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Chatback #16


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  • Mornin n'alln'all

    Just let a hyperactive Hibou out....
    Blinking 'ek it's cold out there!

    We have a crystal clear sky at the moment.
    I looked out for shooting stars for a few minutes but wasn't' lucky. Tis too cold to stand outside for too long.
    Venus however is amazingly bright low down to the East.

    Both woodfires are still burning so the house is toasty....

    What a lovely way for the week to start!

    Kettle's on....toast today?

    See ya later peeps...enjoy your day...not long til 'you know when'!!!!!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good Morning All Running late! Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning All

        Horrid shopping today Weather is bright but mild compared to yesterday...currently 6.5�

        Can't really grumble as I spent the weekend over the plots....had the brazier going yesterday and enjoyed some hot chestnuts


        • Mornings!

          Not as cold under cloud last night, although my feet were freezing in bed - had to put thick socks on
          This morning it's 7C with dark grey sky, so an indoor day today apart from a dash to the Co op for milk and the paper.

          Have a good'un


          • Morning all.

            Just had the police at the door looking for a previous occupant of our house. Three of them. Well I wasn't too pleasant to them and let them know that we'd complained about repeated visits here looking for peope - not us - previously. Been here 2�years now. Blooming ridiculous and heaven knows what the neighbours think. growllllll.

            Anyway, morning all, bit dreich out but no actual precipitation. Just about to head in to the city to let her ladyship do some Christmas shopping. Place will probably be mobbed but it will be worse later on so needs must.

            I really should take Rary's advice and pass on a smile but I'm not smiling yet


            • anyone else having difficulty posting? I compose my post and try to post and nowt happens


              • AP, if your neighbours know what the previous occupants were like, they probablly know why the police have been visiting.

                Billion things to do today. So just dropping in for a quick visit. Lovely to hear Hibou snoring, Nicos.

                Hope you all have a good day and that you get your smile back soon, AP.


                • Morning all, hope you are all well! It was really cold last night but I couldn�t be bothered getting up to put a blanket on so just froze! It�s not much warmer now. It was a beautiful day yesterday, lovely and sunny.
                  As I haven�t been on much lately I�ve a lot of catching up to do so catch you later!
                  Enjoy your day folks.


                  • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                    anyone else having difficulty posting? I compose my post and try to post and nowt happens
                    Been happening to me as well, assumed problem was my PC! If I click scroll down then reply button again it works - weird....


                    • Just tell them its the guard detail for the show veg AP, in an old house we used to get plagued my debt collectors for previous owners.


                      • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                        anyone else having difficulty posting? I compose my post and try to post and nowt happens
                        Seems OK here...
                        Has it sorted itself out yet?
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
                          Been happening to me as well, assumed problem was my PC! If I click scroll down then reply button again it works - weird....
                          You too?...
                          Anyone else?
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Arternoon all, early start in town, SWMBO was at the opticians or whatever they call themselves these days and I had a mooch(doesn't take long in Arbroath). We have cool and grey with next to no wind, so useless for fishing or photography. Fed the birds and made up the fire, probably won't step outside for the rest of the day, be dark soon.


                            • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                              Seems OK here...
                              Has it sorted itself out yet?
                              Dunno, just back from shopping

                              edit note:-

                              yups that worked but it wouldn't react when I went to edit until I scrolled down and clicked edit again. That is well weird
                              Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 19-11-2018, 04:25 PM.


                              • Now for my weird sense of humour. Picture the door into Marks and Spencer in Aberdeen. I kid you not there were two artificial Reindeer parked at the door. To me, M&S is far too expensive to shop in so are they giving a subliminal message to their customers to that effect..i.e. too dear


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