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Chatback #16


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  • Morning all, lovely and sunny but breezy. Like Thelma it’s housework for me! Badly needing it too.
    Hope you all have a great day!


    • Good morning,

      Sun is out here. Going to catch up on laundry and house work and maybe try and get down the allotment later when it's all done.

      Have a good day


      • Good morning all
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Morning lottie, you're very quiet today?


          • Good afternoon, hope you are well LD,
            It has been a cool blustery morning but dry, went a walk with the dogs this morning and also had a neighbour's dog with me, after that I washed the kitchen and bathroom floors for OH, then we took the dogs home, while at our sons I suggested going over to the coast for some seaweed and we could have a coffee while over there, after agreeing OH was getting into the car when she said she didn't have her purse with her to which I had to tell her I had some money with me, it must have got quite warm asw when driving over I broke out in a sweat got five bags of seaweed, and said we will go for the coffee, but OH decided she wanted to get home as it looked like it could rain and she had a washing out (ya beauty) so unfortunately I didn't get to buy her a coffee, though we did get home before any rain fell, ah well there is always the next time when I will make sure she has her purse
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Afternoon all. Been busy yet again over the past few days. It was Hannah's birthday yesterday so she got spoilt quite a bit. Then William has been put in The Gold Book at school. So I've been invited to go to his assembly on Friday.
              Managed to get to allotment today to carry on planting my strawberries up. Even with all the rain we have had the ground is still really dry.
              Have some exciting news about the allotment but I am trying to load pics up but can't get them to load up. So going to take pics on my plot and try to load them up at the same time.
              Have a good afternoon everyone


              • Afternoon,bless you Rary & Jayi am fine thankyou,gas man rang to say sorry,will defo come friday am,having dismanteled the hearth and surround,with the aid of lump hammer,chizel and crow bar,i was hoping to be able to get out the old gas fire,at least i hope thats the worst of the dust,i am toying with bricking up the hole and plastering the wall myself,creating the air vent,also got more to dig out in the hearth floor,before it's concreted over,i am a glutton for punishement,only then,can i decorate,i refuse to grow old,i do feel tired though.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
                  i am toying with bricking up the hole and plastering the wall myself,creating the air vent,also got more to dig out in the hearth floor,before it's concreted over,i am a glutton for punishement,only then,can i decorate,i refuse to grow old,i do feel tired though.
                  Go girl go! I did some plastering last year, I'm sure you will manage


                  • Good Morning All Rat man cometh later today - there's more than one, I should have known. Have a good day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Morning it was a cool 7.2c overnight in my GH and its got that nice crisp autumn feel outdoors.
                      Hope the rat man sorts out your problem Flo.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Mornings, bright but cold here as well, warming up slowly now

                        Waiting in this morning for a TELEPHONE dr's appointment. No face to face ones available to tell me the results of my CT scan, apparently
                        I dunno what's going on, but the service just isn't working - no wonder people turn up at A&E if they can't see a GP when they need to. P'raps this bit should have been in the rant thread..

                        Allotment soc/council meeting this after', always 'interesting'

                        Have a good'un


                        • Morning all. Lovely and sunny again today. The breeze yesterday was great as I got two loads of laundry dried.

                          Lottie you put me to shame... go to it girl, age is only a number!!!

                          Hope the rat man sorts out your problem Flo, my friend had the same problem and only realised there were rats about when she saw one on the bird feeder!! Turned out it was the house next door. It's rented out but the last tenant left with the garden and garage stuffed with all sorts of rubbish! Yuk!

                          Hope you all have a lovely day.


                          • Good morning all,rats shivers,hope you get it sorted,this new NHS make your own appointement,is ok but,over a week later i ask how long at the hospital,to be tolled,it's not YET been confirmed,you will get a letter huuuuuuuuuuu,MR chair has arrived,it does look nice have a good day and look after yrselves
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Your lucky Jay as it is raining here and also feels cold just having a quick bite just now then I want to put a shelf into the greenhouse, I will be using wire netting for the shelf as its to hold some plastic watering cans and trays and if I use wood I would finish up using it for heavier stuff, and I really intend tidying up the greenhouse, Well until I get more stuff that I need to keep, just in case
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Two bait boxes down and poison underneath the shed, but he makes another two visits a week apart. He said the apples are not an attraction - great - I picked up 4 builder's bucketfuls last night most with teeth marks and the neighbours said they had seen apples being dragged under the shed! Ugh
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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