because of their colour, gender, faith, location or disability.
                        Can’t two people who love each other just be left to celebrate?
                        I know this wedding cost squillions and some of which would be better spent on the charities supported but please give the ‘differences’ a rest as we ALL inhabit the same world equally.

                        p.s why did the splice girl look like she’d been sucking lemons?
                        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                        • ^^^^^^^Because she is a LEMON!!! she is daft enough to thing it makes her look sexy when in fact she looks a right plonker......
                          Potty by name Potty by nature.

                          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                          Aesop 620BC-560BC



                          • Can't get away from the royal wedding even on a gardening forum
                            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                            • Men!!!!!! Not bl@@dy looking after themselves!
                              Abscess the size of a bl@@dy golf ball on the side of his face! It appeared Monday. It's completely flooded him! He's done close to **** all, all week. Has he gone to the dentist or doctor about it. No!! Selfish ****.


                              • Despite having a souvenir supplement the first 23 pages of Sunday Telegraph all about the wedding.

                                If you were married to that tattooed clown and your pretentious fashion business lost �8.4 million last year you'd have a face like a lemon!

                                If I want to look at pictures of Mr & Mrs B and someone with Dame Edna glasses I'd have a lobotomy and buy a copy of Hello
                                Last edited by Greenleaves; 20-05-2018, 04:59 PM. Reason: Removed potentially offence text
                                Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


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