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Chatback #16


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  • Mornin n'alln'all
    Only just woken up!...goodness knows which time zone my head thinks it's in!

    The seed swap went really well yesterday. Not so many people (was bitterly cold)but the ones who did come were very enthusiastic and brought some quality items!
    Also have 2 more very keen volunteers to join us with our preparations!...such a relief!

    Need to finish unpacking the cars then start crafting decorations for the first fair in 4weeks

    Halloween tomorrow...good grief, where has October gone?

    See ya later peeps, have a great day whatever you get up to.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 29-10-2018, 11:29 AM. Reason: Norty word replaced by pointy stick
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning All

      Dropped to -2� overnight but a glorious blue sky and sunshine now.

      Got to go shopping today


      • We had a stinker of a frost last night but at least it had the decency to lift quickly this morning. The dahlias have had a real fright but I'll wait a couple of days before lifting them to dry off the tubers. Harvested the last of the tomatoes earlier. It's the crop I miss most when it's gone. . I think it's supposed to be milder tonight so fingers crossed .


        • I was wrong about the frost! Himself went to the car and what had appeared to be condensation was ice - oops. Heavier coat tomorrow
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Good afternoon, a sunny but cold day today again I could put up with this for several weeks but there are now some big clouds overhead so think things are changing, the greenhouse was at -3c this morning showing colder than yesterday yet the heating didn't come on overnight when it was on on Saturday night, I have lifted my dahlias today but not sure whither to try storing in the hut or to bury them I don't have a great deal of storage space and I still have a number of gladioli to lift, though they can be stored in old tights and hung up, need to think on this, right need to go and make the boy's something for eating
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Originally posted by rary View Post
              I have lifted my dahlias today but not sure whither to try storing in the hut or to bury them
              Rary, if burying them, do you dust with sulphur or anything? My better half was gifted some earlier in the year and wants to try to get them through the winter. I'm a veg person and admit that flowers aren't my scene but she has spoken and I need to jump. I was expecting to have them upside down on the greenhouse bench to dry out, to then dust with sulphur and then store in trays in a frost free place. Burying them to keep them frost free appeals to me. I've frequently done that with spuds and beetroot.


              • I put mine in pots of compost and plunge the pots in the greenhouse border, works for me


                • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                  Rary, if burying them, do you dust with sulphur or anything? My better half was gifted some earlier in the year and wants to try to get them through the winter. I'm a veg person and admit that flowers aren't my scene but she has spoken and I need to jump. I was expecting to have them upside down on the greenhouse bench to dry out, to then dust with sulphur and then store in trays in a frost free place. Burying them to keep them frost free appeals to me. I've frequently done that with spuds and beetroot.
                  Have you any idea how much sulphur costs
                  No I don't use sulphur, though I will dust with cinnamon, (my OH buys it so saves me money)
                  Bury them about a foot deep in the soil, if I can get straw I will bed them with that then cover with soil, but I don't think it really is necessary, just do the same is you do with the potatoes as the consistency of the tuber and potato are about the same, as if any of them get caught with frost they go to mush, if you think the frost is too severe you can always cover the ground with some protection to safeguard your plants, I find it a better way of keeping them, you bury them and no need to keep monitoring them over the following months
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Can't sleep so got up early. Pootling around the Web looking for a recipe for lamb's lettuce soup of all things. It's all squashed, so soup is all it's good for. Never heard of such a thing but I have found recipes, so I might give it a go. Might not tell Mr Snoop what it is though...

                    Had to take one of the dogs to the vet's yesterday. She has a mastocytoma on one leg. Fortunately, it hasn't metastasised (vet thinks). And fortunately we have the funds for treatment. A few years back and we might not have. Must be terrible for some folks having to make decisions like this.

                    First frost this morning. Hard enough for ice to form on standing water. And hard enough ice for it to need a good prod for it to break through.

                    Got water on the go for washing-up. So I'll get on with that.

                    Have a great day, everyone.


                    • Good Morning SP and All You're up and about early SP! It's starting to rain here but warmer than yesterday. We're off for petrol. Have a good day All
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all. Same here Flo, 5 degrees and spitting.

                        Enjoy your day folks
                        Location ... Nottingham


                        • Everybody in it's spittin'!
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Mawning all,grey and damp here,poor dog SP,no idea what it is,such long words,hope things go well,have a good day what ever your up to.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Mornin n'alln'all
                              We had that rain last night! Looks like the lawns will be too wet today to be mown...again.
                              Not complaining...honest!...I'd rather be mowing than it looks like that's on the books for today.
                              * wonders if there is anything decent to watch on TV at the same time.....

                              Snoop...we often make lettuce soup (makes you wee though!)
                              We just fry up onions, add stock/tin of tons, chuck in any veg and a pile of chopped lettuce. It comes out looking like veg soup with green bits in it. Often add a bit of small pieces of pasta to bulk it up and maybe some fried lardons...then grated cheese on top.
                              Just tell Mr Snoop it's a French recipe! te he....
                              Last edited by Nicos; 30-10-2018, 09:08 AM.
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Mornings!
                                Snoop, I hope things go well for poorly doggy, such shame when they not well

                                It's grey cold and drizzly again here, not nice at all, Mollycat turned round and came back in - I can't say I blame her.
                                I'm going to sort out my wardrobe, putting all the summer stuff away and getting out the winter stuff. We seem to have missed autumn altogether
                                Think there will be stuff for the charity shop as well, now I've lost weight. Eat less, save money and lose weight - then have to spend more money buying new clothes. Is that fair


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