Hi peeps, this is a contentious one!
What are your OH's most annoying habits? Cutting the tops off your prize beetroots?

1) leaving wet towels screwed up in the bath
2) when cooking, not putting any of the ingredients away again, like milk back in the fridge
1) filling the bathroom with makeup and hair products
2) drying my knickers on the windowsill (its faster that way, when its raining)
3) putting everything in Tupperware
4) saving all plastic tubs and bottles for reusing at some point in the future
5) hiding or giving away all the sweets and choc he buys for himself
6) putting Chard in every dinner that I can. He hates it, but we have SO MUCH!!
7) buying own brand basics instead of proper branded ones
8) telling him how to change gears on his bike
What are your OH's most annoying habits? Cutting the tops off your prize beetroots?

1) leaving wet towels screwed up in the bath
2) when cooking, not putting any of the ingredients away again, like milk back in the fridge
1) filling the bathroom with makeup and hair products
2) drying my knickers on the windowsill (its faster that way, when its raining)
3) putting everything in Tupperware
4) saving all plastic tubs and bottles for reusing at some point in the future
5) hiding or giving away all the sweets and choc he buys for himself
6) putting Chard in every dinner that I can. He hates it, but we have SO MUCH!!
7) buying own brand basics instead of proper branded ones
8) telling him how to change gears on his bike