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Minor Rant thread 2018


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  • Originally posted by Lumpy View Post
    That I'm now going to have to give GL a big sloppy kiss for his optimism.

    Off to the 'Happy' thread
    Is it safe to come out yet?

    Bone dry, bright sun and blowing a gale...any moisture i manage to put back in the soil is just disappearing in this wind


    • I may have had more toms for tea but they are sooooooooo good warm and straight off the plant.

      P.S GL you can lurk but you can�t hide........
      Last edited by Lumpy; 28-07-2018, 03:08 PM.
      I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

      Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


      • And the runner beans are over again

        I suspect I'm better off leaving them down until this wind settles a bit. An alternative would be dragging the container so it leans against a wall, and tying the obelisk to a conifer behind it. I may have to do that if it's going to stay windy overnight as I don't want the slugs destroying my runner bean crop just as it's really getting going.


        • On the subject of things falling over
          This morning our beautiful Oleander was a casualty.
          Came back this evening and the neighbors fence was in our garden.
          We grow our runner beans up it grrr
          Nannys make memories


          • Went out to put the runner beans upright again, now the wind has died down a bit only to find that one of my ginger plants has been snapped near the bottom of the main stalk Multiple other pots have gone over too, including several well sheltered ones with low centres of gravity.


            • Corn blew over.......grrr last year the parakeets got most of it before me this year the wind!

              I’ve staked them back up so fingers crossed that roots just pulled through very wet soil and they will recover.


              • Had a long lie in this morning, having slept badly the past few weeks. Then even longer lounging in bed checking the news and my emails. When I finally opened all the curtains about half an hour ago, I was delighted to see my runner beans had survived the night in an upright position.

                Just looked out again and they are down


                • Bloomin farmer muck spraying in field next to us managed to spray our garden all over children's den and splashed on courgettes and raspberries.
                  Another happy Nutter...


                  • Very early this morning I spotted the most perfect tomato I'd ever grown.
                    It was First In The Field (which isn't first in a container on the slabs - hey ho!).
                    The perfect size.
                    The perfect red colour.

                    Untill I picked it and it had a large area of blossom end rot!

                    Oh pig poops!
                    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                    • For the second time have seen one of my neighbours watering the grass verge outside his house. His hose fittings are so duff that most of the water ran down hose, onto pavement and into the gutter. He then intends to run one of those pathetic springy spikey rollers on it.
                      Previously someone had left a humerus note on the verge about the waste.
                      I strolled up and said a lot of water was going past my house, four doors down, and was being wasted and verges didn't need watering anyway. He told me it was his verge and he'd do what he liked. I replied that I thought it belonged to council and his waste could lead to hose bans. He got rather upset used the f word a few times so I left him to it.
                      I prefer rock hard verges as they don't get damaged by vehicles.
                      Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                      • Originally posted by happyhumph View Post
                        Bloomin farmer muck spraying in field next to us managed to spray our garden all over children's den and splashed on courgettes and raspberries.
                        The farmers son - age 21!!!!! - decided to light a fire last week, it's burnt about a 50metre square of grass, took out a load of hedging and for the past 5 days been burning a huge manure pile. I'm sure there are some tyres in there, it's stunk for days - I've got washing drying in the house and I can't open any Windows, I've got an Aga in the kitchen. What a plonker!!! I could seriously kick him up the backside!
                        Last edited by Scarlet; 07-08-2018, 07:47 PM.


                        • ....and to top it off, son has now decided he is going. To learn how to play the saxophone. He's played solidly for 3 hours today!


                          • 30mm of rain in about 30mins. Went out and left the Velux wide open, came back to a flood. I know the floors needed washing but not tonight!!!
                            Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                            • Well, my minor rant is trivial in comparison with all the above but:

                              The dogs have outdone themselves. They're eating my potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. And now they're eating something I never expected: courgettes. And not only the fruit but the growing ends of the plants.

                              There's nothing for it but to put a fence up. Not very pretty, but it's the only way we'll get to eat anything.


                              • Farmer has put dry fertilizer powder on the field and managed to spray it over my apples, sorrel and elephant garlic....
                                Another happy Nutter...


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